#acl All:read Nearby states are Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa. = Places to send the CFP = == Local user groups == * Chicago Java user group (done) * [[http://www.cnug.org|Chicago .NET user group]] (done) * chicago.pm.org (done) * [[http://www.chicagolug.org/|Chicago GNU/Linux]] (done) * [[http://luni.org/|Northern Illinois Linux]] (done) * [[http://chiphpug.php.net/contact.php|PHP User Group]] (done) == Local CS departments == * [[http://www1.cs.uic.edu/CSweb/public/home.php?audience=public&label=|UIC]] (done) * [[http://www.csu.edu/macs/facultyandstaff.htm|Chicago State]] (done) * [[http://www.luc.edu/cs/index.shtml|Loyola]] (Andrew Harrington is on the faculty -- leaving it up to him) * [[http://csc.uis.edu/|U. of Illinois at Springfield]] (done) * [[http://cs.engr.uiuc.edu/|U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]] (done) * [[http://www.cs.niu.edu/|U. of Northern Illinois]] (done) == Women in Technology == * Linuxchix (done) * [[http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/|Debian Women]] (done) * [[http://athena.systers.org/researcHers/|researcHers]] (done -- system error on e-mail) * [[http://www.igda.org/women/|Women in Game Development]] (done) * gnome-women (done) ---- CategoryPyConPlanning