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FredrikLundh has pages which he calls "work in progress", but
which readers are certain to find helpful:
The latter explicitly extends Tkinter through use of Tcl.
Also, Gustavo Cordero is working in this same area; his work
is likely to show up in the Tcl-ers' Wiki for
[ Tkinter].

Describe How Tkinter can exploit Tcl/Tk extensions here.


["Tcl"]/["Tk"] developers have constructed many interesting widget sets which extend Tk's basic functionality. A few of these--["Tix"], for example--are reasonably well known and accessible to Tkinter users. What about the rest? When a Tkinter programmers sees a promising Tk extension, is it likely to do him or her any good?

Briefly, yes. First, it's important to make the distinction between so-called "pure Tk" extensions and those that involve (external) C-coded compilation. Quite a few useful widgets sets, most notably including ["BWidgets"] and ["tklib"], are "pure Tk". That means that Tcl/Tk programmers simply read them in at run time, with no need for (re-)compilation, configuration, or other deployment complexities.

These extensions are nearly as easy for Tkinter programmers to use. Here's an example: . . .

On the other hand, Tix and ["BLT"] are popular Tk extensions which require compilation. . . .

FredrikLundh has pages which he calls "work in progress", but which readers are certain to find helpful: and The latter explicitly extends Tkinter through use of Tcl. Also, Gustavo Cordero is working in this same area; his work is likely to show up in the Tcl-ers' Wiki for [ Tkinter].

How Tkinter can exploit Tcl/Tk extensions (last edited 2014-03-14 03:48:56 by DaleAthanasias)

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