Attachment ''
Download 1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 #
3 # v2.0 fixed error with perl scripts; added applescript support
4 # v2.1 fixed error if no selection; now just inserts a comment marker in the text
5 # v2.2 Added commments and started added html support
6 #
7 # -- PB User Script Info --
8 # %%%{PBXName=Un/Commenter Python}%%%
9 # %%%{PBXInput=AllText}%%%
10 # %%%{PBXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%
11 # %%%{PBXKeyEquivalent=@/}%%%
13 import os, re, sys
15 def main():
16 start = %%%{PBXSelectionStart}%%%
17 finish = %%%{PBXSelectionEnd}%%%
18 # sys.stderr.write("start: %s\nfinish: %s\n" % (start, finish))
19 # stdin has AllText
20 # need to get this even if no selection otherwise XCode quits!
21 inputLines = sys.stdin.readlines()
22 firstLine = inputLines[0]
23 text = "".join(inputLines)
24 selection = text[start:finish]
26 # Commment styles
27 # Applescript comment
28 aComment = r'--'
29 # Python and Perl comment
30 pComment = r'#'
31 # C comment
32 cComment = r'//'
33 # HTML comment: not implemented
34 hOpenCommment = r'<!--'
35 hCloseCommment = r'-->'
36 commentString = cComment
37 # test using filename suffix
38 filename = r"%%%{PBXFilePath}%%%"
39 fileNameRegex = re.compile(r".*(?P<suffix>py|pl|sh|applescript)$", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
40 match =
41 if match:
42 # will match shell to default
43 suffix ='suffix')
44 if suffix == "py" or suffix == "pl":
45 commentString = pComment
46 elif suffix == "applescript":
47 commentString = aComment
48 else:
49 # determine the type of file we have by looking for the #! line at the top
50 # careful--it might already be commented out!
51 # test first line
52 allTextRegex = re.compile(r"""
53 ^([#]|//)* # it may be commented out
54 \s*.* # whitespace
55 (?P<script>python|perl|sh) # look for shell
56 .* # following characters
57 """, re.VERBOSE) # | re.IGNORECASE)
58 match =
59 if match:
60 script ='script')
61 if script == "python" or script == "perl":
62 commentString = pComment
64 lines = selection.splitlines()
65 if lines:
66 # add or remove comment markers depending on the state of the first line of the selection
67 # if it is uncommented, comment all lines. If it is commented, remove comment markers, if present
68 commentRegex = re.compile(r"^[" + commentString + r"]+(?P<text>.*)$")
69 commentStringPresent = commentRegex.match(lines[0])
71 for i in range(len(lines)):
72 line = lines[i]
73 if commentStringPresent:
74 # remove comment markers
75 m = commentRegex.match(line)
76 if m:
77 if commentStringPresent:
78 lines[i] ='text')
79 else:
80 lines[i] = commentString + line
81 else:
82 # prefix with comment
83 lines[i] = commentString + line
84 replacement = os.linesep.join(lines)
85 else:
86 replacement = commentString
87 output = "%s%s%s" % (r"%%%{PBXSelection}%%%", replacement, r"%%%{PBXSelection}%%%")
88 if selection and (selection[-1] == os.linesep):
89 output = output + os.linesep
90 sys.stdout.write(output)
92 # main area
93 if __name__ == "__main__":
94 main()
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