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Swing Sampler



  1. Swing Sampler

Stored here for posterity's sake it was found on and the nature of the web being what it is who knows how long it would be there or if I could find it again. This is exactly as I found it. I have verified that it works with Jython 2.2 with Java JVM 1.5 & 1.6 and based on the code I suspect it would work with a 1.4.2 JVM

# This code shows a sampler of common Java Swing widget types.  This is
# by no means all of the available widgets.  For documentation and tutorials
# on the underlying Java classes, see

# We'll be using swing a lot, so import it as "swing". Swing is built using
# an older Java GUI toolkit called awt, so we'll need it too.  One of the
# examples here also uses the Java networking package (you're unlikely to
# need that for the project...)
import javax.swing as swing
import java.awt as awt
import as net
import sys

# I've organized the sampler code into a single class, called SwingSampler.
# The __init__ function (called the "constructor") does all of the setup.
# Note that __init__, like all other functions in a class (called "methods")
# takes "self" as its first argument.
class SwingSampler:
        def __init__(self):
                # set up the overall frame (the window itself)
                self.window = swing.JFrame("Swing Sampler!")
                self.window.windowClosing = self.goodbye
                self.window.contentPane.layout = awt.BorderLayout()

                # under this will be a tabbed pane; each tab is named
                # and contains a panel with other stuff in it.
                tabbedPane = swing.JTabbedPane()
                self.window.contentPane.add("Center", tabbedPane);

                # The first tabbed panel will be named "Some Basic
                # Widgets", and is referenced by variable 'firstTab'
                firstTab = swing.JPanel()
                firstTab.layout = awt.BorderLayout()
                tabbedPane.addTab("Some Basic Widgets", firstTab)

                # slap in some labels, a list, a text field, etc... Some
                # of these are contained in their own panels for
                # layout purposes.
                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(3, 1)
                tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Labels are simple")
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("I am a label. I am quite boring."))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("<HTML><FONT COLOR='blue'>HTML <B>labels</B>
                                          </FONT> are <I>somewhat</I><U>less boring</U>.</HTML>"))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("Labels can also be aligned", swing.JLabel.RIGHT))
                firstTab.add(tmpPanel, "North")

                # Notice that the variable "tmpPanel" gets reused here.
                # This next line creates a new panel, but we reuse the
                # "tmpPanel" name to refer to it.  The panel that
                # tmpPanel used to refer to still exists, but we no
                # longer have a way to name it (but that's ok, since
                # we don't need to refer to it any more).
                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.layout = awt.BorderLayout()
                tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Tasty tasty lists")

                # Note that here we stash a reference to the list in
                # "self.list".  This puts it in the scope of the object,
                # rather than this function.  This is because we'll be
                # referring to it later from outside this function, so
                # it needs to be "bumped up a level."
                self.listData = ( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", 
                                  "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" )            
                self.list = swing.JList(self.listData)
                tmpPanel.add("Center", swing.JScrollPane(self.list))
                button = swing.JButton("What's Selected?")
                button.actionPerformed = self.whatsSelectedCallback;
                tmpPanel.add("East", button)
                firstTab.add("Center", tmpPanel)

                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.layout = awt.BorderLayout()

                # The text field also goes in self, since the callback
                # that displays the contents will need to get at it.
                # Also note that because the callback is a function inside
                # the SwingSampler object, you refer to it through self.
                # (The callback could potentially be outside the object,
                # as a top-level function. In that case you wouldn't
                # use the 'self' selector; any variables that it uses
                # would have to be in the global scope.
                self.field = swing.JTextField()
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JButton("Click Me", actionPerformed=self.clickMeCallback), "East")
                firstTab.add(tmpPanel, "South")

                # The second tabbed panel is next...  This shows
                # how to build a basic web browser in about 20 lines.
                secondTab = swing.JPanel()
                secondTab.layout = awt.BorderLayout()
                tabbedPane.addTab("HTML Fanciness", secondTab)

                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("Go to:"))
                self.urlField = swing.JTextField(40, actionPerformed=self.goToCallback)
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JButton("Go!", actionPerformed=self.goToCallback))
                secondTab.add(tmpPanel, "North")

