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=== Francisco Palm ===
I, Hernan Ramirez, president of the Python Civil Association of Venezuela, propose Francisco Palm* as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Due to his more than 15 years promoting the use of Python in Venezuela and Latin America.
    - Since 2005, he has been teaching Python in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Universidad de los Andes in Merida, where he is a professor.
    - During 2007 he gave presentations on the use of Python in 8 cities in Venezuela as part of the National Free Software Conference.
    - He was the organizer of the World Forums of Free Knowledge: Maracaibo 2005, Maturin 2006, Ciudad Guayana 2007 and Merida 2009. In all editions he made presentations and activities related to Python.
    - He was the organizer in 2008 of the first meeting of Venezuelan Pythonists.
    - He was invited to a Free Software Meeting in Bogota in 2009 as speaker about Python and R applications in Economics.
    - In 2010 he conducted Python workshops for high school students, through the Fortalento FUNDACITE program. He also promoted Python programming in Primary and Secondary Science Clubs.
    - Since 2012 he has collaborated either in the organization and as a speaker, in the regional Python meetings in Merida, PyTatuy held in 2013, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2019.
    - His proposal to teach programming (in Python) instead of office automation received an award at an educational computing conference in 2012.
    - In 2012 he co-organized the only PyCon held so far in Venezuela. This event is on standby due to political and economic problems in the country.
    - He is co-founder of the Venezuelan Python Civil Association, formalized in 2015.
    - He participated in PyCaribbean 2016 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
    - In 2016 he collaborated in the organization of the SciPyLA Conference in Florianopolis, Brazil. Since then he has served as SciPyLA ambassador for Venezuela.
    - Since 2017 he is an official Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructor, the only one in Venezuela and the first one in Latin America.
    - In 2019 he collaborated with the organization and participated in the ScipyLA Conference in Bogota, Colombia.
    - In 2019 he was invited to the Jupyter South America Community Workshop in Córdoba, Argentina.
    - In 2019 he gave a lightning talk at CarpentryCon in Dublin on cryptographic literacy (with Python).
    - In 2020 he gave a presentation at CarpentryCon @Home on the use of the Spyder IDE.
    - He currently participates in the Venezuelan Python communities, either in the discussion list or in the Telegram group. He also collaborates with the Spyder development team, and has a lesson in incubation for Carpentries about IDE skills based on Spyder.

=== Tommy Jenkins ===
I, Orit Jenkins, would like to nominate Tommy Jenkins, He is a senior software engineer at KYRUUS in Boston, MA.
''self nominatino''

PSF Fellow Nominations

PSF Fellow Nominations are added to this page. Please send your nomination to .

More info about the nomination process can be found here:


Please add new nominations here and also post them to the psf-members mailing list.

Example Entry: Joe User

I, John Doe, propose that Joe User be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a co-founder of the PyCon Foobar regional conference, a lead organizer for the 2011 and 2012 editions of the Marsian Python community's flagship Python conference, MarsPython and as a long-term contributor to international collaborative efforts amongst the Marsian Python community.

2021 Q2 Nominations

Francisco Palm

I, Hernan Ramirez, president of the Python Civil Association of Venezuela, propose Francisco Palm* as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Due to his more than 15 years promoting the use of Python in Venezuela and Latin America.

  • - Since 2005, he has been teaching Python in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Universidad de los Andes in Merida, where he is a professor. - During 2007 he gave presentations on the use of Python in 8 cities in Venezuela as part of the National Free Software Conference. - He was the organizer of the World Forums of Free Knowledge: Maracaibo 2005, Maturin 2006, Ciudad Guayana 2007 and Merida 2009. In all editions he made presentations and activities related to Python. - He was the organizer in 2008 of the first meeting of Venezuelan Pythonists. - He was invited to a Free Software Meeting in Bogota in 2009 as speaker about Python and R applications in Economics. - In 2010 he conducted Python workshops for high school students, through the Fortalento FUNDACITE program. He also promoted Python programming in Primary and Secondary Science Clubs.

    - Since 2012 he has collaborated either in the organization and as a speaker, in the regional Python meetings in Merida, PyTatuy held in 2013, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2019. - His proposal to teach programming (in Python) instead of office automation received an award at an educational computing conference in 2012. - In 2012 he co-organized the only PyCon held so far in Venezuela. This event is on standby due to political and economic problems in the country. - He is co-founder of the Venezuelan Python Civil Association, formalized in 2015. - He participated in PyCaribbean 2016 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. - In 2016 he collaborated in the organization of the SciPyLA Conference in Florianopolis, Brazil. Since then he has served as SciPyLA ambassador for Venezuela. - Since 2017 he is an official Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructor, the only one in Venezuela and the first one in Latin America. - In 2019 he collaborated with the organization and participated in the ScipyLA Conference in Bogota, Colombia. - In 2019 he was invited to the Jupyter South America Community Workshop in Córdoba, Argentina. - In 2019 he gave a lightning talk at CarpentryCon in Dublin on cryptographic literacy (with Python). - In 2020 he gave a presentation at CarpentryCon @Home on the use of the Spyder IDE. - He currently participates in the Venezuelan Python communities, either in the discussion list or in the Telegram group. He also collaborates with the Spyder development team, and has a lesson in incubation for Carpentries about IDE skills based on Spyder.

Tommy Jenkins

I, Orit Jenkins, would like to nominate Tommy Jenkins, He is a senior software engineer at KYRUUS in Boston, MA. self nominatino

Cristián Danilo Maureira-Fredes

I, Naomi Ceder, propose that Cristián Danilo Maureira-Fredes be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as mentor, speaker and organizer (PyLadies Berlin, PyLadies Hamburg, PyBerlin, Python Users Berlin), helping with the organization of conferences like JupyterCon ( and being a speaker in conferences like PyCon ( ) He has been one of the main contributors and helpers in the initiative to translate the official Python documentation to Spanish ( and has also helped others make their first contribution to Python at various sprints. Last year, Cristián contacted and reunited the many Python related groups in Chile, to form Python Chile and organized the first event for Chile, with more than 2000 people attending from all over the world ( in Spanish), also motivating and supporting the creation of the first Chilean PyLadies chapter. He has also collaborated with Python España, to bring together the Chilean and Spanish Python communities for events like HacktoberfestES ( and he is the driving force behind a "Python en Español" (Python in Spanish) initiative in which all the Spanish speaking people, independently of the country would be together, creating a new Discord Server, currently with more than 900 people from the Americas and Spain. He works at The Qt Company and is currently in charge of the Qt for Python project, which pushes the usage and inclusion of Python in the Qt ecosystem (

Nicolás Demarchi

I, Naomi Ceder, propose that Nicolás Demarchi (Gilgamezh) be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as (Founder) Member of the Asociación Civil Python Argentina board; moderator in Python Argentina, IRC/Telegram chat, websites, discourse, etc; helping to maintain Python Argentina tech infra in the last ~8 years; organizer in the Argentine conference PyAr, PyCamps, and Python days; hosting the Buenos Aires Python Meetup; hosting meetup since 2019 and trying to build a local community (; volunteer in EuroPython 2020 and member of the EuroPython Society board 2020/2021 (and of course helping to organize EP2021); one of the maintainers of fades, a tool for virtualenv (; and one of the founders of the python-doc-es project translating the Python docs into Spanish.

Cheuk Ting Ho

I, Naomi Ceder, propose that Cheuk Ting Ho be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a devoted educator in the Python community, especially the minority community. She is one of the founders of Humble Data, which teaches Python for absolute beginners around the world. She also hosts a streaming tutorial series online, focusing on Python. At the same time, she hosts MidMeetPy, a podcast series for the Python community. Cheuk is also a constant talk and workshop facilitator in Python events. On average, she participates in 1-2 events a month as a speaker. In 2020, she organized PyJamas, a worldwide 24 hour Python conference online. She was also the marketing chair for PyData Global, the first worldwide PyData conference. Cheuk was elected to a board member of the EuroPython Society in 2021 and will be chairing the Financial Aid Committee for EuroPython. Cheuk is also a full-time maintainer of the Python client of TerminusDB - an open-source graph database and helps organize open-source sprints, including the PyCon mentored sprints which focus on helping beginners and minorities to begin contributing to partnering Python projects on GitHub.

Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a Python core developer, PyCon US Chair, community volunteer, and regional conference speaker

2021 Q1 Nominations

Joseph Banks, Leon Sandøy, and Sebastiaan Zeeff

The Python Discord staff proposes that Joseph Banks, Leon Sandøy, and Sebastiaan Zeeff be recognized as Fellows of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as the owners of Python Discord.

Python Discord is a community for Python learning and discussion that has been active since 2017, and in that time they have worked diligently to foster a culture of warmth and inclusivity for all individuals regardless of their background or level of Python knowledge, even as the number of members has climbed above 140,000. Each day, Python Discord facilitates hundreds of live help sessions and numerous discussions in which both novices and experts participate. In addition to creating a place where tens of thousands of people have learned about the Python ecosystem, they have maintained an active role by leading semi- annual code jam events ( and creating the Sir Lancebot project ( lancebot), which introduces beginners to open-source Python development. In their work with other parts of the Python ecosystem, they have given the organisers of PyWeek a space in the community last year in order to increase the visibility of that long-standing event. They have also supported the PSF by hosting the most recent core developer sprint and the subsequent live Q&A stream.

For these reasons we believe that these three have done a great service to the Python language and ecosystem at large, and we hope that the committee will accept them as fellows.

Archana Vaidheeswaran and Briana Augenreich

I, Shanna Gregory, propose that Archana Vaidheeswaran and Briana Augenreich be recognized as Fellows of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as the Leadership Fellows for the Women Who Code Python track community.

Bri and Archana have coordinated dozens of Python events for an international community and lead a team of dedicated volunteers who support Python study groups and speaker series. They have grown the WWCode Python community to over 2k active members. Both serve on the CFP Committee for Women Who Code CONNECT, a global developer conference series, and ensure quality Python presentations at each conference.

Michael Iyanda

I, Chukwudi Nwachukwu, propose that Michael Iyanda be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Michael is a proactive, and progressive member of the Python Community in Nigeria and he has dared go to where others couldn't go.

Michael lives in Bauchi State (Northern Nigeria) and he has been helping to push the Python Community in that domain for years, since I have known him. He did these by coaching, in the past, in many Django based events and even, at a time, acting as Python Nigeria's IT Director.

He exudes confidence in his tasks as he goes about doing his best to see such through. Plus, he is generous too. By being a Fellow of PSF and championing the Python cause where he resides and beyond, he will be able to create more awareness of the community. In my interactions with him, I do find him fit for the tasks ahead.

Zac Dodds

I, Ryan Soklaski, propose that Zac Dodds be recognized as a fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Zac is a generous, proactive, and progressive member of the Python community and is a prolific contributor to Python’s ecosystem.

He is a developer for the Hypothesis testing project, and is, by far, its most active maintainer. This is a cutting-edge library that puts Python at the forefront of languages with advanced (but accessible) methods/tooling for writing automated tests for software. That he maintains a library of this caliber and importance in his free time is impressive indeed.

Zac is an active contributor to the various Python conferences; he has delivered talks, tutorials, and posters at PyCon, PyCon Australia, PyCon India, EuroSciPy, and others. In addition to delivering talks and tutorials, he also served as a mentor for PyCon’s mentored sprints for diverse beginners, and he often organizes a week-long sprint for people interested in Hypothesis.

In terms of the support that Zac provides to the Python ecosystem… it is downright herculean. He developed hypothesmith, which is a library that can generate valid Python programs to be tested. This is used to fuzz Instagram’s LibCST program, Black (the auto-formatter), and CPython itself. Zac has also contributed powerful property-based tests to pydantic, isort, caught bugs looming in Python 3.10, and much much more. His contributions go far beyond what I listed here.

The reason why I know Zac is that I posted an issue on Hypothesis, a couple of years ago, when I was trying to learn how to write tests for an educational tool that I was creating. This was one of my first experiences in the world of open-source software ever; I was nervous and a bad experience would have sent me packing. Zac was so kind, encouraging, and generous with the help he provided me that I felt motivated to become more active in the Python community – my life has changed because of this. No matter who he is interacting with, Zac is kind, inclusive, humble, and supportive. I model myself after him when I interact with people on GitHub and other platforms, and it makes me a better member of this community.

I could go on and on, but I hope that I have made a convincing case that Zac is an outstanding and admirable individual who makes the world of Python better in many different ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

2020 Q4 Nominations

Philip James

I [Jeff Triplett] want to recommend Philip James for your consideration as a PSF Fellow.

Philip has the impossibly hard job of charing the PSF's Code of Conduct Workgroup, which meant working with the PSF Board, new WG, and a consultant while balancing legal concerns with community concerns to help us write and implement an updated Code of Conduct. As a member of both the committee and a Director, I thought he did a brilliant job. Philip has also chaired the WG for two years and leads bi-weekly meetings to ensure that issues are resolved and discussed in a timely manner. I have served on dozens of WGs and Code of Conduct WGs are hard and Philip manages this duty with thought and care.

Philip is also a contributor to the BeeWare project, is a long-time member of the Django community, has spoken at many community conferences including PyCon and DjangoCon(s), has volunteered as an organizer at conferences like DjangoCon US, and has helped organize meetups.

Gajendra Deshpande

I, Dr. Raghvendraprasad Deshpande, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, nominate Gajendra Deshpande as a fellow of the Python software foundation. He is currently working as Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, India. I would like to brief out his contributions to the Python community:

1)Talks presented: SciPy USA, JuliaCon, PyCon France, PyCon Hong Kong, PyCon Taiwan, COSCUP Taiwan, PyCon Africa, BuzzConf Argentina, EuroPython, PiterPy Russia and SciPy India.

2) Reviewer: SciPy USA, SciPy Japan, JuliaCon, JupyterCon, PyData Global, and PyCon India, JOSS and JOSE.

3) Python community chapters built: PyData Belagavi and OWASP Belagavi.

4) He is also working on research projects supported by Google Cloud and DigitalOcean.

