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PyConDC Sprint plan

What is a sprint?

A sprint is a two or three day focused development session, in which developers pair in a room and focus on building a particular subsystem. A sprint is organized with a coach leading the session. The coach sets the agenda, tracks activities, and keeps the development moving. The developers work in pairs using XP's pair programming approach.

The sprint approach works best when the first few hours are spent getting oriented -- presenting a tutorial for the development material, laying out the stories to tackle for the day, getting everyone a CVS checkout to work with.

See also the section "Sprinting Explained" at the bottom of this page:

Sprints being planned

Proposed sprint topics


Other information

Here's some information from Guido that will at least give those interested some kind of orientation and set appropriate expectations. A summary: it's fine to express interest, and to record it here along with topic suggestions, but don't expect too much to happen until maybe a month before the conference.

The conference will pay for the room reservations of the sprints. Sprinters will have to take care of their own meals; there's a student cafeteria two floors down, plenty of restaurants nearby. You can also pool to order pizza.


PyConDC2003/SprintPlan (last edited 2008-11-15 14:01:24 by localhost)

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