=== jEdit === |||| Quick Facts|| ||Source|| http://www.jedit.org|| ||Platform || JVM || ||License|| GPL|| jEdit is a nice Swing based editor for many languages and Java specially. You can add additional plugins like [[http://jpydbg.sourceforge.net/|JPyDbg]] and Jython for your Python work. One of the nicest feature of jEdit is the folding. Once you get used to it. It is very difficult to work without it. By the way, since version 6.0 [[ViImproved (Vim)]] also has folding. If you want a simpler, lighter and faster version, you might want to check out JeXt or [[http://armedbear-j.sf.net/|J]] I recently came across ''J'' and find it quite nice for doing Python. AshishShrestha ---- The Jython Interpreter plug-in also allows you to automate jEdit with macros written in Jython - see http://www.rutherfurd.net/jEdit/macros/ for examples. SimonBrunning ---- http://plugins.jedit.org/list.php?category=6 http://www.opensourcetutorials.com/tutorials/Server-Side-Coding/Python/review-of-python-ide/page1.html ---- CategoryEditors