#acl All:read #format rst **Page for PyCon 2009 meetings:** `PyCon2009/Organizers_Meetings`_ Meetings will be held every other week on Tuesday. .. Alternate Tuesdays will have `PyCon Tech meetings `_. Meetings are held via IRC. We use the '#pycon' channel on irc.freenode.net. `Connection details (instructions) here `__. There is a `"PyCon 2008 Planning" Google calendar `__. If you want write access, ask David Goodger or Chris McAvoy (or just ask on `the pycon-organizers list `__). `Private PyCon Organizers' wiki `_ (join pycon-organizers and ask for the user/password info). Agendas For Organizers' Meetings =================================== (Please add items below.) .. use blank lines between list levels! April 1st, 2008 ---------------- * Bathroom switch of womens room to mens room (gloria) * Surveyed females would rather have the convenient women's room turn co-ed, and a dedicated women's room on another floor. * next year: no choice on 'record/distribute' - proposal is that anything submitted, talked about, presented, written on the wall is distributable. discuss. (carl) * opt-out option for presenters * burden then gets put on presenters, rather than organizers * newcomers to the planning group - how does this work? how can we help? (mel) * pycon 2009 site - ETA to live? March 11th, 2008 ---------------- * Shopping list requests * Power setup? * Volunteer Coverage * Registration issues: * Report of higher price at the DoubleTree; refund requested. * Refund requested for medical reasons * Talk schedule gap * What haven't we covered that needs covering? March 4th, 2008 ------------------- * Resolving the outstanding invoices. * PyCon 2010 meeting @ PyCon 2008 (Scheduling, agenda?) February 26th, 2008 ------------------- * Food Status(? -- carried over from last meeting) * PyCon 2010 bid process February 19, 2008 ----------------- * Food Status (Skip is *still* waiting to hear back from CTE. Ewa tells me "soon". Do we have any leverage here? I can't make the meeting today - have another meeting at 1pm.) February 12, 2008 ----------------- * Food Status (Skip is still waiting to hear back from Ewa at CTE.) * Keynote status and minikeynotes (Noah might be late, taking a red-eye back home) January 8, 2008 --------------- A general review, to get back on track after the holidays. Add specifics below. * Registration * Food Status (If Skip can't be there, summarize please to skip@pobox.com). December 4, 2007 ---------------- * Review action items (on-list first) * Sponsorship update * Program update: conference talks * Program update: tutorials November 20 ----------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Review action items * Sponsorship update * Program update: conference talks - number of talk proposals received - marching orders for program committee * Program update: tutorials - number of tutorial proposals received - how to choose which tutorials to accept? * Daily Schedule (see `the sample schedules `__) * PyCon-Tech update (registration, proposals, etc.) * PyCon 2009 & 2010 (`draft call for bids `__) * Publicity: Press release; blog badge November 6 ---------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Review action items (see past minutes or 2007-11-06 "action items" message) * Sponsorship update * Program update * Registration * 2010 call for bids * Graphics & web design October 23 ---------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Review action items (see past minutes or 2007-10-11 "action items" message). * Call for bids for PyCon 2010 (2009?). See http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2006/04/so-you-want-to-host-pycon-2008.html October 9 --------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Calls for proposals: dates & details. (Status of proposals system.) September 25 ------------ `Meeting minutes `__ * Program guide (guest: Marco Tabini) * `Call for Conference Talk Proposals`__ & `Call for Tutorial Proposals`__ (with example__) __ http://wiki.python.org/moin-pycon/Call_for_Conference_Talk_Proposals __ http://wiki.python.org/moin-pycon/Call_for_Tutorial_Proposals __ http://wiki.python.org/moin-pycon/example_tutorial_proposal Dates: - Proposal submission deadline: October 31, 2007 - Proposal acceptance: November 20, 2007 - Tutorial cancellation date: February 10, 2008 (for inadequate attendance) - Papers, handouts deadline: March 1, 2008 Questions: - Should we offer to waive registration for speakers? Conference talk speakers only, or Tutorial presenters too? (Perhaps in conjunction with reducing the maximum to $1200.) - What should we ask for in a proposal? - Should we require an accompanying paper? * PR * Budget: I'm going to go ahead and get PSF approval of the budget at . Please give it a look and let me know if you notice anything missing or wrong. September 11 ------------ `Meeting minutes `__ * Populating the web site * Catering * Budget: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pyx4TeJX2JDoKnFsixLn9bw August 28 ---------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Network * Keynote speakers (`notes in private wiki `__) * Scheduling (`notes in private wiki `__) * Website redesign August 14 --------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Network July 31 ------- `Meeting minutes `__ * Report on Chicago visit * Report on OSCON July 17 -------- `Meeting minutes `__ * `Staff roles `__ (sign up now!) * Keynote speakers * PyCon tech * Chicago visit ---- CategoryPyConPlanning_