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This page is to keep track of how the various social networking sites are hosting PyCon content by users.

PyCon Web Site

Use the PyCon schedule application to plan your schedule. You can click on events and talks you'd like to attend, and then export your selected events in iCal format or print a customized schedule. Your choices are saved on the PyCon server, letting the organizers compare the popularity of various talks and letting them change room assignments to meet unexpected demand.

Each event has a perma-link and is now integrated with Add This! So it is easier to use the other social network options on this page directly from the schedule.

Linked In

We have created a PyCon 2008 group on LinkedIn. If you are registered for PyCon, your registration e-mail is already pre-approved for joining the group.

Join the PyCon 2008 Linked-In Conference Group.

Internet Relay Chat

During the conference, many attendees will chat using IRC on the #pycon channel on

Talk Slides/File Publishing

The PyCon Schedule supports the upload/download of slides, documents, images, etc.

To upload files for your talk, just go to the schedule, bring up the tooltip for your talk, click on 'upload' under 'Files:' and fill in the form.


Presentations in PowerPoint/OpenOffice/PDF format can be posted to the PyCon 2008 event.

Presenters, please be sure to also upload your talk slides and documents to the PyCon website's schedule application.


Tag any photographs you take at PyCon with "pycon2008".


Anyone can post to the PyCon twitter channel.

During the conference, the organizers will post tasks and volunteering opportunities to the pyconvolunteers channel.


Jaiku is a micro-blogging site like Twitter, but with some extra features. Unfortunately, as of this writing (2008-02-23) they are not open to accepting new accounts while they deal with their acquisition by Google. Pre-existing members, though, do have a limited number of invitations they can give out.

On Jaiku there is a #PyCon channel as well as a general #python channel.


From the site: "Pownce is a way to send stuff to your friends. What kind of stuff? You can send just about anything: music, photos, messages, links, events, and more." It's written in Python using Django and offers functionality similar to Twitter/Jaiku.


There is now a CrowdVine community for PyCon 2008. Once you sign up for the community, you can send comments to other members and write weblog posts that everyone can see.


PyCon2008/SocialNetworkingActivities (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:09 by localhost)

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