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A tool for parsing the wiki source for the PyCon2006/FinalSchedule page is available in the Python SVN repository's sandbox from the sandbox/pycon directory. The script is called

Run the to fetch the current wiki source for the PyCon2006/FinalSchedule; the script will save it as FinalSchedule in the current directory. takes this file on standard input, and can generate several different output formats, chosen by the --format=<whatever> switch. The available formats are:

Please feel free to submit patches that add new output formats. If you have commit privileges, feel free to just check in changes that add new formats.

Additional formats I would like to see:

Example invocation:

./ --format=html <FinalSchedule >schedule.html


PyCon2006/ScheduleData (last edited 2008-11-15 14:01:22 by localhost)

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