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Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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it's generally a good idea to make exposed methods final. This ensures that | it's generally **a good idea to make exposed methods final**. This ensures that |
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calls the same code when accessed directly off of the type. | calls the same code when accessed directly off of the type. Also, exposed methods should avoid to call other virtual methods, directly or indirectly, unless the interactions with subclasses overriding the invoked methods are clearly documented and understood. |
How to Expose Python Types from Java
Starting in Jython 2.5, Python type are exposed from Java code by adding several different annotations to fields and methods on the Java class to define the fields and methods that will be visible on the resulting Python type. A bytecode processor then adds code to the compiled class to build the type's dict and descriptors. An Ant task, org.python.expose.generate.ExposeTask, handles finding the classes to expose, running the processor on them, and writing them back out. This document describes how to use this type exposing system.
Adding @ExposedType and generating bytecode
The first step in exposing a class is to use the org.python.expose.ExposedType annotation on the actual class to indicate that it should be exposed. This annotation goes on the class itself and has two optional fields. The first, name, defines what the type will be called in Python. If it isn't specified, the type's name is just assumed to be the same as the Java class name. The second field, base, indicates the base type this type extends. It must be another Java class that's likewise been annotated with @ExposedType and sets up the type hierarchy in Python. If unspecified, it's assumed that this type extends from the base newstyle Python type, object. Unlike classes defined in Python code, types defined in Java can only use single inheritance.
Once the class has @ExposedType on it, it can be fed into the type bytecode processor to fill in the additional bytecode necessary to actually make the class work as a type. The resulting type won't have any fields or methods defined on it, but they can be added later. To make the Ant task aware of it, the newly exposed class needs to be added to CoreExposed.includes file in the base of the jython checkout. CoreExposed just contains a single line for each file to be exposed with the full class name as a path in it, ie org/python/core/PyObject.class for PyObject. After adding the class to CoreExposed, executing ant will compile the code and process the new bytecode.
Exposing methods with @ExposedMethod
To actually add methods to the type, they need to be exposed with org.python.expose.ExposedMethod. @ExposedMethod can be applied to non-static methods on the class that are public, protected or package protected. When the bytecode processor encounters an @ExposedMethod, it generates a new inner class extending PyMethodDescriptor that simply calls the annotated method when bound. Because it's being called from a method descriptor, and Python method descriptors are available on types regardless of their location in the inheritance hierarchy, it's generally a good idea to make exposed methods final. This ensures that subclasses won't override the behavior of the method, so the descriptor always calls the same code when accessed directly off of the type. Also, exposed methods should avoid to call other virtual methods, directly or indirectly, unless the interactions with subclasses overriding the invoked methods are clearly documented and understood.
The generated descriptor maps the generic PyObject __call__ method into the actual exposed method. Like __call__, it will pass up to four arguments directly to the method. If more than four arguments are required, the method must take the generic __call__ arguments, PyObject[], String[]. For methods with four or less arguments, the descriptor will also coerce its PyObject arguments into Strings or Java primitives if the method takes that type. If the PyObject can't be coerced to that type, a TypeException will be raised. If the argument isn't a String or primitive, it must be a regular PyObject and the method must do its own type checking.
The return type from the method can be coerced in a similar fashion. Returns of String and char will be wrapped in a PyString; int, byte and short in PyInteger; long in PyLong; float and double in PyFloat; and boolean in PyBoolean. If the method returns void, PyNone will be returned in its place. If it doesn't return any of these types, it must return PyObject.
As with @ExposeType, there are several fields on @ExposedMethod that control how it appears in Python. The names field operates similarly to the name field on @ExposedType, except that it accepts multiple values in case the method needs to appear under multiple names in the type. For instance, the method int_toString on PyInteger is exposed with names = {"__repr__", "__str__"} as it works as both __repr__ and __str__ for int. If names isn't specified, the Java method's name is used to determine what the method will be exposed as. If the name starts with the type name followed by an underscore, the method will be exposed as the portion of its name following the underscore. This allows final, package protected methods to be specified for types that on PyObject as well without requiring setting the name on all of them. For example, PyInteger's exposed method int___add__ doesn't set names, so it appears in its type dict as __add__. If the method name doesn't start with the type name and an underscore, it's just exposed as the full method name.
