[[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI8tNMsozo0|Simplicity matters]], that's why [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagram|a picture]] is worth a thousand words. Here are some tools written in Python or just open source, that will help to make your ideas and architecture accessible to the rest of the world. * [[http://www.asciiflow.com/|Asciiflow]] - online editor for Ascii diagrams (Java, GWT + GAE, BSD) * [[http://blockdiag.com/en/|blockdiag]] - diagram images enerator by Takeshi Komiya (Python, Apache 2.0) You can also draw ASCII diagrams by hand using [[http://farmanager.com|Far Manager (Windows, BSD)]]: 1. Shift-F4, open or create new file 2. F11, call plugin menu 3. D, use Draw lines plugin 4. Shift-Arrows to draw lines and boxes 5. F1, if you're lost