5) Ongoing activities for the year 2021: He is the organizing chair for BelPy 2021 Online and lead organizer for DjangoGirls Belagavi.

6) Content development for Autonomous UG/PG programme of Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cyber Security. All these courses are blended with laboratory sessions concentrating towards term-work execution using python.

With the contributions as mentioned above, Mr. Gajendra Deshpande is a very active researcher and has got tremendous programming skills of Python. He is the right person and has moulded himself with the required skills, which are expected to contribute a lot to the Python community in future.

Juan Nunez-Iglesias

I, Philip Elson, propose that Juan Nunez-Iglesias be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community. From a technical perspective, Juan was a co-author of "Elegant SciPy: The Art of Scientific Python", has been a long-term core developer and maintainer of scikit-image and more recently napari (a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer). Perhaps even more impressively than his technical work, Juan embodies the Python spirit - he has presented countless Python talks and tutorials on a wide range of subjects - sharing his knowledge to a broad and diverse community around the world; he works hard to engage new users through his openness and enthusiasm; and has been involved for many years in the Advanced Scientific Programming in Python summer school to introduce Scientific Python as a first class language for scientific work.

Nicole Harris

I, Joachim Jablon, propose that Nicole Harris be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a co-chair of the Packaging working group, for her lasting work as lead designer, fundraiser, & developer for the Python Package Index (a.k.a Warehouse), & membership of the Python Packaging Authority and the organization of user testing & feedback processes for PyPI and for the new pip resolver, her raising awareness for the work on PyPI through her 2018 EuroPython Keynote, as well as her contribution to the Python learning ecosystem through her Django screencast series at O'Reilley, and her diversity advocacy through multiple public statements, such as her Django Girls interview.

Leah Silen

I, Joe Brown, propose that Leah Silen be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a executive director of NumFoCUS, an organizer of dozens of conferences e.g. regional PyData conference, JupyterCon and etc

2020 Q3 Nominations

Pablo Rivera

I, Andrew Luke, nominate Pablo Rivera as a Fellow of the PSF. He is a co-organizer of PyATL (Python Atlanta Programmers Group). Pablo does so much for the Python community. Here is a list of some of the things he does on a consistent basis:

- Teaches Python live online through - Helps people prepare for Python job interviews. - Helps people het hired for Python jobs (2 so far this year). - Created a Django app to help organize PyATL. This app is also used to help beginners break into open source. - Pablo helps organize every PyATL event. Most importantly, he took over the group when the pandemic started and kept it going strong. Doing an average of 6 events per month! - He releases Python programming videos on a weekly basis - Reviews Python books for No Starch Press and shares them with the community. - He setup an initiative to get more people of color hired as Python programmers. - Mentors beginner programmers through 1:1 sessions. - He started the PyATL blog. Whose mission is to promote the growth of Python through interesting content.

He does other things, but these are the ones that stand out the most. Pablo is no doubt one of the most passionate and committed Pythonistas. He deserves to be recognized for his hard work.

Nilo Ney Coutinho Menezes

I, Felipe Carvalho, propose that Nilo Ney Coutinho Menezes be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their valuable and significant contribution to the Python community as:

  • co-founder of the PyNorte (the Python developer community in northern Brazil);

  • founder of the PyCon Amazônia (the regional conference in Brazilian Amazon);

  • leader of the Python Brasil 2022 organization;
  • author of the book Introdução à programação com Python: algoritmos e lógica de programação para iniciantes (Introduction to Python programming: algorithms and programming logic for beginners, in free translation), published in portuguese and spanish, by Novatec (more informations available here);

  • author of many posts, tutorials, and videos about Python;

Even living in another country, Menezes contributed for many years to the dissemination of Python and strengthening the community in his hometown, in actions that helped to the creation of other groups such as PyLadies Manaus and PyData Manaus.

Menezes' leadership was vital to the growth of the Python community in Northern Brazil, and this nomination will be a great recognition of his journey.

His blog:

Also nominated by Antonio Limeira and Mikael Souza Silva

Fiorella De Luca

I [Patrick Arminio] would like to nominate my friend Fiorella De Luca, she's been amazing at organising a lot of Django Girls events around Italy[1] and she is also helping with PyCon Italia and Python Italia in general and I'd love to see her hard work recognised by the PSF 😊 I still remember when I met Fiorella at Django Girls in Rome, I think she fell in love with the community and immediately started helping in the next events, first by mentoring people and then by organising more workshops and really pushing the community forward. Here's an interview she did for codemotion:


Dave Jones

I, Ben Nuttall, propose that Dave Jones be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community and ecosystem, particularly for those in the education setting. Dave has created several libraries, tools and projects which are used worldwide. All of this work is free, open source and done in Dave's personal time. Dave's projects include picamera, gpiozero, piwheels, colorzero, sense-emu, pisense, picraft, lars, structa, cbor2, compoundpi, picroscopy and many more. Dave has spent countless hours, evenings and weekends over the last 10 years working on these projects purely for the benefit of others. The projects are used worldwide by teachers, kids, educators, hobbyists and professionals, and his contributions are not just code but thorough documentation and tutorials. Dave always goes above and beyond when it comes to making this easy for the users, which is especially important when the projects are intended for children and other beginners. Dave has also run several teacher training courses (Picademy) and volunteered at Raspberry Jam events for the last 8 years.

PSF Contributing Member

Batuhan Osman Taskay

I, Taha Hamad, propose Batuhan Osman Taskaya be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his remarkable contributions to the Python community in different fields. Although him being a high school student, he is one of the most active contributors to the CPython project with over 100+ PRs (85+ merged, 20+ awaiting) (as can be seen from the Github UI) and an active triager on the bug tracker. He has a special interest over the AST module, and he is continuously working on improving and extending that. Also, he is a member of the tracker migration team for PEP 581/588. Additionally to the core Python itself, he is the author of many different static analysis tools (including the InspectorTiger) and regular contributor of others. Current co-maintainer of the most used external Python parser (with over 6 million downloads just from the previous month) that is dependant by Jedi, IPython, and many more.

From his record, it can be seen as he is a very active speaker on different events like FOSEM'19/'20 and EuroPython'19. The concept of these talks is mostly about discovering and hacking the internals of the CPython. As someone who seems like sharing information, he has 3 different blogs. The main one is a blog that is dedicated to ASTs and Python, and the second/third one is his personal blog about advanced Python in Turkish/English. He also organizes free Python trainings locally in Turkey, and advocation about Python in public events. As a community work, he is also one of the founding members of PyCon Turkey and a member of the talk selection committee. The first event of that organization is going to happen this September for the first time in Turkey. Besides that PyCon, while in this coronavirus crisis, he is part of Virtual PyIstanbul meetup, which is a weekly event that targets all Turkish speaking Pythonistas and happens every week without an exception.

PSF Contributing Member

Katia Lira

Katia is a cofounder of PyCon LatAM, VP of DEFNA, as well as a prominent Python speaker. She has been instrumental in helping me with outreach for PSF electionreform dialog with LatAm Pythonistas as well as helping get PyLadies Global off the ground. Her dedication to empowering Pythonistas in LatAm is second to none! She additionally runs many podcasts that highlight Python as well as open source in LatAm (e.g. El Dev Show, Spacious Abiertos). Nominated by Lorena Mesa

PSF Contributing Member

Bethany Garcia

Bethany is a PyLadies Oakland organizer and a member of the interim PyLadies Global workgroup. For the last year she has helped step up to invest in the creation of PyLadies assets for the upcoming PyLadies Global Council Election ( Additionally she helps as a PyLadies Project Tech and Infrastructure admin, meaning she is one of three of us who responds to open issues, triages PRs for PyLadies projects (e.g. Nominated by Lorena Mesa

Melissa Weber Mendonca

Melissa is an engineer at Quansight as well as highly active in the Python Brasil community and SciPy communities in North America and Latin America. An organizer of SciPy USA 2020, SciPy LA (Latin America) 2018 and 2019 , as well as a frequent Python speaker Melissa is a strong proponent of diversity and inclusion work in the scientific Python community particularly in Latin America. She also was a guest on Pizza de Dados a very popular Portuguese speaking, Brasilian based podcast that highlights many interesting data and open source projects, including Python. Nominated by Lorena Mesa

Carlita F Roman

An organizer of PyCon Bolivia and PyLadies Cochabamba, Carlita has been instrumental in bringing Python to more Pythonistas in central South America. She's also been a contributor to PyLadies Global, an interim workgroup that has been focused on rebuilding PyLadies online community spaces as well as developing PyLadies new governance model. Nominated by Lorena Mesa

Sebastian Vetter

I, Mariatta Wijaya, propose that Sebastian Vetter be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community in the Pacific Northwest. Seb is one of the original co-founders of Vancouver Python Meetup, DjangoVan: Vancouver Django Meetup, and the PyCascades conference. Seb is one of only a few people who has continuously worked and volunteered to organize PyCascades conference from the very beginning. For PyCascades. Seb co-chaired the first PyCascades in Vancouver. Since then, Seb has continued handling the majority of the financial, sponsorship, and administrative work for PyCascades. Seb is also a public speaker and has spoken at various Python and Django conferences around the world. Seb has volunteered as a speaker mentor for DjangoCon conference. Nominated by Lorena Mesa

PSF Contributing Member

Georgi Ker

We, Mariatta Wijaya and Lorena Mesa, propose that Georgi Ker be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the PyLadies community and the Python community in Thailand. Georgi is one of the organizers of PyCon Thailand and PyLadies Bangkok. For the past year, Georgi has been actively helping and participating as a member of PyLadies Interim Global Team. Georgi has also been helping PyLadies in our translation effort (e.g. membership registration at, election outreach at

Elaine Wong

We, Mariatta Wijaya and Lorena Mesa, propose that Elaine Wong be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the PyLadies community and the Python community. Elaine has been the conference chair for PyCon Canada since 2018, and an organizer for PyLadies Toronto. For the past year, Elaine has been actively helping and participating as a member of PyLadies Interim Global Team. Elaine has spoken about PyLadies at conferences like PyCascades 2020 and PyCon 2020 online. Elaine additionally helps run and administer the PyNorth non-profit for several years.

Débora Azevedo

We, Mariatta Wijaya and Lorena Mesa, propose that Débora Azevedo be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the PyLadies community and the Python community in Brazil. Débora is the co-founder of PyLadies Brasil and an organizer for Python Brasil conference. For the past year, Débora has been actively helping and participating as a member of PyLadies Interim Global Team. Débora has also been helping PyLadies in our translation efforts (e.g. membership registration at, election outreach at

PSF Contributing Member

Max Jakob

I, Anton Caceres, would like to nominate Max Jakob as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his prominent contributions to the Python community as a host and coorganizer of Munich Python User Group for over a decade. When the word "meetup" did not even exist, Max and his fellows have been meeting weekly at the university to discuss and promote Python. Max has always been supportive and enthusiastic about Python events, in particular, he proposed and took care of the venue for PyCon Germany in 2016 as well as hosted the first PyConWeb in 2017 in the LMU university. Those are only the cases where I was involved directly; apart from that Max was the chair of PySV (the German Python association), contributing to numerous Python activities in and outside of Germany. I know Max as a supportive but modest person, and I just wish that his prominent, systematic help would be properly recognized.

Andreas Klöckner

I, Roy Hyunjin Han, propose that Andreas Klöckner be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as the creator and tireless maintainer of numerous packages for debugging (pudb), high performance computing (pycuda, pyopencl), scientific computing (loopy, meshpy, pytential, boxtree, meshmode, pymbolic) and teaching (relate). Andreas was one of the pioneer researchers to associate Python with GPU computing through pycuda, which helped paved the way for Python to become known as the programming language for scientific computing and machine learning. Andreas continues to promote the use of Python in high performance computing and scientific computing through talks and he continues to create and improve innovative packages that I believe deserve greater recognition.

Carolina Ladino

I, Sebastián Ramírez, propose that Carolina Ladino be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to all her contributions to the Colombian Python community as a leader of several communities, including PyLadies Bogotá, her contributions to the organization of PyCon Colombia, and the communities for Machine Learning and Robotics.

PSF Contributing Member

John Roa

I, Sebastián Ramírez, propose that John Roa be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Colombian Python community as the Chief Organizer for PyCon Colombia. The Colombian PyCon events have highly fostered and contributed to the community of Python developers in the country.

Ines Montani

I, Sebastián Ramírez, propose that Ines Montani be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a core developer of spaCy, the Natural Language Processing toolkit, Thinc, the deep learning framework, and several other open source tools that help the community as a whole. I think her efforts in making these Python projects accessible and easy to learn are very commendable, especially recently, with the paid translation of the free course "Advanced NLP with spaCy" to several languages to make it accessible for communities around the world. I also think their approach (with Matt Honnibal) to open source sustainability through a company building an external product is admirable. All while giving back to the community, constantly hiring open source maintainers to build additional components, etc.

Mariatta Wijaya

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Mariatta Wijaya be recognized as a PSF Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Mariatta has been a Python core developer for several years, helps organize regional Python conferences, speaks at Python conferences, has organized the Python Language Summit, and continues to help with PyLadies especially around restructuring their governance. Overall, Mariatta is a great community member that is helpful and invests a lot of free time into the Python community.

PSF Contributing Member

Ram Rachum

I [Robin Dunn] nominate Ram Rachum to be a PSF fellow. Here are the highlights of Ram's contributions:

  • Ram created the popular PythonTurtle project for teaching Python to children. In the decade since it was released, PythonTurtle has been used all over the world, and especially in third-world countries. Notably, it's been used by the Peace Corps in Vanuatu to teach Python to children who have never used a computer before. It was also adopted by the Saudi Arabian government and has been used in all high-schools throughout the country. (News coverage in Hebrew.)

  • For the last five years, Ram has been the chief organizer of the PyWeb-IL community. PyWeb-IL is the biggest and most active community of Python developers in Israel. Ram manages the logistics for the bi-monthly meetup and the mailing list where people help each other. The community was established around 2008, and many of its founding members are still active and contributing. A few of the long-standing members are Shai Berger, Tal Einat, Idan Gazit, Benny Daon, Meir Kriheli and Eli Gur. Each of which has their own long list of contributions to the Python community.

