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Describe PyTables here.

Processing And Analyzing Extremely Large Amounts Of Data In Python


Many scientific applications frequently need to save and read extremely large amounts of data (frequently, this data is derived from experimental devices). Analyzing the data requires re-reading it many times in order to select the most appropriate data that reflects the scenario under study. In general, it is not necessary to modify the gathered data (except perhaps to enlarge the dataset), but simply access it multiple times from multiple points of entry.

The goal of [ PyTables] is to address this requirements by enabling the end user to manipulate easily scientific data tables, numarray objects and Numerical Python objects in a persistent, hierarchical structure.


During my talk, I'll be describing the capabilities of the forthcoming PyTables 0.3 version, which include:

  • Appendable tables: It supports adding records to already created tables. This can be done without copying the dataset or redefining its structure, even between different Python sessions.
  • Unlimited data size: Allows working with tables with a large number of records, i.e. that don't fit in memory.
  • Support of Numeric and numarray Python arrays: Numeric arrays are a very useful complement of tables to keep homogeneous table slices (like selections of table columns). Also, you can define a column in a table to be a one-dimensional (n-dimensional generalization will come in the future) array.
  • Hierarchical data model: Pytables builds up an object tree in memory that replicates the hierarchical structure existing on disk. That way, the

    access to the objects on disk is made by walking throughout the PyTables object tree, and manipulating them. This approach is proven to be very effective when working with complex data trees.

  • Data compression: It supports data compression (through the use of the zlib library) out of the box. This become important when you have repetitive data patterns and don't have time for searching an optimized way to save them.
  • Support of files bigger than 2 GB: This is because HDF5 already can do that (if your platform supports the C long long integer, or, on Windows,


  • Ability to read generic HDF5 files and work natively with them. So, you

    can create your HDF5 files in C or Fortran, and open them with PyTables. Then, you can do any kind of operation with these HDF5 objects that PyTables allows you.

  • Architecture-independent: PyTables has been carefully coded (as HDF5 itself) with little-endian/big-endian byte orderings issues in mind. So, in principle, you can write a file in a big-endian machine (like a Sparc or MIPS) and read it in other little-endian (like Intel or Alpha) without problems.

  • Optimized I/O: PyTables has been designed from the ground with performance in mind. In its newest encarnation, it can read and write tables and arrays from/to disk at an speed generaly only bounded by the disk I/O speed. This levels of performance can be achieved because a smart combination of buffered I/O, use of Pyrex extensions, HDF5 and numarray libraries, and last, but not least, Psyco.

PyTables (last edited 2008-11-15 14:01:27 by localhost)

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