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Differences between revisions 9 and 10
Revision 9 as of 2009-10-06 22:49:46
Size: 1027
Editor: toledo
Comment: Small gramatical refactoring
Revision 10 as of 2010-05-27 03:06:00
Size: 686
Editor: S01060011950c3469
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The very feature-rich, multi-platform editor for scripting languages by ActiveState, Komodo Edit, was released as a zero-cost but closed-sourced application in November of 2007. The very feature-rich, multi-platform editor for scripting languages by ActiveState, Komodo Edit, was released as a zero-cost and open-sourced application in November of 2007.
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* "Komodo Snapdragon" is/was an idea to do something with the open-sourced Komodo codebase other than a typical editor/IDE. The idea was to leverage Komodo's Mozilla underpinnings to do something "interesting" for web development. As a previous editor of this page indicated, Snapdragon is indeed current vaporware. Komodo Edit is not.

The very feature-rich, multi-platform editor for scripting languages by ActiveState, Komodo Edit, was released as a zero-cost and open-sourced application in November of 2007.

Komodo Edit is fully built out of this source tree:

To try to help alleviate some confusion:

* OpenKomodo is the chosen name for Komodo-related things that have been open sourced -- all of which is in the repository.

* The website is meant to provide details about open-source Komodo things.

* The primary open source Komodo IDE is the "Komodo Edit" editor.

OpenKomodo (last edited 2011-01-15 13:08:15 by techtonik)

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