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jim sent this email to the participants... see also PyconZ3SprintQuestions

Subject: PyCon Sprint Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 06:46:31 -0500 From: Jim Fulton (snip) To: (snip)


Sprint participants, meet the other sprint participants. :)

This is a reminder that we'll be sprinting at PyCon this coming Monday and Tuesday. We'll start at 9am both days. I don't know how late we'll be able to stay in the rooms. We'll have to play that by ear. I hope we can make these somewhat long days.

The sprint will be at the same location as the rest of the conference. We don't know the exact room yet, so you need to show up a little early on Monday to allow a little extra time to find the room.

I'll start by giving the Zope 3 programmer's tutorial. I'm going to try and do this pretty quickly (say 2-3 hours), since we only have two days to sprint. We'll then probably spend an hour or two in discussions before we actually commense sprinting.

The focus of this sprint will be I18n. If anyone really prefers to work on something else, please let me know. I'd like Stephan and Barry to plan to spend some time summarizing the status of I18n support in Zope and Python. (Stephan and Barry, I'll have a projector if you want to use slides.) You should also review:





My goals for the sprint:

- Review and refine the existing I18n interfaces used for Zope 3

- Create an example Zope 3 application that demonstrates use of the

- Implement facilities to support internationalization of strings in Zope

I look forward to seeing you Monday Morning!



JimsPyconSprintMessage (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:09 by localhost)