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Intellij IDEA Tricks

This page describes useful tricks for Intellij IDEA users. If you haven't created an Intellij project for Jython yet, see JythonDeveloperGuide/IntellijNotes.

Eclipse Code Formatter

Configuring the CodingStandards by hand is an annoying task. Fortunately there is a plugin to import Eclipse code formatting rules into Intellij IDEA: Eclipse Code Formatter. It is available in the plugin repository.

The Eclipse Code Styles file is attached to the CodingStandards page.

Eclipse Code Formatter can be configured under Settings (shortcut: ctrl + alt + s) --> Eclipse Code Formatter

Running Jython and JUnit tests inside IDEA

General Run/Debug Configurations settings:

Parameter Name


VM options

-Dpython.home=dist -Dpython.console=org.python.util.InteractiveConsole

Working directory

project basedir

Classpath of module



Configuration Type: Application

Additional parameters:

Parameter Name


Main class


Program arguments (optional)

Parameters for Jython, e.g. the python module to execute

Example: Regression Tests

Running the regression tests in IDEA is interesting for at least two reasons:

  1. Code Coverage
  2. Debugger


See for detailed information about additional program arguments.

JUnit tests

Configuration Type: JUnit

Additional parameters:

Parameter Name


Main class


Program arguments (optional)

Parameters for Jython, e.g. the python module to execute

Example: _ioTest


JythonDeveloperGuide/IntellijTricks (last edited 2014-05-05 12:48:25 by AdamBurke)