  • Ram has contributed to many popular open-source projects in the Python ecosystem, including CPython (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11), Django (1 2 3 4 5 6), Pandas (1 2 3 4), Matplotlib (1 2 3), PyPy (1), Setuptools (1 2), Jax (1 2), PyTest (1 2), Sphinx (1 2 3), PyLint (1 2), Jupyter (1 2 3 4), Pillow (1 2), Pygments (1), Dask (1 2 3), NetworkX (1 2 3), GitPython (1 2 3 4 5), PyInstaller (1 2), More-Itertools (1 2 3) and more.

  • Ram is the author and maintainer of the PySnooper project, which is a popular debugging tool for Python.

  • Ram has written many blog posts about Python and given talks in different Python conferences, such as PyCon Israel, PyCon CZ, GeoPython and EuroPython.

(WG: see email for all links)

PSF Contributing Member, also nominated by Stephan Deibel & Jannis Leidel

2020 Q2 Nominations

Younggun Kim

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Younggun Kim be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a past PSF Board Director, organizer of PyCon KR, conference speaker, and a great ambassador of the PSF. Younggun attends several regional conferences yearly in Asia to help promote the PSF and stays connected with regional organizers.

David Lord

I, Philip Jones, propose that David Lord be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a long term maintainer of the pallets projects. The pallets projects are very widely used in the Python community and were on the verge of becoming unmaintained when David started, since then he has revitalized the projects and built up and led a team of maintainers.

I author and maintain the Quart, Hypercorn and associated projects and work with David on Flask and Werkzeug.

PSF Contributing Member

Ayan Pahwa

I, Aakanksha Agrawal propose that Ayan Pahwa be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community, especially in promoting python on hardware. A few mentionable ones are as follows:

- Contributing to projects like circuitpython, micropython, etc - Making content for python on hardware projects including microcontroller boards and single-board computers like raspberry pi - Sharing knowledge through his blog ( and videos ( on python - Conducting python on hardware workshop as an organizer in local communities- Circuitpython day 2019 at ILUGD and HHCD - giving talks and poster presentations about the same in various conference around the world- PyCon, FOSSASIA - Promoting diversity in python communities - staying active in python hardware communities, helping and encouraging others in getting started.

Not a PSF member

Prudence Attablayo

With regard to the upcoming elections. I [Prudence Attablayo] will like to nominate Prudence Attablayo as a fellow of the PSF. She has been serving as the Chapter lead for PyLadies Kumasi, Ghana for more than a year now.

self nomination, not a PSF member

Gautam Ramachandra

I Gautam, nominate Gautam Ramachandra be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a co-founder Tensorflow User Group Mysore where python is being advocated, a professor teaching python to management students who have come from non-programming background, open source contributor in various open source libraries related to python. He has also contributed to the development of many open-source projects. Being a CTO of a startup he has encouraged and he has also helped many interns to pick up python.

self nomination, not a PSF member

Shubham Kumar Agrawal

I [Sayantika Banik] would like to nominate "Shubham Kumar Agrawal". Shubham is an active member of various communities like "Kaggle Days Bangalore", "Google Developer Groups Bangalore", "WomenTech Makers Bangalore". He has helped the python community to grow by delivering sessions on Data Science and python. Shubham was also actively involved as a Volunteer for DevFest Bangalore 2019. One of the biggest tech fest organized in Bangalore India. His technical expertise and leadership are outstanding. His areas of expertise lie in "Data Science", "Machine Learning" and "Data Analytics". He is also been selected as a mentor for the "Google Code-In" programme for TensorFlow Community.

Not a PSF member

Berker Peksag

I, Aziz Y. Tahir, propose that Berker Peksag be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a Python core developer, co-founder of Python Istanbul user group, and as a mentor to people who are trying to learn Python like me.

PSF Contributing Member

Emmanuel Martins

I, Aniekan Okono, propose that Emmanuel Martins be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a founder of the Pytonik web framework, Pytonik is a python framework built to enhance web development fast and easy, also help web developers to build more apps with less code.

Nominated by Aniekan Okono, Uduak Essien, Claret Nnamocha, Amaka Carly, Thecla Okafor, Festus Obi , Micheal Obande, Alabi Emmanuel, and Olusola Ajayi who just copied and pasted the example from the website...

PSF Managing Member

Roy Hyunjin Han

I, Salah Ahmed, propose that Roy Hyunjin Han be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Roy is a personal hero. If there's one major reason for his nomination, its not his technical prowess, but his unwavering belief in people. Roy is a Google Alumni and helped introduce Python to the NYC Mayor's office and to the Sustainable Engineering Lab at Columbia University. He is the author of open source projects such as the python port of socket-io, as well as his prize project CrossCompute. Roy uses his expertise to train and mentor students at Queens College, free of charge. He does not take this matter lightly, he believes anyone can learn this profession and do it well. I first met Roy nearly 5 years ago, after graduating from NYU. I did not know any Python, and found it difficult to break into the industry. Today, I use Python exclusively, working a dream job at Resy. This would not be possible without Roy, he continues to mentor me, as well as numerous others. I cannot repay him for his belief in me, but I'd like to recognize him in the community. Roy makes it a point to make us feel apart of that community, taking us to Pycon and helping present at meetups! Please consider Roy.

Not a PSF member

Sarah Adigwe

I,Vivian Alagbo, propose that Sarah Adigwe be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a lead organizer of the PyLadies Lautech. She has served the Python community through extraordinary efforts in organizing Python events, publicly promoting Python, and teaching and coordinating others.

Not a PSF member

Owen Campbell

I'd [Peter Inglesby] like to nominate Owen Campbell for a Fellowship. He has been involved in the PyCon UK for several years, and has provided a huge amount of behind-the-scenes support for the directors of the conference. He was also the driving force behind setting up the UK Python Association, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation which exists to support the Python community in the UK and around the world.

PSF Contributing Member

Kristian Glass

I, Owen Campbell, propose that Kristian Glass be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as:

* The Conference Director of PyCon UK 2020 * A founding and current trustee of the UK Python Association (UKPA),

  • charitable body repsonsible for the delivery of PyCon UK

* A founding and current director of UKPA Trading Ltd, a wholly owned

  • subsidiary of the UKPA

* A founding and current director of PyCon UK Society Trading Ltd, the

  • the company previously respsonsible for the delivery of PyCon UK

PSF Contributing Member Also nominated by Peter Inglesby & Daniele Procida

Julien Palard

I, Stéphane Wirtel, propose that Julien Palard be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community:

- Python Core Dev - Contribute to maintain some servers with Ernest W. Durbin III (PSF Staff) - Spending a lot of time on the #python-fr IRC channel to help the new comers. - Helping on the organisation of PyCon France. - Helping on the maintenance of AFPy (French Fundation around Python) servers. - Teaching Python a lot to many people (Paris Descartes University, private companies, schools (Sup'Internet), ... - Co-creator of : a Python learning system in Python that I use a lot when teaching to too-many-people (It happen I have 60 students in a single room at the university). - He organizes monthly meetups in Paris : - He comes and sometime speak to other Paris meetups : - He's the author of the PEP 545 and current organizer of the translation (I help any language in the process of starting and maintaining a translation, and maintain the up to date). I also monitor the Sentry of the docsbuild-scripts, and I moderate (and sometime even reply) on the docs@ and doc-sig@ mailing lists. - He's the biggest contributor of the french translation on (even if nowadays I spend more time reviewing PRs than actually translating) - Sometime contribute to cpython core (fixing memoryleak and segfaults are my hobbies but I don't have a lot of time on it). - Sometime proofreading PRs on cpython (typically at the core dev sprints, and I hope to have more time on it in the future). - I maintain a few packages around translation maintenance like pospell (a spell checker), powrap (a gettext rewrapper), pomerge (a tool to merge content of gettext files), poautofill (automatic translator using api). - And a few other projects not around translation like mdorrst, licencename, pipe (720 stars github), hl_vt100, ... - And a few other projects :

PSF Contributing Member

2020 Q1 Nominations

Anthony Sottile

I, Hugo van Kemenade, propose that Anthony Sottile be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to significant contributions to the Python community, by building and maintaining many productivity tools. For example, for creating pre-commit and pyupgrade, as a core developer of pytest and tox, a maintainer of Flake8, amongst dozens of other tools. Anthony also regularly streams whilst working on open source, which is a useful educational resource.

Not a PSF Member

Jon Dufresne

I, Hugo van Kemenade, propose that Jon Dufresne be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to significant contributions to the Python community, as a core developer of Django and by contributing to scores of open-source Python projects, helping them modernise and standardise, follow current best practices in code, testing and packaging, replacing deprecations and dropping old Python support.

Not a PSF Member

Al Sweigart

I [Paul Vincent Craven] feel that Al Seigert should be a PSF fellow for all his work at Python education.

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Al Sweigart be recognized as a Fellow of the PSF due to their significant contributions to the Python community. Al wrote several books (many are freely available) and put together online videos teaching folks about Python. Additionally, Al has spoken at many Python conferences and wrote several Python libraries. More details can be found at

supporting member up to Nov 2019

Ng Swee Meng

I, Iqbal Abdullah, propose that Ng Swee Meng ( be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation

Swee Meng's contribution to the python community in Malaysia by being the main organizer for regular python meetups (even at times when attendance was below 10 people) even long before we had PyCon MY, and was also the key person to initiate PyCon MY in 2015. Hi tenacity to continue contributing by managing and evangelising for python has made PyCon MY grow to be known as the biggest python conference in Malaysia, and also one of the biggest and longest continuing grass-roots led non-commercial tech conference in the country.

Swee Meng also contributes to the SinarProject by writing code in python. SinarProject is a civic tech initiative aiming to put accountability on governments. His evangelism on using python in this project has increased society's general awareness on what python is, what it can do and how it can benefit society in general.

Comparatively to other countries, members of tech societies like in Malaysia will have seemingly lesser contribution due to the general attitude towards working in technology (i.e people are more interested in selling than building stuff, and the idea of sharing like in open source conferences do not catch on easily), and because of this I believe we need to recognize and acknowledge selfless people like Swee Meng, who can be made into role-models.

Not a PSF Member

Martin Roelfs

I [Mauricio Moreira] would like to nominate Martin Roelfs (, developer of SymFit, for the PSF Fellow Membership due to its continuous effort on building and maintaining a pythonic package for Symbolic Fit (

Not a PSF Member

Andrew Knight

I, Gabriel Boorse, propose that Andrew Knight (Automation Panda) be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a conference speaker, educator, and blog author (, in addition to his ongoing work to organize the PyCarolinas regional conference.

Not a PSF Member

Britone Mwasaru

I would like to nominate Britone Mwasaru from Mombasa,Kenya. He has been training and mentoring young people particularly girls in high schools and those who dropped out of school due to poverty in the coast region of Kenya.He is a python language expert. He has served as Director of technology at Swahilipot Hub. He has empowered so many young people to learn programming.I am one of them. I am a python language beginner.

Not a PSF Member

Serhiy Storchaka

I, Andrew Svetlov, propose that Serhiy Storchaka be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python language (the reference CPython implementation). Hi is the Python Core Developer since 2012-12-26, behind this date Serhiy is one of the most productive contributors to the Python project. I think it deserves the fellowship.

Lumír Balhar

I, Honza Javorek, propose that Lumír Balhar <> be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a

- founder and leader of the Python user group in Ostrava (since 2013) - founder and lecturer of PyLadies Ostrava (since 2016, I think) - co-founder of the Python user group in Olomouc (2017) - main organizer, leader, and great motivator of the PyCon CZ org team for (at least) two consequent years (2019, 2020) - organizer and host (in his own house) of yearly community Python sprints dedicated to improving what the Czech Python user group does

There are many people in the Czech Republic, who are very active in promoting Python, organizing Python events, and in overall making the world better through Python. Due to language barriers, our activities have mostly local impact, so the PSF doesn't have so many opportunities to hear about them. I'd like to start with internationally recognizing the great work being done here. I decided to propose Lumír as the first Czech PSF Fellow, because he stands out in following:

- operating in a post-industrial area of the country with high unemployment and basically no prior Python awareness and no Python companies - building a local community completely from scratch, from enthusiasts and beginners, and leading it to being so robust that it was/is able to take over and successfully deliver the Czech Python user group conference, PyCon CZ (~400 attendees, previously 2015-2016 in Brno, 2017-2018 in Prague, both being major cities with abundance of Python software companies and volunteers) - being persistent in his volunteering contributions for many years, seemingly without any burnouts, always spreading good mood and attitude - being very humble in accepting any praise, perhaps not even realizing the sheer amount of good he has added to the world

Not a PSF Member

Marco Rougeth

I, Mário Sérgio, propose that Marco Rougeth should be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community. For the past year, he has coordinated the translation of Python documentation to Portuguese language, not only promoting more people to contribute, but also creating tools that help the work of those who want to help. The efforts include coordinating embassadors to organize sprints on local events, lightining talks, blog posts and even a bot that sends strings to be translated via Telegram. Marco was in the organization of several events, including 2 Pycon Brazil. He was also the creator of Caipyra, a conference that, in 2016, started the efforts of a local community that eventually ended on the Pycon Brazil being help on the same city in 2019. He also was a key organizer of this Pycon Brazil 2019, helping the organization from afar (Dublin). A work that was of extremely importance when the current organizer had to leave the conference due to health issues. Also, for the past 4 years, he has done a silent job as a advisor on the Python Brazil Association, engaging on the efforts of keeping the Brazil's community development. Most of this work has happened under the shadows, as many of our amazing community efforts, but it is my personal believe that he has done enough to be a fellow of PSF.

