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This page concerns the talk on "Unit Testing in Python" that I gave on March 26 at the PyCon 2003. If you missed the talk, you can view the slides on my Starship Python page. You may also download the slides from my Starship ftp directory. The slides and code are both available as .tgz and .zip files.

I'd appreciate any feedback on the slides or the talk itself. Feel free to hit the Edit Text link and add your comments or questions to the section at the end. For more about me, see my Python wiki page TomBryan.

Vote for the talk you want to see!

This paper was prepared with the ability to support two talks. While all of the content is available in the conference proceedings, I only presented part of the content during my scheduled time slot.

Unit Testing in Python

This talk is based on one I gave for the the Triangle Python/Zope User Group in November 2002. I extended the content for the PyCon. The original talk covered the following topics:

I cleaned up the existing content and added more. I covered some of the more advanced topics, such as

Feedback from visitors to this page

Feel free to add feedback on the talk (how to improve the slides, other resources, etc.) to this section. --Tom


PyConTomBryan (last edited 2008-11-15 13:59:56 by localhost)