this is a german Web-Mirror of PYTHON.ORG powered by Domainunion AG

Differences between revisions 16 and 29 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2004-11-27 05:38:57
Size: 1311
Editor: 212-32-244-232
Comment: extract Italian translation to separate page
Revision 29 as of 2015-01-10 23:00:10
Size: 1522
Comment: removed spam
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 5: Line 5:
 * [[Powerful Python One-Liners]]
Line 6: Line 7:
 * HandlingExceptions, WritingExceptionClasses   * HandlingExceptions, WritingExceptionClasses
Line 17: Line 18:
 * ["Generators"]  * [[Generators]]
 * LeeEdwin/DownloadCenter - programs by LeeEdwin
 * LeeEdwin/CodeShare - another place to post your code
 * [[lwickjr/Modules]]/Alias - an alias facility for I.D.L.E.
 * [[lwickjr/Modules]]/Edit - an editor enhancement for I.D.L.E.
 * [[lwickjr/Modules]]/UT - a collection of miscellaneous utility functions.
 * [[PowerPiano17/Doodles]] - Various "Doodles" made in Python.

 * [[BytesIO]] - Like StringIO but for raw bytes.
 * GnuPrivacyGuard - Pointers to various Python module interfaces to GPG.
Line 20: Line 30:

Here are some links to some other Python-related sites that have code examples:

 * [ ActiveState's Python Cookbook]
 * [ Python faqts]
 * [ Useless Python]
 * [ Vaults of Parnassus]
 * [ Python Package Index]

See also: Italian translation at ["Codice"]
For a list of other sites providing Python code, see PublishingPythonModules; for some recommendations, see UsefulModules.

There's a lot of useful code out there that's not big enough to be its own module or its own project, but still useful for various purposes.

Until we get a lot of code, this little page can serve as a useful focal point.

For a list of other sites providing Python code, see PublishingPythonModules; for some recommendations, see UsefulModules.

Code (last edited 2015-01-10 23:00:10 by WolfgangMaier)

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