I am a veteran Python and Zope evangelist and trainer based in São Paulo, Brazil. Since 1994 I've been developing content-rich web sites. I discovered Python while looking for a better way to do object-oriented web development after trying to do it in Perl and Java. I developed the first IDG Brasil dynamic news site in Zope in early 1999. After founding and managing a pioneering Zope company in Brasil (Hiperlógica 1999-2003), I decided to focus on training and education. I am now a senior instructor at [[http://simplesconsultoria.com.br/|Simples Consultoria]]. I am the author of a popular Portuguese-language short tutorial which teaches basic programming with Python, [[http://www.pythonbrasil.com.br/moin.cgi/AprendaProgramar|Aprenda a Programar]] (Learn to program). Also, I led the team who translated [[http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/|How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python]] to Portuguese ([[http://pensarpython.incubadora.fapesp.br/|translation]]). Recently I created the [[http://turing-club.org|Turing Club]] to promote computer programming as a hobby, and between March-May of 2007 we held our first public workshop at SESC Pinheiros, a major culture and arts center in São Paulo. I am now a 4th-year undergrad student of Library Sciences at the Universidade de São Paulo. I just earned a Google Summer of Code scholarship to develop Circulante, a P2P library to promote book lending among friends. Circulante will be developed in Grok / Zope 3. CategoryHomepage