The next field, defaults, allows the method to specify that some of its arguments are optional, and if they aren't supplied, what values fill in. If the Java method takes three arguments, and two defaults are given in the annotation, it can be called from Python with anywhere from one to three arguments. If only one argument is given, the first default is used for the second argument, and the second default for the third argument. If two arguments are given, the second default is again used for the third argument. If three arguments are given, the defaults are ignored. If only a single default is given, it will only be used for the final argument. As with argument coercion, defaults can only be used with methods taking up to four arguments. The defaults can take three types of values:
- null
- the String null produces a Java null
- Py.None
- the String Py.None produces the Python None value
- primitive
- if the method takes a Java primitive(boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float or double) in the default's position, the string will be parsed using the primtive type's Java wrapper(ie java.lang.Boolean for boolean)
The final field on @ExposedMethod is type. This field takes one of three MethodType enums. The aptly named default value, DEFAULT, indicates that the method descriptor should simply call the exposed method and return using the normal coercion directly. BINARY indicates that the method is a binary operation like __add__ or __sub__. For these types, the descriptor checks if the method returned null, and if so, it raises a NotImplemented exception. This is generally used in the case where the binary method doesn't handle the passed in type. The CMP type is only for __cmp__ methods. If used, it checks if the method returns -2, and if so, raises a TypeException. This is the same sort of type check that BINARY is doing with null.
Exposing fields with @ExposedGet, @ExposedSet and @ExposedDelete
A trio of annotations are used to expose a field on a type, each handling a different aspect of accessing the field. @ExposedGet takes care of read access. It can be applied to a method that takes no arguments and returns a value, or to a field. If on a method, that method will be called every time read access is made on that field on instances of the type. If on a field, the descriptor will just directly access that field on the instance and return it. @ExposedSet can also be applied to a field or a method. If used on a method, the method must take a single argument of the same type as the @ExposedGet with the same name. @ExposedDelete is only allowed on methods that return void and take no arguments. If specified, when del typeinstance.fieldname is invoked in Python, that delete method will be called. Neither @ExposedDelete or @ExposedSet can be used if an @ExposedGet of the same doesn't exist on the type. The names of the exposed field can be specified as name in the annotation, or if that isn't specified the name is taken directly from the name of the field or method.
Making the type instantiable with @ExposedNew
The final step in making a Java class usable as a Python type is to make the type instantiable by adding a __new__ method to it. This is done with the @ExposedNew annotation. If there is no @ExposedNew in the class, the type won't be instantiable from Python. It can still be created from Java by calling its constructors directly. See org.python.core.PyNone for an example of this. However in most cases, a type should be creatable from Python so it needs an @ExposedNew. There are two ways it can be used, a simple way for types that allow their subtypes to completely override the __new__ process, and a more complicated version for types that need to have their __new__ invoked by every subclass.
In the simple form, @ExposedNew is applied to an instance method that takes the standard Jython call arguments, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords. In this form, the basic new functionality is handled by org.python.core.PyOverridableNew and the method annotated with @ExposedNew is called as __init__ as part of that process for instantiating the defined type directly. This allows subtypes to completely redefine new and create objects however they like.
In the more complex form, @ExposedNew must be applied to a static method that takes the arguments PyNewWrapper new_, boolean init, PyType subtype, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords. In this case, the method has full responsibility for creating and initting the object and will be invoked for every subtype of this exposed type. Essentially it's for object instantation that must be called for every instance of that object. See PyInteger's int_new for an example of this type of @ExposedNew.
With either form, there can be only one @ExposedNew per class.
Final Step
The generated code is invoked from the static block of the exposed class, so that static block must be run for the exposed type to be used. Unfortunately, Java doesn't invoke the static block whenever a class is referenced as a constant like having PyObject.class in your code. Instead it waits for something on the class to be accessed, either a static field or method or through the creation of an instance. To make sure the exposed type functions properly, you must access a field on the class before any Python code attempts to use the type. To do this for builtin Jython types, we've been adding a static field like public static final PyType TYPE = PyType.fromClass(<whatever the class is>.class); and then using that field to load the type into the module where it lives ie for adding the list type to the builtins we call dict.__setitem__("list", PyList.TYPE); as it's filling the builtins dict.