Links to Python information in Portuguese
ISO 639-1 Code: pt
Comunidade (Community)
Maior Portal Wiki Brasileiro de Python - (Python Brasil é uma wiki que fornece vários recursos sobre Python em Português).
Python-Brasil - uma mailing list para usuários Python que falam Português Brasileiro (Esta lista substitui a lista antiga Python-BR).
Artigos e Livros (Books)
Luciano Ramalho has made available his Aprenda a Programar (Learn to Program) primer, written especially for non-programmers.
Python na prática - ("Python in Practice"), by Christian Reis, is an introduction to Python in Brazilian Portuguese. (Also in PDF and PostScript).
Translation of Python 2.7 tutorial - into Brazilian Portuguese by RodrigoSenra.
Introdução à Programação com Python by Nilo Ney Coutinho Menezes, published by Novatec, covers Python 3.x programming for beginners (from basics up to SQL).
Python para Desenvolvedores - e-book, Creative Commons perguntas-e-respostas
O ABC do IDLE - a gentle introduction to IDLE (Danny Yoo's One Day of IDLE Toying, translated by Fernando Manaas Ferreira). (Wikipedia)
programacaocompython - code
ramgarlic - tres-perguntas-sobre-python (advocacy)
programacaocompython - exame-de-recurso
ederwander - principios-para-identificacao-de-caracteres-em-python
n900.aguilarj - dbus
herbetrhamaral - criando-web-crawlers-em-python-parte-i
herberthamaral - criando-web-crawlers-em-python-parte-ii
vivaotux - python-ordenando-strings-pelo-tamanho
pythonrs - funcoes
vivaotux - alculando-numeros-primos-em-python
slideshare - asergionogueira/acessando-o-mysql-com-o-python
pythonrs - expressao-de-pesquisa
mdoca - criando-ficheiros-excel-com-python.html|criando-ficheiros-excel-com-python
killown - killown's blog
pythonrs - snippets-python
ufpr3d - script-python-parta-mudar-extensao
programacaocompython - math, point inside circle
Broken links
Not working 22NOV10
HOWTO Programando com Socket is Maxweel S. Carmo's translation of Gordon McMillan's Socket Programming HOWTO.
Interpretador/Compilador Python (PDF), by Eduardo Bastos and Juliano Freitas. Published in II Congresso Simulado de Compiladores (CONSICO)/UCPel.
Implementando Grafos em Python, translated into Brazillian Portuguese by Flávio Codeo Coelho.
Aprendendo a Programar is a partial translation of Alan Gauld's Learning to Program.
A Portuguese translation of the Instant Python, a 6-page minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland.
A presentation based on the Python Reference Manual (but not a translation) made by Marcelo Pereira Nunes <mpn NO SPAM AT acm DOT org> to his local Special Interest Group on Programing Languages (GRULING).
Tips for editors