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PSF Members Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2016

Meeting time: 15:45-16:45 GMT+2/CEST (Other timezones); EuroPython 2016, Bilbao, Spain.

Meeting venue: Eskalduna Conference Center, Meeting room: Room A2


Agenda Sections:

Slides here (PDF)

New board

Want to know more about them? Check out their blurb from the nominations!

  1. Chair: Diana Clarke
  2. Vice Chair: Naomi Ceder
  3. Vice Chair: Van Lindburg
  4. Carrie Ann Philbin
  5. Carol Willing
  6. Lorena Mesa*
  7. Annapoornima Koppad*
  8. Jackie Kazil*
  9. Trey Hunner*
  10. Kushal Das*
  11. Younggun Kim*

PSF Officers

  1. President: Guido VR
  2. Chair: Diana Clarke
  3. Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  4. Communications: Lorena Mesa, Kushal Das
  5. PyCon Chair: Brandon Rhodes

  6. Director Operations: Ewa Jodlowska
  7. Event Coordinator: Betsy Waliszewski
  8. Vice Chair: Naomi Ceder
  9. Vice Chair: Van Lindberg
  10. Chief Counsel: Van Lindberg

Demystifying the Membership Model

Sponsor members are now sponsors without voting rights. More information can be found here.

Work groups

Other projects

Mailing lists

Closing FYI

PSF will reimburse you Meetup fees! See for details. (And you can create up to 3 meetup groups with one account!)

Members Meeting Agenda July 2016 (last edited 2016-07-15 02:44:08 by NaomiCeder)