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Editor: M28A
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== Python for Programmers ==
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The tutorials on this page are aimed at people who have previous experience with other programming languages (C, Perl, Lisp, Visual Basic, etc.). Also of potential interest are such related Beginners Guides as [[BeginnersGuide/Overview|BeginnersGuide/Overview]] and [[BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers|BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers]], and the tips in [[MovingToPythonFromOtherLanguages|MovingToPythonFromOtherLanguages]].

== Books, Websites, Tutorials (non-interactive) ==
 * [[|After Hours Programming's Python Introduction]] A beginners introduction into Python.
 * [[|Basic to Advanced Tutorial]] A good tutorial on Python especially for the beginners.
 * [[|Free python tips and tutorials]] Python tips and tutorials for beginners and professional programmers.
 * [[|Get started Arabic Tutorials]] Useful tools , tutorials and code samples. Python 101 introduces the basic data types, and 201 covers particular tasks such as parsing text and writing unit tests.
 * [[|Google's Python Class]] - Google's Python tutorial for "people with a little bit of programming experience"
 * [[|Interactive tutorial on Python]] A tutorial for beginners with interactive examples.
 * [[|Intro to Python]] - A Brief Presentation about Python mainly aimed at experienced programmers. Might be nice as a first pass over the language.
 * [[|Instant Python]] A minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland.
 * [[|Lark's Tongue Guide to Python]] - This guide uses simple games to teach Python.
 * [[|Learn Python in 10 minutes]]
 * [[|Python 2 & 3 Quick-Guides]] A fast and efficient guide, with many examples, for quickly learning many tricks of Python.
 * [[|Python 101 - Beginning Python]] and [[|Python 201 - (Slightly) Advanced Python]] Two self-training courses from Dave Kuhlman.
 * [[|Python Course]] - This online Python course is aiming at beginners and with advanced topics at experienced programmers as well.
 * [[|Python for Programmers]] - for "Professional programmers who need to learn Python "
 * [[|Python Koans]] Learn Python through TDD
 * [[|Python Programming for Beginners]] A short introduction to writing command-line applications in Python by Jacek Artymiak.
 * [[|Python Essential Reference]] (book) If you want a highly compressed K&R-style 'just the facts' overview, David Beazley's "Python Essential Reference" covers practically all of the language in about a hundred pages.
 * [[|Python one touch Arabic tutorials]].
 * [[|Python Short Course]] A set of course slides by Richard P. Muller of Caltech that are aimed at scientific users. For example, the first example is a script to process output from a quantum chemistry simulation.
 * [[|Python Tutorial]] This tutorial is part of Python's documentation set and is updated with each new release.
 * [[ComparingTypes|ComparingTypes]] Quick look at some common programming types for python and other languages
 * [[|Software Carpentry]]: lectures aimed at scientists and engineers.
 * [[|Wikibook:Python Programming]]
 * [[|Wikiversity:Python]] The Wiki(anything) information about Python.

== Interactive Tools and Lessons ==

 * [[|Computer Science Circles]]
 * [[|LearnStreet: Free online Python tutorials and practice exercises]]
 * [[|How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Interactive Edition]]
 * [[|Interactive tutorials for scientific programming using Python]]
 * [[|Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python]] (second-level course)
 * [[|Python visualizer tool]]

== Python Video Tutorials ==
  * [[|Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python]] (14 videos - German)
 * [[|'Getting started with Python']] blog series at [[ShowMeDo|ShowMeDo]], includes articles on 'Python Development Environments' and 'Python Under-The-Hood'
 * [[|Google's Python class]]
 * [[|MIT's 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming]] (in Python)
 * The [[|Khan Academy computer science]] playlist teaches Python.
  * [[|A Guide to Python Resources on the Web]] (2 videos)
  * [[|Python 101 - easygui and csv]] - Aimed at new/intermediate Pythonistas showing how to build a full application in Python (part of the Club)
  * [[|Python Development on XP]] (9 videos, part of the Club) Aimed at new/intermediate Pythonistas
  * [[|Python GUI Programming with wxPython]] (3 videos)
 * [[|]]: Over 240 Python programming screencasts, most are free, most are a part of [[|Club ShowMeDo]], all will teach you about Python programming:
 * [[]|TheNewBoston Python Tutorials]] Recommended for novice programmers.
 * [[|uDemy's - Learn Python (for Beginners)]] As a Home Improvement expert for upwards of 45 years I come equipped with a great deal of expertise and know-how. I have received numerous accolades in my work. I am currently utilizing all of the knowledge I've obtained to help others with their own undertakings. Regardless of whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro I have really useful observations I'm able to provide you with. If you need to stay up to date with the latest happenings in the industry or you simply want information on gutter installation stop by this site now.
  • As a Home Improvement expert for upwards of 45 years I come equipped with a great deal of expertise and know-how. I have received numerous accolades in my work. I am currently utilizing all of the knowledge I've obtained to help others with their own undertakings. Regardless of whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro I have really useful observations I'm able to provide you with. If you need to stay up to date with the latest happenings in the industry or you simply want information on gutter installation stop by this site now.

BeginnersGuide/Programmers (last edited 2024-03-03 16:02:54 by MatsWichmann)

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