                #self.htmlPane = swing.JEditorPane("", editable=0,
                                        hyperlinkUpdate=self.followHyperlink, preferredSize=(400, 400))
                self.htmlPane = swing.JEditorPane("", editable=0, 
                                        hyperlinkUpdate=self.followHyperlink, preferredSize=(400, 400))
                secondTab.add(swing.JScrollPane(self.htmlPane), "Center")

                self.statusLine = swing.JLabel("")

                # The third tabbed panel is next... 
                thirdTab = swing.JPanel()
                tabbedPane.addTab("Other Widgets", thirdTab)

                imageLabel = swing.JLabel(swing.ImageIcon(net.URL("")))
                imageLabel.toolTipText = "Labels can have images! Every widget can have a tooltip!"

                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(3, 2)
                tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Travel Checklist")
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("Umbrella", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("Rain coat", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("Passport", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("Airline tickets", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("iPod", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))
                tmpPanel.add(swing.JCheckBox("Laptop", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback))

                tmpPanel = swing.JPanel()
                tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(4, 1)
                tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("My Pets")
                # A ButtonGroup is used to indicate which radio buttons
                # go together.
                buttonGroup = swing.ButtonGroup()

                radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Dog", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback)

                radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Cat", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback)
                radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Pig", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback)

                radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Capybara", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback)


        # This is the callback that's run when the window closes.  Here
        # we just exit.  Note that either functions inside class
        # declarations or global functions can be callbacks.  When they're
        # inside a class they talk 'self' as the first argument.  Just
        # about all Swing callbacks also take an event argument as well.
        def goodbye(self, event):
                print "Goodbye!"

        # Callback for the "Click Me!" button on the first tab.  This
        # creates a new window to display what was in the text field,
        # and then clears the text field.
        def clickMeCallback(self, event):
                dialog = swing.JFrame("You clicked the button!")
                dialog.contentPane.layout = awt.BorderLayout()
                dialog.contentPane.add(swing.JLabel("Text was: " + self.field.text))
                dialog.size=(400, 200)
                print "Text is ", self.field.text
                self.field.text = ""

        # Callback for the "What's Selected?" button. This pops up a
        # window that shows the contents and index of the selected item.
        def whatsSelectedCallback(self, event):
                dialog = swing.JFrame("Here's what's selected")
                dialog.contentPane.layout = awt.GridLayout(2, 1)
                dialog.contentPane.add(swing.JLabel("Selected value = " + str(self.list.selectedValue),
                dialog.contentPane.add(swing.JLabel("Selected index = " + str(self.list.selectedIndex), 
                dialog.size=(400, 200)
                print "Selected value =", self.list.selectedValue, ", selected index =", self.list.selectedIndex;

        # Callback for the "Go To" button; updates the contents of the
        # HTML pane.
        def goToCallback(self, event):

        # This callback is invoked whenever a link is clicked or moused
        # over.  The event is a HyperlinkEvent, which means that it
        # defines certain fields and operations, which we can use below.
        def followHyperlink(self, event):
                if event.eventType == swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED:
                        self.statusLine = event.URL.toString()
                elif event.eventType == swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ENTERED:
                        self.statusLine = event.URL.toString()
                elif event.eventType == swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED:
                        self.statusLine = ""

        # This is a common technique when a bunch of widgets share a
        # single callback.  You can look at the "source" field on the
        # event argument to see which widget generated the event.
        def checkCallback(self, event):
                if event.source.selected:
                        print event.source.text + " was CHECKED"
                        print event.source.text + " was UNCHECKED"

        # This is the callback for all the radio buttons.
        def radioCallback(self, event):
                print event.source.text + " was clicked ON"

# This is how you make the main entry point for your program in Python.
# The system variable __name__ will be set to the string __main__ if
# this file is passed directly on the command line to Jython.  
# Here, we simply create a SwingSampler, and it does everything from
# there.
if __name__ == "__main__":
        sampler = SwingSampler()

SwingSampler (last edited 2014-05-18 14:02:01 by AdamBurke)