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Wiki Tidbits

Deleting wiki pages

These are the directions I use for deleting pages on an intranet moinmoin wiki I administer. These directions assume you have a login on the host machine, allowing you to temporarily turn on a flag in a config file that let's you delete a page and then turn it off (making it safe since it's only temporarily enabled). I've tried to adapt them for this (jython) wiki.

First of all, if you aren't in the MoinPagesEditorGroup, you'll need to contact an admin, and remind them to follow the directions on this page.

To delete a wiki page:

#acl MoinPagesEditorGroup:read,delete

Note: is probably here, <wiki home>/moin/<wiki name>


*Linking to anchors on another page
you must use an "interwiki" style link.

[wiki:Self:SomePage/SomeSubPage#someBookmark bookmarkDisplayText]

[[FootNote(This is a sample footnote [look for it at the bottom of the page].)]]
Must be separated from the prior word by a space.


Eclipse notes

[wiki:Self:JythonDeveloperGuide/EclipseNotes Eclipse notes] <- link on arbitrary text
JythonDeveloperGuide/EclipseNotes                           <- wiki style link

with code font



without code font



print "jython rocks!"                
} } } <-- don't include these spaces (it's just to escape them)

`print "jython rocks!"`

  1. This is a sample footnote [look for it at the bottom of the page]. (1)