Note: the draft PyConSchedule is probably more informative at this point. See also PyConSpeakers. WORK IN PROGRESS, NOT OFFICIAL * Python Core Stackless 3.0 Traits PyMite Boost UCPy * Newbies Threads Tutorial, Aahz (1 hour) Objects vs. Classes, Aahz (1 hour) PyChecker Lightning (15min) * Applications Stackless applications ZConfig Twisted Reality * Web and XML CMFTypes Satine - provisional Zope 3 Component Architecture Zope 3 tutorial (1 hour) Debugging Zope with debugger Beyond the config file Twisted.web tutorial Adaptable Storage * Networking Perspective Broker Deferred Execution Twisted Tutorial (60 min) * Science Chaco Processing Extremely Large Amounts Of Data numarray PySparse * Software "Engineering" MONDO .NET wrapper (Kobra) - maybe lightning talk Managing Releasse of Large Projects Rapid Development POSH Smoke BuildBot * Success Stories CONVERTING A LARGE C PROGRAM Subversion from within Teaching with PyGame HALL * Lightning Talks/Tutorials ReST Prevayler Semantic Web Faceted Classification Solution Twisted Lore doc system Twisted SSH Py in Edu (Wesley Chun) Py in Medicine (Wesley Chun) * "Show us the code": Population Simulation * Rejected Backtalk Python Job Board Pytri Web framework shootout (maybe a panel of some sort) I18N Beyond 2 Names, Pynfo, GUI auto-gen - maybe one as a lightning talk Pgen SpellQuest (but could be poster, or lightning) Frac3D pyEQSpec (Spyce) Server-side Scripting Configuring Python Programs Automated Code Generatiin with Python PSO Python for a Java Development Team AI Frames (but sugeest lightning talk) ---- CategoryPyCon