PSF Contributing Member

Thea Flowers

I, Ian Stapleton Cordasco, am nominating Thea Flowers to become a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as the creator of nox, cmarkgfm, and flask-talisman; major contributor to circuitpython; member of the Python Packaging Authority; maintainer of Urllib3; and a developer advocate for Python on Google Cloud Platform. Thea has also served as the co-chair of PyCascades and given excellent talks at PyCon and Puget Sound Programming Python. Thea has also recently started and maintains it on her own in order to make running a Code of Conduct hotline easier for conference organizers. It is also written in Python.

Not a PSF Member

Olaniyan Adewale Hafeez

I, Orunsolu A. Abiodun, hereby propose that Olaniyan Adewale Hafeez be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community in Nigeria as a partner in various Tech-Hub within the different geo-political zones in the country. He has organized a number of the workshop for adults and teenagers to drive Python acceptance as a reliable and convenient programing language. He is a co-founder of Couone Technology Limited. He has attended a number of the local and international workshop on python programming language Also nominated by Alaran Misturah, Muhammad'N Lola Abdulaleem & Tobi Hassan Adeleke

Not a PSF Member

Oier Echaniz Beneitez

Our Chair, Oier Echaniz Beneitez, due to his significant contribution to the community, being one of the co-founder of the local Python Society and being the chair since its foundation in 2014 (Python San Sebastian), being co-organiser and co-founder of the local Python conference series Python San Sebastian, also organiser and co-chair of EuroPython 2015, 2016, being part of the EuroPython Society board during these years, EuroScipy 2019 and 2020 co-organiser and co-chair, Instructor and organiser of several Software Carpentries and many Python courses for local companies and research facilities. For his contributions as a person with a disability to share his strength and his sense of humor with everyone being also co-founder and maintainer of pyjokes.

nominated by Python San Sebastian Society GA members

Not a PSF Member

Alexandre Savio

Our Treasurer, Alexandre Savio, due to his significant contribution to the community, being one of the co-founder of the local Python Society being co-organiser and co-founder of the local Python conference series Python San Sebastian, also organiser and co-chair of EuroPython 2015, 2016 and 2018, being part of the EuroPython Society board during these years, EuroScipy 2019 and 2020, co-organiser of Pycon Munich in 2016, Instructor and Organizer of several Software Carpentries and many Python courses for local companies and research facilities. Also co-founder and maintainer of pyjokes. nominated by Python San Sebastian Society GA members

Darya Chyzhyk

Our Spokesperson, Darya Chyzyk, due to her significant contribution to the community, being one of the co-founder of the local Python Society being co-organiser and co-founder of the local Python conference series Python San Sebastian, also organiser and co-chair of EuroPython 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 being part of the EuroPython Society board during these years, EuroScipy 2019 and 2020 co-chair and co-organiser, co-organiser of several Software Carpentries and many Python courses for local companies and research facilities.

nominated by Python San Sebastian Society GA members

PSF Basic Member

Borja Ayerdi

Our Board member, Borja Ayerdi, due to his significant contribution to the community, being one of the co-founder of the local Python Society being co-organiser and co-founder of the local Python conference series Python San Sebastian, also organiser and co-chair of EuroPython 2015, 2016, being part of the EuroPython Society board during these years, EuroScipy 2019 and 2020 co-organiser, several Software Carpentries and many Python courses for local companies and research facilities. Also co-founder and maintainer of pyjokes. nominated by Python San Sebastian Society GA members

Not a PSF Member

Ondrej Certik

I, Gagandeep Singh, propose that, Ondrej Certik be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a founder of SymPy, a python library for symbolic mathematics, with around 6500 stars, 2800 forks on GitHub. In addition, SymPy is used by 14000 open source repositories and 500 open source packages, including Microsoft Dowhy and Mathematics Dataset by Google Deepmind. He has also contributed to NumPy, as a release manager for version 1.7, SciPy, and IPython.

Not a PSF Member

Tom Christie

I, Sebastián Ramírez, propose that Tom Christie be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community.

He is the creator of Django-REST-Framework, Starlette, Uvicorn, MkDocs, HTTPX, and others.

He's actively helping the Python web ecosystem move forward while creating a very healthy and friendly community. He teaches by example how to be a good open source maintainer and community member. And he is helping others easily build tools on top of his, for example with Uvicorn and Starlette for web frameworks, or MkDocs for documentation sites.

Not a PSF Member Also nominated by Dmitry Figol and Yeray Diaz

Seth Michael Larson

I, Sebastián Ramírez, propose that Seth Michael Larson be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community.

He is the current lead maintainer of urllib3, the most downloaded Python package daily, used by many other packages. He is also the co-maintainer of several other HTTP-related next-generation (async) tools, including HTTPX and Hip.

Not a PSF Member

Kenneth Love

I, Timothy Allen, propose that Kenneth Love be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community. Kenneth has taught more people Django than any other person I can think of, both with his helpful attitude in person, and time as an instructor at Treehouse. More important than just teaching people Django, he has welcome them to the community, with a friendly smile and a helping hand.

Kenneth has served as an organizer of DjangoCon US for several years, including service as a Program Chair and General Chair of the entire conference. Kenneth helps maintain several essential Django packages, including Django Braces and Shapeshifter. Kenneth is always willing to help anyone who needs it, and has served as a great example of service to the community for me and many others.

PSF Contributing Member

2019 Q4 Nominations

Rising Odegua

I, Kelvin Oyanma, propose that Rising Odegua be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a teacher, speaker, trainer and active contributor to the open source tools built with Python.

Rising spreads the knowledge and use of Python through his writings in popular blogs like and delivers workshops at PyCons and numerous other conferences. He is a community builder and leader whose passion is to see the Python language community grow.

not a PSF member

Mark Lubega

I, Joannah Nanjekye, would like to nominate Mark Lubega as a fellow of the PSF. Mark started the Python Kampala community as the first Python user group in Uganda . He also was involved in some of the organizations of Pycon Africa from when it had been proposed to be in Uganda to when it changed venue to Ghana.

WIth his busy full time job, he has consistently run the community organising monthly meetups and even sacrificially meeting some community fees with his own finances when he did not know how to lobby for funds to support it. He has been a mentor to many and continues to inspire many people in the community. I asked for some feedback from the community and this is what some members had to say about Mark.

Joannah sent several testimonies with her nomination. See email threads for more info

not a PSF member

Pablo Galindo Salgado

I, Naomi Ceder, would like to nominate my friend Pablo Galindo Salgado as a fellow of the PSF. Pablo has been deeply involved in aspects of the community, including:

- PyConES:

Pablo has been an organizer of PyconES since the 2017 edition. In all 3 years he especially focused on reducing the bias of the voters and working to increase diversity and inclusion. These 3 past years diversity numbers in the speakers have increased considerably.

- Python Spain

Pablo has served on the board of the Python Spain association since the last election (2-3 years) helping especially with infrastructure, moderating and managing the Python Spain discourse (

- Pylondinium

Organizer of PyLondinium, coordinating keynote speaker assistance, t-shirts, talk selection, presenting speakers.

- Core developer

Core developer since June 2018 - main contributions:

* Code-wise,one of the 4 most active core devs since his promotion ( * Working extensively with the build bots, fixing bugs and helping with the CI ( * Spending significant hours with Victor Stinner fixing many problems for the different releases of 3.8. * Pablo has made improvements to the GitHub workflow ( * Apart from being one of the authors of PEP 570, Pablo shepherded the discussion and did the full implementation.

- Core developer Sprint

Pablo worked with Ewa to organize this year's core developer sprint at the Bloomberg London Headquarters (including the Friday event and the recording of the videos to improve transparency as to what was done in the sprint). Pablo also wrote the summary in the PSF blog:

- Conference Talks

Pablo has given many Python-related conference talks including at PyConUS, PyLondinium, PyCon ES (keynote), EuroPython and CodeMotion Madrid and other meetups. It's not available online yet, but several people have told me that his PyCon ES keynote this year was amazing.

not a PSF member, but is a core developer

Ngazetungue Muheue

I, Bella Utanauka Tjiraso, propose that Mr Ngazetungue Muheue be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to the significant contributions to the Python community in Namibia. He is a co-founder of the Python Community in Namibia (PyNam), a leading organizer of Python Week of Code in Namibia , a co-organizer for the 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 editions of the PyCon Namibia, Founder of Django (python) framework in Namibia and at the same time he is a Python community outreach coordinator under Python Namibia Society (PyNam), and he has been Python tutor for the past 6 years (2014-2019). He is a backbone of Python in Namibia, he represent our community at all level be international, continental and local level.

Also nominated by Gregg Makari & Murangi V. & Unotjari Kandjavera

not a PSF member

Patrick Guido Arminio

I, Marco Acierno, propose that Patrick Guido Arminio, chair of Python Italia, be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Italian and European Python Community by helping organising PyCon Italy, starting as a volunteer to then become a lead organiser, EuroPython and many more, founding the Python Pizza mini-conference to bring more Python in South Italy, helping the community's members both online and offline, and contributing to the open source helping popular projects such as Django as well as building new amazing tools such as GraphQL Strawberry.

Also nominated by Fiorella De Luca

PSF Contributing Member

Kevin O'Brien

I, Vicky Twomey-Lee, propose that Kevin O'Brien be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Irish Python community as a part of Python Ireland Committee as well as his tremendous efforts in organising PyCon Ireland as well as his continued support of providing financial aid to attend the conference. His co-ordination and outreach has brought the very first Irish PyCon outside of Dublin to Limerick (mid-west of Ireland) and plans to further run Python-related events in other Irish cities. He's very active in the PyData community, and overall in diversity in tech initiatives also. He has been very supportive on his contribution of time and expertise when I was running my own Python-related events, workshops and initiatives (these includes my past PyCon Ireland and Python Ireland events). He has certainly gone "above and beyond normal volunteering".

Not a basic, managing, nor contributing member (Ewa 11Oct19)

Park Hyun woo

He[Park Hyun woo] was first follower to start PyCon KR. at 2014 I [Kwon-Han Bae] struggled to start PyCon KR in korea first time no one did it before. he give us ( PyCon KR commitee ) encourage. actions. support to start PyCon KRtill 2017 ( about 5 years ). All most webpage, printed things are done by him. organzing, empowering people and learn to think about CoC ( yes' its very first in korea ). after that he stared sprint seoul to spread Python Development Sprint ( ) in korea, we are accepting other langues sprint but in half ot them are python also he is author of these things. -, also sent tons of PR to several python projects

Not a PSF member

2019 Q3 Nominations

Paul Kehrer

I'd [Elana Hashman] like to nominate Paul Kehrer to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation as part of the 2019 Q3 batch.

Paul has served the Python community with his extensive engineering contributions with the Python Cryptographic Authority (PyCA) over the past six years. He is the #1 contributor to the "cryptography" project, which has over 2.9k stars on GitHub and ranks in the top 30 most downloaded packages from PyPI:

Without Paul's involvement in cryptography, pyOpenSSL, Python's bcrypt, PyNaCl, and upstream OpenSSL, the Python ecosystem would be a lot less secure.

He has also achieved wide acclaim for building the Simpsons meme generator Frinkiac, which, while not written in Python, has brought joy to many members of the Python community.

Bruno Oliveira

I, Edson Tadeu M. Manoel, propose that Bruno Oliveira (a.k.a. the pytest penguin) be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a core maintainer of pytest, allowing test-writing to be a super joyous activity for every Python developer. Bruno is a pytest core maintainer since 2013, and is super active in the project

I, Denivy Braiam Ruck, propose that Bruno Oliveira be recognized as a Fellow of Python Software Foundation, due to his long-term contribution, passion and respect for the Python Community. His contributions go beyond his work as a core developer of pytest. He also contributes to meetups and conferences in and near his town (Florianópolis) and is constantly mentoring developers, such as myself. Me and many others have an immense respect for him due to his humble and humane approach when dealing with others and always giving his bits for whoever is in need. I have no doubts that the fellow chair of PSF will be honored by him with very high standards.

I, Marcelo Duarte Trevisani, propose that Bruno Oliveira be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Pytest (core developer), Tox, conda-forge, trio, conda, and several other projects.

He also wrote a book about Pytest, "Pytest Quick Start Guide". He was already recognized by Google regarding his contributions to the opensource community.

Nasser B. Al-Ostath

I nasser b. Al-Ostath , propose that myself to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation . Due to my humble solo efforts in teaching python in my native language, Arabic. Since 2018 i have created two online video courses in arabic with. Company called etadrees about learning python and creating pentest tools using python which can be found in here : python course in arabic ( And here: creating reverse shells for pentesters in python

Chris Lamb

I, Mike Pena, propose that Chris Lamb ( be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to their contributions to pushing Python 3.x adoption/migration within the Debian community and ecosystem, their packaging of various Python modules such as Django within that distribution as well as their large number of smaller free software utilities and websites etc. etc

Xavier Dupre

I think Xavier Dupre ( Senior developer at Microsoft (, teacher at Ensae Paris ( and contributor to the library scikit-learn has been teaching to students and kids for more than ten years. His website is a reference in France (the most visited for french tutorials on Python).

He is fully committed to the Python community and programming. He never counts his time to promote Python programming and always promote open source and "data for good" actions (he organized several Hackathon to help Red Cross and other volunteer association). I am fully convinced that he fits with requirements you mentioned to be nominated.

Terada Manabu

I, Iqbal Abdullah, a Managing PSF member propose that Terada Manabu ( be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his

1. Significant contributions to the Python community as a founder of the PyCon JP country conference in 2011, which started with 100 attendees and now in it's 8th year with over 1000 attendees

2. Contributions to organizing the PyCon APAC in JP conference for the Asia Pacific Region in 2013, introducing the wider regional PyCon community to Japan and vice-versa

2. Through the PyCon JP organization, organized Python Bootcamps, which are nominally-paid classes (around USD20) held around Japan, to introduce new comers to Python and more importantly to the wider Python community through PyCon

3. Significant contributions from his efforts to increase cooperation between the APAC regional conferences and community, by attending, aiding and supporting other regional organizers through his experience and financial means.

4. Significant contributions to the Plone framework, by contributing code and also actively organizing conferences on Plone on a worldwide level.

