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Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2013-05-11 12:34:32
Size: 5672
Revision 3 as of 2013-06-05 19:43:56
Size: 5739
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Python Events Calendar: This calendar should only receive entries for conferences of at least around 100 attendees, which at least around a 3rd non-local attendees. Smaller events such as sprints may also be added to this calendar if they are scheduled as separate event and will have a significant impact.  * Python Events Calendar: This calendar should only receive entries for conferences of at least around 100 attendees, which at least around a 3rd non-local attendees. Smaller events such as sprints, barcamps or smaller unconferences may also be added to this calendar if they are scheduled as separate event, will have a significant impact and reach out to larger regions.
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 * Python User Group Calendar: This calendar is meant for user group activities which are open to Python people from outside the group (new prospective members and visitors from out of town). It is not meant for user group internal events. Examples: monthly local user group meetings, project sprints that are open for non-group members  * Python User Group Calendar: This calendar is meant for user group activities which are open to Python people from outside the group (new prospective members and visitors from out of town). It is not meant for user group internal events.
Examples: monthly local user group meetings, project sprints that are open for non-group members.

Python Events Calendar

The Python events calendar is a group of Google calendars maintained by volunteers and published on the following sites:

If you would like to get new events listed on these calendars, please write to mentioning the name of the event, the dates/times and a URL. For recurring events, please also include the recurrence information.

If you'd like to embed the calendar into your site, please ping us at the above address before doing so.

Available calendars

iCal Downloads

RSS Feeds


The following people currently have admin rights to the calendars:

  • Richard Jones
  • Mike Müller
  • Tarek Ziade
  • Tetsuya Morimoto
  • Marc-Andre Lemburg

Notes regarding calendar entries

Some notes regarding entries for the admins:

  • Please add the conference/event year to the title, if available. For user group meetings or other events that occur more often that's probably not necessary.
  • For conferences I use "All day" events, for user group events I add the start time and end time, if known.
  • Please include the location as "City, Country".
  • Please add a link to the event as description. I found that using HTML links works well, e.g. <a href=">PyCon FR 2012</a>

  • I've always used "Show me as: Available" for new entries. No idea whether that matters or not.
  • Please select "Privacy: Default" for new entries. This makes the entries public, since that's the default setting.

All calendar admins can invite more people as calendar admins. When doing so, please add the new admins to the above list and ping the team by writing to (also to get their email address added to the events@ alias).

Guidelines for entries

In order to make the decision of whether to add an event and where to add it easier, we've setup a few guidelines:

General Requirements

  • Events have to have some focus on Python: The event should either target Python, a project written in Python, or showcase Python in some form.

    Examples are Python conferences, conferences which have a Python track or tutorial, conferences at which Python is presented in some form. The same goes for conferences which target a project written mostly in Python (e.g. Plone, Django, OpenStack, etc.) and for other events such as sprints.

Calendar Choice

  • Python Events Calendar: This calendar should only receive entries for conferences of at least around 100 attendees, which at least around a 3rd non-local attendees. Smaller events such as sprints, barcamps or smaller unconferences may also be added to this calendar if they are scheduled as separate event, will have a significant impact and reach out to larger regions.

    Examples: PyCon conferences, OSCON, Django conferences, Plone conference, Need-for-speed sprints, Python BarCamps/Unconferences/etc.

  • Python User Group Calendar: This calendar is meant for user group activities which are open to Python people from outside the group (new prospective members and visitors from out of town). It is not meant for user group internal events. Examples: monthly local user group meetings, project sprints that are open for non-group members.

Calendar embedding code

This iframe code is used on to display the calendar:

  • <iframe src=";showCalendars=0&amp;height=400&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;;color=%23125A12&amp;;color=%232F6309&amp;ctz=Europe%2FLondon" style=" border-width:0 " width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
      <a href="">Python Events iCal Calendar</a><br/>
      <a href="">Python User Group iCal Calendar</a>


PythonEventsCalendar (last edited 2023-11-29 13:59:23 by MarcAndreLemburg)

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