= Leo = ''the '''L'''eonine '''E'''ditor with '''O'''utlines - http://leoeditor.com/'' == Overview == Leo is a power tool for people who want to organize, study and work with data, especially complex data like computer programs, books, web sites and data bases. Superficially, Leo may look like other outlining programs, code folding editors or class browsers, but it most certainly is not. People say Leo is a revolutionary tool, and that Leo is fun to use, even addictive. There is a unique “Leo way” of managing data; the term ''Leonine'' describes how people treat data in “the world according to Leo”. Leo definitely takes a bit of work to understand. Leo’s users speak of an “Aha” moment, when they see how these pieces fit together: outline structure is significant everywhere. Leo is... * An outline-oriented browser and project manager that organizes * programs, web sites, URL's, pictures, movies or any other kind of data * Can organize your data in as many ways as you like within a single outline * A programmer's editor that fully integrates outline structure with programming * [[http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/scripting.html | Fully scriptable]] using Python. Leo's core is 100% pure Python * Plays well with others: * there's an [[http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/IPythonBridge.html|ipython bridge]], * an [[http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/emacs.html|emacs leo]] 'server', * you can use [[http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/vimBindings.html|vim key bindings]], * and [[http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/leoBridge.html|embed leo]] in another program. * Portable. Leo runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS X * Requires the PyQt widget set * Outline files are XML format * Open Software, distributed under the MIT License * Has an active community of helpful users and developers