Mahmoud Hashemi

I, Moshe Zadka, propose that Mahmoud Hashemi be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to his significant contributions to the Python community: * Writing: Authoring O'Reilly's Enterprise Software with Python, as well as Python advocacy posts on the [PayPal corporate engineering blog]( He also contributed extensive documentation to the official packaging guide. * Organizing: Co-organizing the [Pyninsula]( monthly meetup, a PSF-recognized meetup in the SF Bay Area, with me for the past two-and-a-half years. He's also been active in the BayPiggies and SF Python local communities, and has given Python talks globally: * Maintenance: He maintains a curated, structured list of example FOSS Python applications for the Python community to learn from and use: He also maintains several popular/critical packages, including boltons, glom, and hyperlink.

Batuhan Osman Taskaya

I , Mustafa Anıl Tuncel, propose Batuhan Osman Taskaya be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community in many positions. He is a high school student from Turkey, recently became 16. Although being young, he already has a remarkable amount of contributions to Python and its community. He is a strong advocate of Python, he even thinks people should start developing frontend with Python as he is doing with the darwcss/frutti [0] projects he developed. He is the author of many hacking projects (such as catlizor[1], pepallow[2], rustyreturn[3]) that changes the behaviour of CPython and shows the ecosystem there is no such thing to be called impossible with CPython. He is the living proof of "CPython is the most dynamic interpreter". He has significant contributions to various other Python projects including CPython core [10]. He spoke at the largest FOSS conferences of Europe. Including the talk, he gave a talk about Memory Management in CPython at FOSDEM last year [4] and the talk about the security vulnerabilities of CPython at EuroPython this year [5]. He blogs in both English [6] and Turkish [7], about CPython's internals. He brought some unique reading material in Turkish and Python community in Turkey deeply appreciate his blog posts. He also gives Python training (for free) as a Python advocate in Turkey. The upcoming training is going to happen in SCamp which is a summer camp for the young programmers (between 14- and 17-years old) [11]. There he is going to give Python training for 4 days. Lately, he gives free consulting to floss projects under Three-Headed Giant Consulting [8] (a character from Monty Python). Last of all, as a community managing experience, he is the founder of a Telegram group [9] for the Python users of Turkey. He created that group for advocation Python usage and answering the questions of Pythonistas. I truly believe that he is going to be a key person in advancing the mission of the PSF and with no doubt nominate him to become a PSF fellow. 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:

Gautier Hayoun and Tom Viner

Gautier Hayoun and Tom Viner in recognition of their extraordinary and sustained work in community organising via their tireless efforts in coordinating, supporting and running the London Python Code Dojo. See email for full nomination:

Feștilă George Cătălin (self nomination)

My name is Feștilă George Cătălin , username catafest. I'm an older user in the python community and recent changes have led me to update my position in the python community. I write on my blog about the python programming language: The blog is a part of my evolution in python programming - when I had time to add something interesting, I added.

2019 Q2 Nominations

Anton Caceres

I, Mariia Kuneva the main organizer of the conference PyCon Odessa, propose that Anton Caceres be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a main organizer of the PyConDE 2016 and PyConWeb annually since 2017. Also, on March 16, 2019 we held the first conference PyCon Odessa in Ukraine, Odessa and Anton helped us to organize conference from scratch.

Rami Chowdhury (elected Q2 2019)

I, Nathan Danielsen, am nominating Rami Chowdhury as a PSF fellow because of his incredible leadership and mentorship in the python community that is not just limited to the Washington, DC area. Since early 2015 when Rami moved to Washington DC, he has gotten deeply involved in organizing and leading the python community:Teaching Python Classes at the public library for nearly 3 years each and every Saturday between 2015 - 2018. Since 2015, organizing the DC Python Dojo modeled after the London Style events and paying for food and beverages out of his own pocket. Giving numerous technical talks at other python flavored groups in the community.In addition, since at least 2011 Rami has been an active volunteer in support the Pycon conference from being the International Travel coordinator to sprints coordinator to recently coordinating conference volunteering. Outside of that, Rami is an incredibly humble and generous person with his time and talents. I’m just one of many people that benefited directly from his patient mentorship and excellent technical and career guidance.

Matt Lebrun (elected Q2 2019) and Michaela Reyes (elected Q2 2019)

I, Michie Ang, propose that Matt Lebrun and Michaela Reyes be recognized as Fellows of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community. These two individuals have shaped the Python community in the Philippines by setting up PyConPH (the community of Python Enthusiast in the Philippines). They have been doing so much work in the Philippines and I have seen individuals become Python devs and getting jobs as Python developers because of them. Also, become leaders in the Python community. It's been a long time that they have been serving the Python Community here and I hope their hard work be recognized.

They co-founded PythonPH. They hold meetups almost every month to talk about Python. They held PyCon all over the Philippines and this year they brought PyConAPAC. They also started DjangoGirls in Manila and many many more. I hope they would be recognized as Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

Valentin Dombrovsky

For years I help Valentin Dombrovsky to run "Moscow Python" community. Due to his relentless work and outstanding organisation skills we completed 63 meetups since 2012, each attracting around 300 Python developers out of 5k+ community members. He is a person behind the "Moscow Python Conf" that will be held 4th time this year. I propose him to be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation for hist contribution to the language and ecosystem popularisation in Russian Federation.

Tania Allard (elected Q2 2019)

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Tania Allard be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Tania continues to make significant contributions to the Python community in Data Science (see full list in nomination by Jaime Mendes). Additionally, Tania is an active contributor to the PSF blog ( In 2019, Tania is a co-organizer of the Mentored Sprints Hatchery Program at PyCon 2019. The Mentored Sprints' goal is to better support underrepresented groups with hands on mentoring (

Chris Jerdonek (elected Q2 2019) and Pradyun Gedam (elected Q2 2019)

I, Parahat Melayev, propose that Chris Jerdonek and Pradyun Gedam be recognized as Fellows of the Python Software Foundation, due to their valuable contributions to the Python community, in particular, for their improvements of pip - a crucial tool most of Python community depend on.

2019 Q1 Nominations

Aaron Yankey (elected Q2 2019), Noah Alorwu, Abigail Mesrenyame

I, Mannie Young nominate the team whom have brought alot on the table to the progress of Python in Ghana. Mr Aaron Yankey - our chair, Abigail Mesrenyame - Lead of PyLadies Ghana, Michael Young, and Noah Alorwu.

When we started Python Ghana in 2017, I created different initiatives and had to get a team to work with and these people have done alot to promote the Python Software programming language here in Ghana. We work as a team in every decisions carried out under the leadership of Mr Aaron Yankey who is also on the PSF grant committee board.

They've successfully hosted the very first PyCon Conference in Ghana in August 2018, have 5 active Local User Groups currently in Ghana (Accra, Kumasi, Ho, CapeCoast) and also our initiatives under the community that happens to gradually grow in the Ghanaian Tech industry. We have the PyLadies Ghana initiative, PyData Ghana, PyClubs and PyKids.

The Python Programming language is gradually growing in Ghana and these individuals have played a major part in all these. They've serve the Python community through extraordinary efforts and sacrifices in organising, travelling and contributing to Python related events around Ghana be it Django Girls, PyLadies, PyClubs, PyData, User Groups Meetups etc.

Can Umay

Azize Sernur Poyraz propose that Can Umay be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a founder and volunteer instructor of the Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Biltek Artificial Intelligence Community from November 2017.

NOTE: we received ~25 other nominations from the students of this teacher - they are all the same text as this one ^

Christoph Gohlke (elected Q1 2019)

I, Hugo van Kemenade, propose that Christoph Gohlke be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community by generously building and providing, for nearly a decade, unofficial Windows binaries of many open-source extension packages for the Python programming language.

This has helped many people develop for Python on Windows, where it is difficult to set up a compiler to build C code. Not only has this helped new developers get started with Python, when faffing with a compiler could make some give up on Python altogether, it helps experienced developers too, especially for scientific Python. Christoph also provides official Windows binaries for the Pillow project for each quarterly release, and runs tests, reports and fixes Windows bugs.

Michael Young

I, Noah Alorwu, propose that Michael Young be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Michael Young has served the Python community through extraordinary efforts in organizing Python events including the first Pycon Ghana, publicly promoting Python, and teaching and coordinating others. Michael's efforts have shown leadership and resulted in long-lasting and substantial gains in the number and quality of Python users, and have been widely recognized as being above and beyond normal volunteering.

Mannie Young

I, Noah Alorwu Alorwu, propose that Mannie Young be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Mannie Young has served the Python community through extraordinary efforts in organizing Python events including the first Pycon Ghana, publicly promoting Python, and teaching and coordinating others. Mannie's efforts have shown leadership and resulted in long-lasting and substantial gains in the number and quality of Python users, and have been widely recognized as being above and beyond normal volunteering.

Nnamdi Okoro

My name is James Atadoga, Strategy and Logistic personnel of Python Abuja. I want to propose that Nnamdi Okoro is recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to his significant contributions to the Python community in Nothern Nigeria.

He currently serves as the Coach of Django Girls Minna, Django Girls Funtua, Django Girls Zaria, Django Girls Abuja and as the lead organizer for the Python User Group in Minna. Nnamdi is a hardworking individual that has sacrificed a lot for the Python Community in Nothern Nigeria.

Marek Mansell

I, Tomas Pytel, propose that Marek Mansell be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as co-founder and lead organizer of the PyConSK conference for the 2016,2017 and 2018 editions of this Slovak Python conference. Marek have played a key role in creating EduSummit, a unique feature of PyCon SK conference designed to promote the Python as the new alternative for IT teachers in Slovak high schools and universities.

Gary Pickup

I, Gemma Pickup, propose that my husband Gary Pickup (email: ) be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Gary has been voluntarily teaching young people how to code (Python is his favourite) since early 2017 at a school Code Club (Spring 2017 to current) and between Autumn 2017 & Summer 2018 at MadLab Manchester (see: and ).

As well as voluntarily teaching young people how to code in Python he also runs his own website ( where he posts about his endeavours. His favourite programming language is Python and he has a whole section devoted to the language (see: ). He has used holiday days (leave) from work so that he can learn more about Python and has shared this enjoyment with his website visitors (see: His website has over 1000 unique visitors a month, something he is very proud of (he is often impressed that people read what he has written).

Dr. Martin Skarzynski

I, Michael Chambers, would like to nominate Dr. Martin Skarzynski to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation for his teaching efforts and advocacy for the use of Python in the scientific community. As a member of the National Cancer Institute, Martin has championed Python as a necessary tool for the modern biologist. He teaches an introductory course to Python at the National Institutes of Health twice a year to encourage the language’s adoption in the laboratory and his enthusiasm is simply contagious. He is also active in the development community, with contributions to several GitHub projects and the development of his own pip package, modulr. Martin is a lifelong learner and inspires his colleagues to stay curious and to continually explore the advantages that Python has to offer to the scientific field.

Corey MS

I, Jamiu Salimon, propose that Corey MS be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to teaching Python thru his YouTube Channel.

2018 Q4 Nominations

Aina Anjary Fenomamy

I, Thomas Ayih-Akakpo, propose that Aina Anjary Fenomamy be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her contribution to the Ladies in STEM initiative in Antananarivo, Madagascar. She’s the lead coordinator of the PyLadiesTNR group and DjangoGirlsTNR workshops (in Antananarivo, Madagascar) since three years now.

Elana Hashman (elected Q4 2018)

I, Noah Kantrowitz, propose that Elana Hashman be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as a maintainer of auditwheel and the broader wheel packaging ecosystem. She has also championed the teaching of Python at her university and at other events around the world, and through the OpenHatch mentorship project.

Jeff Triplett (elected Q4 2018)

I, Adam Fast, propose that Jeff Triplett be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to his significant contributions to the Python (and Django) community as a co-founder of DEFNA and long-time organizer of the DjangoCon US conference (2015-2018, plus stepping in last minute to chair 2014), the organizer of the Django Birthday conference, and his long time mentor ship of those in the community who desire to learn conference chairing, organizing and how to become better Python programmers. He serves as the President of the Django Events Foundation North America which he co-founded to facilitate DjangoCon US and he was also recently elected as a PSF Director. The Python Software community is very fortunate to have Jeff applying his talents and putting in so many of his hours to see it be a better place.

Zachary Ware (elected Q4 2018)

I, Mariatta Wijaya, propose that Zachary Ware be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a Python core developer since November 2013. Zachary is one of the few active core developers focusing on Windows environment, the maintenance and improvement of the buildbots, and a friendly voice to contributors to CPython. Zachary also helps with improving Python documentation and Python developer's guide.

Humphrey Butau

I, Katuri Charles, propose that Humphrey Butau be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a founding member and chairman of the Zimbabwe Python User Group. He has endeavored in bringing the use of Python and related technologies into all spheres of Zimbabwean Society. Through his efforts, Zimbabwe has hosted 2 Pycon Events, a Django Indaba and is on track on hosting a the third edition of Pycon in Zimbabwe. He has encouraged the ordinary Zimbabwean to take up Python Coding as a skill. A special mention of this has to be made for his participation in setting up and running Django Girls Coaching Events. His selfless dedication goes above and beyond after you take into account he has to do this in a tough economic environment(Mind you the price I paid for Pycon 2018 is now worth less than half its value than what I paid for initially). He is keeping the Python Community alive and well in Zimbabwe. The only other similar community that exists is Wordpress, but it does not come close in comparison with what Humphrey & Team have achieved.

But lets not forget, he must be one of the few people who writes code exclusively using Vi in Zimbabwe. That deserves an award in itself.

2018 Q3 Nominations

Raji Abdulgafar

I, Muhammad Abdullahi, hereby nominate Raji Abdulgafar as a fellow of the python software foundation, due to his significant contributions to communities like python minna and python abuja. He impacted numbers of people at the python minna maiden edition in may, he preaches introduction to python for infosec. He was a coach at django girls minna early February.

