Wednesday 12 August Participants: - Bernard - Pradyun - Sumana - Ernest - Georgia Agenda: * status/blockers * Invoices on their way!!! * Bernard - fine [shared update in Zulip] * Georgia - fine * Nicole - not blocked (as far as Georgia+Bernard know :) ). Pradyun would like to make more progress with her on backtracking issue.... Pradyun will work with Bernard * Pradyun - made 20.2.2 bugfix. Next: triaging issues. Lots of support tickets.... NEXT WEEK, talk with Sumana about using automated testing to find likely bugs/problems in upstreams * Have we recieved any responses to survey #989272 that we need to route over to Pradyun? * Not looked at in 2 weeks -- we can give Pradyun direct access? Yes... as long as personally identifying information isn't made publicly available. * Pradyun: when transferring issues to GitHub, anonymize * TODO: Bernard to give Pradyun direct access * "don't expect it to be a firehose" * * Sumana - Have put some time toward spreading the word (Twitter + personally to people/media institutions). "Some dent, not enough". * Thinking about: What else can we do? * "earned media" -- people to notice what you're doing and talk about it. * "who uses pip" research update * * Bernard: I put together a intial survey speaking w/ Nicole, about how we were going to do this research. Initially, thought of multiple surveys -- doing a single one instead (less logistical work). * Pip disabiliy usability + who uses pip survey (single, combined) * Initial "shallow" knowledge from the survey + asking about a 20-30 minute interview? * First part: About you -- how long have you been using pip, what do you use it for, and so on. * Second part: If pip users have any kinds of disability? What effects do those have on their usage of pip? + Assitive Technologies (usage w/ pip or Python) * Kinds of disabilities (in this context): Motor/Visual/Hearing/Cognitive. * Important to understand, since they have an impact [snip] * Piloted w/ 65 people? * to check that there's no offensive language/references etc * got 8 responses. Nobody said it's offensive. * sent to accessibility folks I know personall. * Have n? people willing to have a longer call -- scheduling now. * 210 people more will be contacted (i.e. who are signed up for "i want to take a survey") * panel * List of surveys, in progress: * 3 personas * Python software user, or * Python package maintainer, or * Python software maker * automated usage of pip (CI) vs interactive usage (command line) * Too early to give any large understand (6-8 responses yet) * request to advertise it as widely as possible * We need to get more people to sign up for the UX Studies panel (instead of sending out this particular survey to everyone)... more organized and structured approach. * In general, in wide-ranging publicity, let's get people to sign up for the panel. In a few limited circumstances, we will direct specific audiences to specific surveys, e.g., in `ResolutionImpossible` error message. But that will be the exception. * Sumana: want to write the script for the video over the next few days (ideating right now, thanks for the inputs) * Using sponsors * PSF Sponsors should get a heads-up about new pip resolver (like PyPI's roll-out) to test it. * signal-boost it? * Ernest: agree! Likely needs co-ordination w/ Betsy. * Sumana: turn-around time? * Ernest: assuming [bunch of things like content are done], a week? * Sumana: There's PyCon sponsors and PyPI sponsors... [pradyun is slow note taker] * Ernest: there's 2 or 3, overlap otherwise. * TODO: Sumana: de-duplicate and provide a list of all these companies, to Betsy * Ernest/Sumana: might be worth to see/repeat what we did for the PyPI rollout * Ernest: that might be the best avenue (via the Packaging WG, Ernest to nudge Betsy to take this forward) * Where would be the dream places where it would be great to get attention for this? * Georgia: might be worth asking PSF staff about getting a better sense about good comms channels, toward answering this question. * Ernest: we don't have an analysis/lists for something like this. * TODO: Ernest to look at Blogger's metrics/analytics on the recent pip blog posts on PSF blog and (where it got shared) and similar. * Looks like we have *no* analytics anymore, since it got overhauled on Blogger's end. * Google Trends - check it out to see who is talking about pip and where * Bernard: has gone to AdaFruit, CoderDojo, Raspberry Pi Foundation, emailed their mentors/community and explained [context and ask]. We need people who are respected and well-known in these communities to say "let's do this because it will benefit us" What we need essentially: people in different communities who have "respect and trust" of those communities to advertise it. * Different places we can go to advertise: we have a good idea. But we need respected people to vouch for us * some ideas: developer.moz, Twitter/Google/Facebook/ Amazon, Jira/Atlassian developer relations, Jetbrains, * disability association (and "tech. usage subgroups" - I'm contacing disability organisations in UK, IE), "respected/famous" Python developers (Guido WassHisName?!) * would be nice if tech celebrities would tweet it * TODO - Sumana to follow up on Zulip today * 20.2 cycle, bugfixes, etc. going through early October * Basically done, I think. Can do more (20.2.3 and so on) if we have things to change/add. * Pradyun will be assiduous about placing relevant issues in the To Do Before Prod column in the GitHub board on the resolver rollout * TODO in a 1:1 call Pradyun-Sumana next week: look through that column and start to see the road to October