Florian Bruhin (elected Q2 2019)

I, Rahul Jha, propose that Florian Bruhin[0] (aka The-Compiler) be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community, mainly in the form of qutebrowser[1], which is a cross-platform web browser with vim-style key bindings and a minimal GUI written in Python using PyQt - for which he also received a CH Open Source award in 2016[2]. He is also a long term contributor and maintainer for pytest[3] and also helped out in the development of PySide[4]. Amongst his other achievements, he is also an operator in the #python IRC channel which reflects his love and eagerness to help fellow members of the community.

Apart from his in-numerous contributions to the Free and Libre Open Source Software, he has also mentored many people through the means of various open source programs, like Google Summer of Code, Rails Girls Summer of Code, etc and having experienced the depth of knowledge and the love of teaching he has during my time being mentored by him for Google Summers of Code 2018, I believe becoming a Fellow of the PSF would help him become even more valuable to the community.

Anubha Maneshwar

I am self nominating myself to be a PSF Fellow. I have a degree in Computer Engineering and I run a foundation here in India to help beginners in programming and computer science. I am initiator of Django Girls Nagpur, Django Girls Bhopal, Django Girls Nashik, Django Girls Amravati Chapters and one of the organisers for Django Girls Ouagadougou (Africa). Also, I have started a unique 3 day Python Programming BootCamp known as 'Letspy', Formerly known as 'PyCamp'. I have helped more than 1000 beginners to learn about Python and Django within an year. Please check out this teaser video of India's Biggest Python Programming BootCamp featuring myself-!AvtJobFTKrOxqiSjSIZevTLf1QQd Also, you can view my other social media profiles (twitter- @anubhamane). I strongly believe in Python and I am glad that I am associated with it and helping beginners to dive into Python!

Sanyam Khurana

I, Shashank Kumar, propose that Sanyam Khurana, be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a co-organizer of PyDelhi[0] community since 2015, conducting bi-monthly meetups. He has been a core-organizer of PyDelhi Conf[1], PyCon India 2016[2], 2017[3] and volunteer for PyCon India 2015[4], which is the biggest conference in South Asia.

He has been actively contributing to CPython and is a bug triager[5] for Python. He is also an active contributor to various projects in Mozilla[6] & GSoC Mentor[7] for Debian. His commitment towards community can be seen during weekly regular meetups in and around Delhi during which he helps other organizers. He has been sharing his experience and journey through Open Source Contributions with the community and helping folks out to get started with the same.

Sanyam Khurana -

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Grace Law

I (Daniel Pyrathon) would like to nominate Grace Law for Q3 community awards, below I have outlined some of her achievements:

SF Python With over 11,000 members signed up, SF Python is a community that organizes bi-weekly meetups. The organization has helped host Startup Row and has had amazing speakers such as Lukasz Langa, Raymond Hettinger, Alex Martelli to name a few. The meetup has a great mix of people: some are beginners that are in interested in learning a new skill, others are seasoned engineers that come to mingle. It's a beautiful community that I'm proud to be part of, and without Grace, it wouldn't have existed at all. Grace is the main organizer, everyone has heard about her, she has been running this meetup for the last 9 years. This is what she does for the event:

Reaches out to potential sponsor companies to find venues to host SF Python meetups Reaches out to potential sponsor companies to find food sponsors She connects people together Even though she does not have a technical background, she strives to learn and understand technical topics to stay up to date on what's going on in the Python community Reaches out to meetup attendees and tries to get them involved with running the meetup, giving everyone a chance to step up. Handles all logistics for anything that may be needed Is proactive about schedule organization, responding to any request that may appear on She is proactive when any sudden change of plan happens She reaches out to speakers that she would love to see speaking and she encourages them to speak She is the first to come and the last to leave PyBay

PyBay is the SF Python's regional conference. I've not here to pitch PyBay, but you should check out our lineup! it's pretty cool. This is what Grace does for PyBay:

Grace invented PyBay! She also takes a lot of personal and financial risks to make PyBay succeed She finds solutions for when I or other organizers screw up and are not available She pushes to collaborate with organizations that can improve the diversity (gender, ethnicity, and social background) in the Python community.

Stefan Behnel (elected 2018)

I, Yury Selivanov, propose that Stefan Behnel be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a lead maintainer of Cython -- a Python-to-C compiler. Cython is a go-to tool for the scientific community and, I believe, a lot of Python success can be attributed to its existence. Stefan is also active on Python mailing lists and our bug tracker, reviews PR and contributes many improvements and bug fixes.

Arink Verma

self nomination Arink Verma has served the Python community by making available code, tests, documentation, or design, either in a Python implementation or in a Python ecosystem project, that 1) shows technical excellence, 2) is an example of software engineering principles and best practices, and 3) has achieved widespread usage or acclaim.

David Markey (elected 2018)

I, Dr Paul O'Grady, would like to nominate David Markey as a fellow to the Python Software Foundation. Dave has been involved with the Python community in Ireland for more than 8 years now and has been a member of the Python Ireland Committee for most of that time, Dave has also been Chairperson during 2016 & 2017, and is currently treasurer.

Dave has ran our PyCon Ireland Conference (#PyConIE) during his time as Chariperson (which is one of the biggest indigenous software conferences in Ireland) and has been involved in running the event and our monthly meetups throughout his time on the committee. I think Dave could add a lot to the PSF and becoming a Fellow would be a great recognition of his stellar work in our community.

Eduardo Mendes (elected 2018)

I, Regis Santos, propose Eduardo Mendes as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Eduardo is creating "Live de Python" an important Youtube channel to teach Python and its advances features for the Brazilian community.

Second nomination:

I, Bruno Rocha, propose Eduardo Mendes to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his efforts to teach Python and contributions to the Brazilian Python community.

Eduardo is responsible for "Live de Python" one of the most watched Pythonic Youtube channels in Brazil and lots of people are learning Python with him who for more than one year is streaming weekly live coding sessions teaching important features of Python and its ecosystem.

Third nomination:

I, Kyle Felipe, propose Eduardo Mendes to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his efforts to teach Python and contributions to the Brazilian Python community.

Eduardo is responsible for "Live de Python" one of the most watched Pythonic Youtube channels in Brazil and lots of people are learning Python with him who for more than one year is streaming weekly live coding sessions teaching important features of Python and its ecosystem.


I, Silvio Ap Silva, propose Eduardo Mendes to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

Due to the channel "Live de python" on youtube where he teaches python to the Brazilian community and you channel on telegram, where every day hay solve a lot of doubts of new students and some professionals using python.


I, Luiz Lima, propose that Eduardo Mendes be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Eduardo is the creator of "Live de Python", a Youtube channel on which he livestreams weekly coding classes regarding Python's features and use cases. He has also been an organizer for the 2018 Python Sudeste conference, also ministering a tutorial for functional programming with Python. His impact on the brazilian community grows by the day, as his content is clear and concise, being immensely useful for new learners, and people drawn from his channel are encouraged to interact and discuss, even proposing subjects for future livestreams.

Claudiu Popa (elected 2018)

I, Mariatta Wijaya, propose that Claudiu Popa be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a long-time and currently only active maintainer of pylint, a popular Python static analysis tool, Pylint. Pylint is widely used and has existed for more than 15 years.

Claudiu also made several contributions to CPython. In addition he founded the Romanian Python user group.

Claudiu now is based in Amsterdam. In May 2018 he came to PyCon US for the first time, and lead a succesful sprint of pylint. He also spoke at PyCon Taiwan in 2018.

Andrew Godwin (elected 2018)

I, Russell Keith-Magee, propose that Andrew Godwin be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community.

He has been a member of the Django Core Team for 8 years, and has been responsible for driving the development of several major features of the framework, including the Schema Migration framework, and the recent development of the Channels asynchronous framework. His work in Channels has led to him being instrumental in in driving the ASGI standardization process. Django has been made materially better by his contributions.

He has been a frequent speaker at international Python conferences, and was involved in the organisation of North Bay Python.

Manoj Pandey

I, Sanket Verma, propose that Manoj Pandey be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a founder and current organizer of the PyData Delhi, chair and organizer for the 2017 edition of the PyData Delhi conference. He has also served as the Numfocus ambassador for PyData Florence 2017/PyCon Italy and is chairing the upcoming PyData Delhi 2018 as well.

Manoj has committed for a long time while being a full-time university undergrad, to help a lot of people from the community to start a career in Data Science, Software Development (with a focus on Python in general). He has hosted several workshops, talks, meetups locally in Delhi-NCR region, has delivered talks and keynotes at multiple Python conferences around the world [1]. All this has inspired a lot of university students which helped them early adoption of Python, and also to start public speaking and sharing knowledge within the community.

[1]: PyCon UK 2016, PyCon Finland 2016, PyDelhi Conf 2016, PyCon Philippines 2017, PyCon Italy 2017, PyCon Korea 2017, PyCon Philippines 2018

2018 Q2 Nominations

Katie McLaughlin (elected 2018)

I, James Bennett, nominate Katie McLaughlin. Katie is one of two “Senior Apiarists” of the BeeWare project, providing tooling to build cross-platform native desktop and mobile applications in Python; she is involved in organizing Python conferences on multiple continents, including PyCon AU and founding the WOOTConf (Women Of Open Technology) track of; she’s; she’s a well-traveled international speaker on Python and related topics; and she serves on the Board of Directors of the Django Software Foundation, helping to support and promote Django and the use of Python in web development. Her efforts have already been recognized with an O’Reilly Open Source Award, and I believe she should also be recognized by our community, by becoming a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

Anthony Shaw (elected 2018)

I, Mike Place, nominate Anthony Shaw to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

Anthony is extremely dedicated to the broader Python community, both in his role as Education Director for a large global corporation where he runs a Python education program to train employees in Python and for his extensive body of work in educating fellow Pythonistas about Python. [].

He's also broadly advanced the role of Python in the cloud automation world through his work as a maintainer of Apache libcloud. [].

Anthony has worked tirelessly to help arrange behind-the-scenes funding for Python organizations such as ZimboPy [] and for his work in creating (non-free) Python tutorials for people. [].

Anthony is a frequent attendee at PyCon and will talk about his love for Python until even the most dedicated Pythonista might not want to listen any longer. ;) He's a wonderful asset to the Python community.

Wes McKinney (elected 2018)

I, Marc Garcia, propose that Wes McKinney be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as the original author of pandas, the author of the best seller Python for data analysis, and for leading the development of open source data tools, even beyond the Python world. His contributions were key to make Python the de-facto standard for data analysis and data science, attracting thousands of people to the community.

Jeff Reback (elected 2018)

I, Marc Garcia, propose that Jeff Reback be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as the maintainer of pandas since 2012. With his leadership, pandas became not only the widely used library it is today, but also a project with the highest technical standards, and a inclusive and welcoming community for developers of all levels. Jeff has also been sharing his knowledge about pandas in several conferences, and in an outstanding way in his code reviews in the pandas project.

Joris van den Bossche (elected 2018)

I, Marc Garcia, propose that Joris van den Bossche be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a developer of pandas since 2012. With his contributions, he helped to bring the project to its technical excellence, and widespread usage, as well as the inclusive and welcoming community of developers pandas is. He also makes significant contributions to other libaries of the Python data ecosystem, such as geopandas, scikit-learn and others. He was key in the organization of the worldwide pandas sprint, in which around 500 people made their first contribution to an open source project, and many more understood better the importance of contributing to pandas, Python projects and to open source software in general.

Tom Augsperger (elected 2018)

I, Marc Garcia, propose that Tom Augsperger be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as a developer of pandas since 2012. With his contributions, he helped to bring the project to its technical excellence, and widespread usage, as well as the inclusive and welcoming community of developers pandas is. He is the release manager for pandas, and has helped many get started into the project with his classic tutorial "pandas .head() to .tail()". He also makes significant contributions to other libaries of the Python data ecosystem, such as dask, dask-ml and others.

Yury Selivanov (elected 2018)

I, Łukasz Langa, propose that Yury Selivanov be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his enormous contributions to asynchronous programming in CPython. He has been a core developer for over four years now. In this time, he authored over 900 commits, was involved in 6 PEPs, four of which he's the sole author of. His single biggest contribution is the inclusion of the async/await syntax to the language by PEP 492 and later extended with PEP 525, PEP 530, and PEP 567.

async/await was pivotal in making asyncio a first-class component of Python and is widely cited as one of the Top 3 killer features of Python 3 that drive its adoption. Possibly Top 1 but I can't admit to this as I also have a horse in this race. Anyway, the list of PSF fellows is incomplete without Yury.

Rizky Ariestiyansyah (elected 2018)

I, Ady Rahmat MA, propose that Rizky Ariestiyansyah be recognized as a Fellow of Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contriubtions to the Python Community as a Founder of the PyCon Indonesia and who was successfully bring the first PyCon to Indonesia. Rizky Ariestiyansyah, has been travel through various of countries for attending PyCon as Speakers such as PyCon Japan, PyCon APAC, PyCon My, PyCon HK. Rizky is an active contributor to Python Indonesia Community.

Marc Garcia (elected 2018)

I, Mario Corchero, propose Marc Garcia propose that Marc Garcia be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as the current organiser of the London Python sprints and the worldwide Pandas sprint. Additionally, he has served as the organiser and founder of PyData Mallorca meetup. He has also served as Numfocus ambassador past summer in the EuroPython and PyData Barcelona.

Christan Barra (elected 2018)

I would like to nominate Christan Barra. Christian has Barra is one of the core organisers of the EuroPython conference for four years now and he has spend a lot of time organising the conference including preparation, execution and a lot of fire fighting either. (Alexander Hendorf)

Alexander Hendorf (elected Q4 2018)

I, Christian Barra, propose that Alexander Hendorf be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to their significant contributions to the Python community as a co-organiser of EuroPython 2015, EuroPython 2016, EuroPython 2017.

Besides his big involvement inside EuroPython he has been working hard to foster the use of Python in the German community, co-leading the PyCon DE conference during 2017 and founding the local chapters of PyData in Frankfurt and Karlsruhe.

2018 Q1 Nominations

Ernest W. Durbin III (elected 2018)

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Ernest W. Durbin III be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his enormous contributions to the PSF's ecosystem. Ernest has volunteered endless hours triaging infrastructure issues and implementing improvements. Some examples include Python Package Index (PyPI) modernization, recovery, the PSF's salt configurations, and improvements. Additionally, Ernest is the PyCon Conference Chair for 2018 and 2019 happening in Cleveland, OH and is very active towards making the conference diverse and welcoming to all.

Eyitemi Egbejule (elected 2018)

I, Chukwudi Nwachukwu, do nominate Eyitemi Egbejule, a Cybersecurity Consultant/Researcher and a founding member of the NaijaSecForce Security Community (organizers of NaijaSecCon). Eyitemi Egbejule is also a founding member of the Python Nigeria Community, member of the community's board and also a member of the organizing committee of the just concluded PyCon NG 2017 in Nigeria. He is currently an Independent Member of the Django Software Foundation. On the side, Eyitemi is actively involved in Girl Tech Education by mentoring Girls in programming and Cybersecurity, and he has coached at over 18 Django Girls Events in West Africa. Eyitemi Egbejule has gone to where we couldn't go! He has touched lives- he is passionate about helping push for Python usage in Nigeria and beyond.

Michael Kennedy (elected 2018)

I, Musharraf O. Elbushra, propose that Michael Kennedy be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community through the popular podcasts he hosts. Through his efferts beginning and seasoned python developers can follow up with what is new in the python community as well as getting in depth interviews on the latest and trending in the python world. All of this make the python community more vibrant and accessible to new pythonistas.

Nathaniel Smith (elected 2018)

I'd like to propose that Nathaniel Smith be recognized as a PSF Fellow. Nathaniel has been instrumental in making manylinux an option for binary wheels, has made numpy infinitely easier to install, is a CPython contributor, and is entirely selfless with his time. He absolutely deserves recognition for his huge efforts to improve the Python ecosystem. Nominated by Paul Kehrer Feb 8, 2018

Amber Brown (elected 2018)

I, Nick Coghlan, propose that Amber Brown be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due primarily to her significant contributions to the Python community by way of the Twisted asynchronous event handling project [1] that provided the core inspiration for the native asynchronous event handling capabilities in Python 3. In addition to serving as the project's release manager since 2013, Amber was also the primary driver of the modernisation effort that saw Twisted ported to Python 3 (funded in part by a PSF grant), and in ensuring that Twisted interoperates with asyncio and the native coroutine syntax added in recent Python 3.x releases.

Beyond Twisted, Amber is also an active participant in the Django community (including serving as a member of the Django Software Foundation's Code of Conduct committee), a Django Girls organiser and mentor here in Australia, and a regular participant in community conferences here and overseas (including keynoting DjangoCon Australia and PyCon Czech Republic in 2015 [3], speaking at the Python Language Summit [4] and keynoting PyCon Taiwan in 2016, and organising the development sprints at PyCon Australia in 2017).

2017 Q4 Nominations

Alex Gronholm

I, Darin Gordon, propose that Alex Gronholm be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community. Alex has been an active member of the Python community for a long time. He has authored projects used by many, such as apscheduler [1] and the Asphalt asyncio framework [2]. For years, Alex has been a main point of support on Freenode's #sqlalchemy channel, helping countless new users of the ORM. Alex speaks at conferences and has recently talked on podcastinit about Asphalt. For these reasons, and more, Alex has earned to be recognized as a fellow.

[1] apscheduler: [2] asphalt:

Vijay Kumar

I, Anand Pillai (PSF Fellow: Elected 2010), would like to make a recommendation for PSF Fellow for Vijay Kumar - . Vijay Kumar is a technologist and trainer specializing in Embedded Systems using Python and Linux at Chennai, India. He has been volunteering for GNU/Linux User Groups, doing talks and organizing workshops, since 2001. Since 2011, he has been co-ordinating the activities of Chennaipy, the Chennai Python User Group. He has been instrumental in building an active community of Python developers in the Chennai region. In the past 5 years, he has done over 50 talks at Chennaipy[1] - and mentored multiple other Pythonistas at Chennai in honing their speaking and Python skills. Vijay also does live embedded workshops using Python and has given a number of very successful talks at PyCon India and at monthly meetings across other Python meetups in cities in South India. [2], [3] His work was recognized by the PSSI, with the Kenneth Gonsalves Award, for the year 2015. He has contributed to regional Python conferences as a core organizing member for PyCon India (2015)[4] and for PyConf Hyderabad (2017).[5] He is one of the top-most Embedded Python researchers and educators in India[6] at the moment and is a pioneer in this field with his tireless efforts. The recommendation is mainly to acknowledge his efforts in making a local Python chapter successful and also to encourage his efforts with education of Embedded Python in the country - mainly among college students and early adopters.

[1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]:

Tania Rebeca Allard

I, Jaime Mendes, propose Tania Rebeca Allard to be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Tania is an active member of the Python community, she is an active open source developer and a valuable contributor to the European project: Open Dream Kit. As such she has developed tools and software to improve the research and learning approaches of those using Python and the Jupyter ecosystem. addition to this she has developed numerous tutorials, courses and additional materials for the adequate teaching of Python and its numerous applications: from scientific software development to web development and finally machine learning and data science. Her courses have been taught at undergraduate levels, as well as at professional levels for Research software engineers from all over the world. She is also a frequent public speaker and attends local meetups, and conferences usually sharing her passion for Python, open science, and reproducible research. Tania also is a certified Software and Data carpentry instructor and has been around the UK teaching best practices. For the next year, she will travel to Canada and Latin America to teach and speak about reproducible science and best practices for scientific software development. In addition, over the last year, she has been the Python lead instructor for Code First Girls at Manchester and Sheffield. CodeFirst Girls is organisation aimed to increase the number of females in the tech scene. She has been recognised as an instructor of the month by her students and fellow instructors, due to her passion, and innovative approach to teaching Python. She is a passionate diversity and inclusivity advocate and her efforts to make the scientific community go further than this: she plans to open a UK NorthWest Pyladies chapter is currently the only chapter in the UK is located in London. This new chapter will aim to bring together enthusiast Pythonistas from Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Stockport, and surrounding areas.

What is more, she has been in the organising committee for the Research Software Engineer and Julia conferences, acting as diversity chair for both of those events. As such, she has liaised with a number of communities from all over the world to increase the representation of under scripted groups within the conferences, not only as attendees but also as presenters and tutorial providers. For this, she has secured funding from various sources ( Inc Moore Foundation) to provide diversity scholarships as well as provided mentorship for first-time speakers and those coming from under scripted backgrounds. She also is the founder of Code Foundation an initiative aimed to increase the number of female and queer individuals entering computer science and tech-related undergraduate courses. Such initiative seeks to build a strong community of like-minded individuals as well as serve as a collection of resources aimed to help the individuals to acquire both soft and technical skills to develop their careers. Also, Coding Foundation has been accepted and developed within the competitive Mozilla Open Leaders programme. She is also attending the upcoming NUMFocus Diversity and Inclusion in Scientific Computing unconference (an invite-only event, with a total of 50 attendees). Also, in addition to her role as an instructor for the Software carpentry, she is helping to translate some of the lessons to Spanish in order to expand the reach of the carpentries to Latin America. She is an avid advocate for reproducible science and she is currently working for a number of projects in this area.

Richard Kellner (elected 2017)

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Richard Kellner be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to his significant contributions to the Python community as the founder of PyCon Slovakia ( and being the lead organizer for PyCon SK 2016, 2017, and the upcoming 2018 conference. The conference has an influential Education Track and the conference strives to be inclusive and diverse thanks to Richard's work. Additionally, he makes an effort to hire underrepresented locals to help with the conference for maximum community impact. Richard's efforts include traveling to other PyCons around Europe. During these trips he meets with organizers and discusses organizational hurdles and best practices. Additionally, Richard has been organizing the monthly Python user group in Bratislava since 2015. Many local organizers can learn a lot from Richard and I look forward to the continual impact he will have on the Python community.

Ola Sitarska (elected 2017)

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Ola Sitarska be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to her significant contributions to the Python community as the co-founder of the Django Girls organization. Thanks to Ola's work, the educational program has reached over 50 countries and more than 4,000 participants. Their online tutorial has reach over 650,000 people. Additionally, the tutorial has been translated into 14 languages. Ola's work continues to make the Python community grow and be more diverse. Furthermore, Ola was one of the main organizers of DjangoCon Europe 2013.

Aleksandra Sendecka (elected 2017)

I, Ewa Jodlowska, propose that Aleksandra Sendecka be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation due to her significant contributions to the Python community as the co-founder of the Django Girls organization. Thanks to Aleksandra's work, the educational program has reached over 50 countries and more than 4,000 participants. Their online tutorial has reach over 650,000 people. Additionally, the tutorial has been translated into 14 languages. Aleksandra's work continues to make the Python community grow and be more diverse. Furthermore, Aleksandra was one of the main organizers of DjangoCon Europe 2013 and has co-organized Django Sprints in Krakow, Poland.

Ivaylo Bachvarov (elected 2017)

I, Antonia Yordanova, propose that Ivaylo Bachvarov be recognized as Python Software Foundation Fellow, due to him significant contibution to Bulgarian Python community. Ivaylo is a full-stack Python and Django developer since 2012. He has always been interested in Python as a Web Development Platform. He has contributed to improve Python projects related to web development like CookieCutter Django. For the last 5 years Ivaylo actively served the Python and Django commumity in Bulgaria. He has teached more than 150 people as a Python and Django lecturer in free courses, Q&A sessions and CodeWeek events, participates in many meetups and promoting Python. He is one of the founders and currnetly CTO at HackSoft. I have had the privilege to work with Ivaylo closely for the last 4 years. He is not only a developer, he keeps a special part of his heart for Python and Django. I believe Ivaylo is a perfect representation of your fellow profile.

Belinda Weaver (elected 2017)

I, Nick Coghlan, propose that Belinda Weaver be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as the organiser of the first Software Carpentry bootcamp hosted in Queensland (teaching Python to researchers at the University of Queensland), founder of the Brisbane edition of the Research Bazaar open source data science event, and active contributions to the Software Carpentry education community (which eventually led to her attaining the position of Community Development Lead with that organisation [1]). She has organised or taught at more than 20 Software Carpentry workshops in 5 Queensland cities, is the lead organiser for Library Carpentry (which targets librarians rather than research scientists) and is a trainer for additional Carpentry workshop instructors in Australian and New Zealand. [1]

Filip Kłębczyk (elected 2017)

I, Richard Kellner, propose that Filip Kłębczyk ( ), be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Filip made significant contributions to the Python community as a PyCon PL regional conference, a lead organizer for 2017, 2016 and 2015 as far as I can confirm. I have been visiting and volunteering at this conferences and they were organized in high standard. As far as I could go into the history of the websites: in 2010 he was part of the organizational team. And as far as the talks go the first PyCon PL was in 2007 and Filip was there as well (I have no proof, this is just word of mouth). Filip is active in the community more than a decade and he does the volunteering work. Therefore I think Filip's work should be officially recognized! I have started to organize PyCon SK in 2015 and we had the first conference in 2016 and Filip was the supporting community member who went the extra mile and came to Bratislava to out very first meetup to support the community growth. We told him our ideas about PyCon SK and he was willing to share his 8 years of experience with PyCon PL. Without him, we wouldn't be able to organize our first conference at such high level.

Selena Deckelman (elected 2017)

I, Nick Coghlan, propose that Selena Deckelman be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to her significant contributions to the Python community as the founder of the PyLadies Portland chapter [1], as an advocate for improved collaboration between open source contributors and local teachers [2], and as an elected member of the 2014/15 PSF Board [3].

[1] [2] [3]

Juan Luis Cano (eleceted 2017)

(Spain) Python in Aeronautics and Community

  • 2012 - Started Pybonacci, the first blog on Scientific Python in Spanish language
  • 2012-2017 - Supported the creation of a Spanish-speaking version of Stack Overflow and contributed Python questions and answers after its launch
  • 2012 - Proposed the founding members of the Python Spain non-profit and helped creating it and writing its bylaws
  • 2012 - Started the organization of the first PyCon in Spain, with the support of the PSF and Lynn Root as keynoter

  • 2013-2015 - Published and developed scikit-aero, a novel, pure Python package to compute thermodynamical properties of the standard atmosphere and isoentropic flows
  • 2013-Present - Published and developed poliastro, the most widely used pure Python package for Astrodynamics and Orbital Mechanics, which has been used to prepare undergraduate courses in at least one university outside Spain and has received direct funding from the European Space Agency
  • 2013 - Helped organize the first PyCon in Spain, with around 300 attendees, 3 tracks (including one scientific track) and all its videos available free of charge on YouTube

  • 2014 - Recorded the first video course on Scientific Python in Spanish available free of charge, which reached the iTunes Top 3 right after its publication and has since then been viewed by almost 50 000 people around the world.
  • 2014-Present - Coordinated or co-organized the second to fifth editions of PyCon Spain, with a steady year-over-year growth in attendance, diversity, and revenue, always with the support of the PSF

  • 2014-2016 and 2016-Present - Chair of the Python Spain non-profit
  • 2014 - Created the first Python course for Aerospace engineers in Spanish available free of charge, which has since been used in half a dozen universities all around Spain and other countries
  • 2014-2016 - Co-organized a group of Aerospace engineering students to teach Python courses and give short talks about personal projects
  • 2015 - Attended the first SciPy Latin America as a keynote speaker, which included outreach activities with teenagers, among other conferences (Python Sweden, PyData London)

  • 2016 - Presented poliastro at the International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, organized by the European Space Agency, as well as the suitability of Python for implementing complex mathematical algorithms and the need to follow software engineering good practices in engineering companies, inspired by the rich ecosystem of Python open source scientific libraries
  • 2017 - Published its final Masters project, "Study of analytical solutions for low-thrust trajectories" along all the companion Python scripts, on GitHub

  • 2017 - Closed the fifth PyCon Spain with a keynote on open source sustainability, with specific examples from the Python community

  • November 2017 - Presented poliastro at the first Open Source Cubesat Workshop, organized by the European Space Agency, as well as the need to formalize software validation techniques for scientific algorithms

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Andy Dirnberger

I, Jon Banafato, nominate Andy Dirnberger to be recognized as a Python Software Foundation Fellow. He works tirelessly to support the Python community in New York City, serving as an organizer for local meetups (most notably NYC Python [1]) since 2012 and the co-chair of PyGotham [2] since 2014. During this time, he was instrumental in growing NYC Python to over 10,000 members and PyGotham to nearly 550 checked-in attendees in 2017. His continued efforts are often behind the scenes, ensuring that events run smoothly and that any issues are resolved with minimal impact to the events and attendees. Andy not only improves the community through his work, he also pushes the other organizers around him to be better as well.

Mario Corchero (elected 2017)

(Spain) PyCon ES organizer, advocate for Python in corporate settings.

  • Lead the organization team of PyConES17
  • Helping organise Startup Row in London and New York.
  • Organiser of Bloomberg (internal only so far U0001f615) Python Meetups. 100 attendees every month for more than a year and a half. (including video conferencing) some articles in trying to help out understand datetime/logging.
  • talks in PyConUS, EuroPython, Fosdem, PyConES and PyConUK.

  • Advocate for Python in the Bloomberg Python community (tutorials, training to new hires, etc).

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Mabel Delgado (elected 2017)

(Spain)Tireless worker for Python in Spain

  • Co-Founder of PyLadies Madrid -->Started the group as organizer with Claudia Guirao as co-organizer.

  • Collaborator of PyConES 2017 Cáceres -->

  • visible head of the "diversity program" that we did to increase the number of speakers of minority groups. Significantly increased in the number of women speakers and women attendees with respect to previous editions.
  • helped in several tasks during the weekend of the event (reception and registration, session runner, session chair...).
  • Organizing the Django Girls workshop associated to the event along with Maria Medina (more details below)
  • Co-Organizer of Django Girls Cáceres --> as a part of PyConEs 2017. It has been the biggest Django Girls event celebrated in Spain (almost 45 attendes and 15 coaches).

  • AeroPython --> member of AeroPython. This group was created by Juan Luis Cano and Alejandro Sáez, and it spreads the use of python between the students and graduates of enginnering and science degrees. Giving courses in Universities and maintain some notebooks that teach scientifics packages of Python.

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Mai Giménez (elected 2017()

(Spain) Because beautiful is better than ugly

  • Organizing team of the PyConES from 2015.
  • Actively organizing the meetups of my local community PythonVLC.
  • Board member of in the Python Spanish Association, as a spokesperson for Universities (2015-2017).
  • As a graphic designer, in charge of the PyConES branding for the last two years, because beautiful is better than ugly :).
  • Created the graphic design of the PyLadiesES and this DjangoGirls 2017.

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Yamila Moreno (elected 2017)

(Spain) Single-handly created PyConES, active in all areas, respected leader.


organizing python events:

  • PyConES 2013 (first PyConES)
  • Python Madrid Meetup 2012 - ~2015
  • DjangoGirls Valencia 2015

  • Creating PyLadies Spain

  • Contributing to the system administration of the Python Spain infrastructure (servers, static blog)


coordinating others

  • tresaurer of Python Spain (co-coordinating all the events in Spain: PyConES, PyDay, DjangoGirls)

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Mário Sergio Queiroz (elected 2017)

(Brazil) Dedicated to building community in Brazil

  • Responsible for the Python Brasil[12] Conference in the year 2016 in the city of Florianópolis. 6-day event for 700 people with tutorials, lectures and sprints. Python *
  • Brazil[12] had a historical inclusion index, with 42% of lectures given by women.
  • Coordinator of the first Django Girls in Florianópolis/Brazil. With 60 participants and 30 tutors.
  • Organizer of 24 monthly meetups from the Python Floripa community, the last meetings reach the number of more than 100 participants. The focus of these meetings is the inclusion of new people in the community and the promotion of networking between businesses and individuals.
  • Co-founder of the PyLadies Floripa group (PyLadies Group of the city of Florianópolis).

  • Active member of the Python Brazil Association.
  • Member of the Grupy-DF community, where he organized meetings in the federal capital of Brazil.
  • Co-founder and responsible for the regional conference of southern Brazil. The ‘Python Sul Conference’.
  • In the year 2017 he has been teaching several Python workshops in colleges where there are low-income students in peripheral regions.

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Fernando Masanori Ashikaga (elected 2017)

(Brazil) Global Python educator and diversity advocate

  • Creator of a MOOC Python para Zumbis (Python for Zombies) which has taught over 70,000 students basic Python.
  • Global diversity speaker and advocate - speaking on diversity from Japan to Namibia
  • PyLadies supporter - key supporter of PyLadies São Paulo and other chapters throughout Brazil, countless workshops for PyLadies events

  • Data Scraping in Python workshops for journalists and people from humanities backgrounds (esp women and minorities)
  • Support of increased racial and LGBT diversity
  • Active member of PSF grants working group.
  • Spends virtually every weekend teaching Python to someone, somewhere

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Chukwudi Nwachukwu (elected 2017)

(Nigeria)Leader of Nigerian Python Community

  • President of Python Nigeria
  • Helped in raising funds from local sponsors for PyCon NG and a Django Girls events

  • Helps in organizing events, both past and present, including, PyCon and Python Nigeria meet ups

  • Active member of PSF Grants Working group
  • Monitor of Nigerian Python Slack and email lists
  • Coach and supporter of numerous Nigerian Django Girls; Mentors private people on Python
  • Helped in fixing people in Python related jobs in Nigeria
  • Advocate for Python in Nigeria since 2013; Encourage people to start doing Python and Python related things
  • Mediate in issues to resolve conflicts in the community
  • Attends to the needs of Nigerian Python community, anywhere, any day, any time

Nominated by Naomi Ceder

Don Sheu (elected 2017)

I would like to propose Don Sheu as a fellow of the PSF. Don has been one of the core coordinator of Startup Row at PyCon since 2014 and he is the founder of the Seattle Python user group.

In his role with the Startup Row, he has traveled to nearly a dozen cities to coordinate pitch nights, he has spent countless hours reaching out to young companies, potential judges, and reviewing applications. He has demonstrated diligence and availability to help selected companies arrange their trip to PyCon and get the most of the experience in the expo hall.

In his role as the founder of the Seattle Python User Group, he has reached out to numerous speakers, secured sponsorship agreements with local Python-using companies, and trained a team of a dozen co-organizers. The Seattle Python user group features an active community of 4500 members on Bi-monthly meetups and project nights are routinely attended by over 150 members, which is largely thanks to Don's dedication in fostering this community that did not exist as recently as 5 years ago.

On top of the above, Don has been one of the instigator and is actively involved with PyCascades, a local conference targeting the Pacific Northwest of North America and that is well on it's way to have it's inaugural event in January 2017.

In light of these accomplishments and sustained dedication to fostering a strong Python community in Seattle and beyond, I would like Don to be considered as a fellow member of the PSF.

Nominated by Yannick Gingras

Donald Stufft (elected 2017)

I, Nick Coghlan, propose that Donald Stufft be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as the founder of the Warehouse project to modernise the Python Package Index infrastructure, the current lead maintainer for both and, prolific contributor to the Python packaging tools ecosystem, and co-creator and maintainer of the ensurepip module in the Python standard library.

Piotr Dyba

I, Agata Skamruk (Bublewicz), propose that Piotr Dyba be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community. Peter is a organizer and mentor at the cyclical Pyladies workshop and a organizer and meta mentor at the weekend workshop. Has experience in Python projects, both in work and in social work.

Russell Keith-Magee (elected 2017)

I, Katie McLaughlin, propose that Russell Keith-Magee be recognised as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community as, and not limited to:

  • 12 year (and counting) veteran of the Django core development team
  • 5 years (2011-2015) President of the Django Software Foundation
  • 5 years (2013-2017, and counting) Core Organiser of DjangoCon AU

  • Significant contributions to the implementation of CPython on mobile
  • BDFN (2013-present) of BeeWare, which on top of its technical goal of providing Python on all the platforms, serves as an incubator for first time FOSS/Python contributors

  • recipient of the 2015 Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize

Cristoph Gohlke

I, Martin Gfeller, like to nominate Cristoph Gohlke ( of Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine as PSF fellow. Christoph's repository of compiled Python packages ( makes using Python on the Windows 64-bit much easier, and feasible for those without compiling skills. This contribution to the ecosystem shows technical excellence and dedication to keep all packages up to date. By making Python 3 version of packages available since quite some time, he also helped transition to Python 3 for Windows users. I believe his work is widely used, but not widely acclaimed, so in my opinion, he deserves recognition for this very valuable service. I had never a need to contact him, because the latest packages are always compiled and already there as soon as I have a need.

Manuel Kaufmann (elected 2017)

I, Johanna Sanchez, propose Manuel Kaufmann to be recognized as Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python communities in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) with the project Argentina in Python (

Manuel Kaufmann has organized more than 50 events to promote and share knowledge about Python programming at different audience levels from beginner to advanced. Some of these events are registered in the "Past Events" section ( Within these spaces it has taken into account the inclusion of women in technology, organizing more than 15 Django Girls workshops throughout all Latin America. Gallery with a lot of pictures from most of all his events: - Blog post written by others about his latest participation in events:-, - He is currently supporting the organizers of PyCon Colombia 2018 as a collaborator and nexus with the PSF as sponsor. - Finally, has been invited to participate as Keynote Speaker in PyCon Spain 2016 ( and will soon be in PyCon Brazil 2017.

Second nomination:

I, Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos propose that Manuel Kauffman be recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community in Latin America as a co-founder of the Argentina en Python Project (, and as a long-term contributor to international collaborative efforts amongst the Colombian Python community, via the Python Colombia and Django Girls Colombia communities.

Third nomination:

I, Lucio Delelis, would like to nominate Manuel "humitos" Kaufmann as a Fellow of the PSF for his incredible contribution to spreading the use and knowledge of Python in all of Latin America. Manuel started his journey through Argentina in 2014 with the goal of promoting the use of Python and Free Software across the country. Finally, after 2015, he set his goal higher: to promote both these concepts across all Latin America. His journey is being documented on his website:

Fourth nomination:

I, Juan Bagnera, would like to nominate Manuel Kaufmann (Humitos) as a Fellow of the PSF for his incredible contribution to spreading the use and knowledge of Python in all of Latin America. Manuel started his journey through Argentina in 2014 with the goal of promoting the use of Python and Free Software across the country. Finally, after 2015, he set his goal higher: to promote both these concepts across all Latin America. His journey is being documented on his website:

2017 Q3 Nominations

Brian Ray

I, Don Sheu, propose that Brian Ray founder of Chicago Python user group is recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, due to his significant contributions to the Python community of organizing one of the oldest and largest user groups in the world for over 12 years. Chicago Python ("ChiPy") has fostered such important contributors to Python and computer science like Aaron Swartz the creator of RSS and founder of Reddit, Adrian Holovaty the creator of Django, Mike Cafarella creator of Hadoop, John Hunter creator of MatPlotLib, and Harper Reed the CTO for the Obama for America campaign and credited with winning the 2012 election. Brian has also contributed to and launched open source and free software projects.

Dusty Phillips (elected 2017)

I, Don Sheu, propose that Dusty Phillips author of Python 3 Object Oriented Programming and Production Engineer at Facebook is recognized as a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. In addition to his significant contributions as an author of high quality books on Python subjects, Dusty founded Puget Sound Programming Python ("PuPPy") in August 2014. In less than a year, PuPPy has attracted nearly 1000 members and holds monthly meetings that draw over 100. The most recent meeting in June hosted by Google drew attendance of over 170. Dusty booked speakers like Larry Hastings, Lukasz Langa, Jack Diederich, Carlos Guestrin, and several founders of successful Python-using Seattle startups.

Peter Inglesby (elected 2017)

Peter has served the UK Python community through his extraordinary efforts to ensure the continuity of the PyCon UK conference. Under his tenure, the size of the conference has grown continuously as has the team of voluntary organisers.

His leadership has ensured the longevity of the event and the continued existence and improvement of a vital event in the life of the UK Python community.

- Nominated by Own Campbell May 2017

Daniele Procida (elected 2017)

Daniele has served the Python community through his sustained contributions to PyCon and DjangoCon conferences around the world as an organiser, speaker, mentor and teacher.

As the conference director for PyCon UK, he has overseen continuous growth in participation and has used that experience to help other conferences in their efforts to bring Python to a wider audience. A notable example is his work over three years to organise, establish and nurture PyCon Namibia to the point where it is now self-sustaining.

Daniele is a member of the Django Software Foundation board and one of the leading members of the Python community in Cardiff. After organising the first Django conference in the UK in Cardiff in 2014 he not only went on to organise DjangoCon Europe 2015 but also is a founding member of the Cardiff Python user group meetup (PyDiff) which has grown to be an event regularly hosting 30 attendees.

His commitment to nurturing beginner programmers and inexperienced conference speakers has been exemplary and he is a vocal champion of diversity and the support of minority communities at Python events.

As a mentor and teacher, Daniele has helped many programmers make their first contribution to open source software through his well regarded "Don't be afraid to commit" tutorial.

Daniele has become one of the premier PyCon organisers on an international scale and, whenever he is the conference chair, the event is diverse, welcoming, well-organised and educational for all. Many are members of the Python community simply as a result of his commitment and effort.

- Nominated by Own Campbell May 2017 - Nominated by Nicholas Tollervey July 2017

Carrie Anne Philbin (elected 2017)

for all her international work promoting Python in education.

- Nominated by Nicholas Tollervey July 2017

Corinne Welsh

for organising and volunteering to run educational workshops in London that promote Python in education

- Nominated by Nicholas Tollervey July 2017

Cory Benfield (elected 2017)

for being a prime mover in PyCon UK and for his continued work as the maintainer of "requests" (among many other things).

- Nominated by Nicholas Tollervey July 2017

Damien George (elected 2017)

for single

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