Links to Python information in Russian
ISO 639-1 Code: ru
русский язык
Язык программирования Python - PDF
link ruwiki python-methods (tutorial?) (bookstore) (mini-tutorial for kids?)
@Grigoriy: Guys, this list is a really mess. Many links are broken. A lot of links link to very-basic articles about python basic features. Here is the list of actual Russian Python Sites. It is quite small because there are no many live sites about python in Russia. Also here is the list of Russian blogers writing about python. BTW all publications about python are syndicated in one stream here
Sites - Kazan FOSS site - intro to Python with code - Полезные подборки кода на Python (Useful code snippets on Python)
this wiki - how to color syntax
basic OO code - Russian notebook market habrahabr blog aggregator
abstract classes habrahabr blog aggregator
django - twitter app - latest messages from twitter
roinet - C# + IronPython: вызов методов
nolar - generators with code
forum - matrix with code
boomzoomer-comp - matplotlib demo with code
chuburmenant - OptionParser и UnitTest в python скриптах
roinet - .NET, SOAP, (Iron)Python-(Iron)Ruby Interop
xfox - Выделяем поля из логов nginx на python
vitus-wagner - lambda
ru_python - list comprehensions
pythons-zoo - time module
arhibook - Python 3 book for $ale
seventeer - python-renamer-v0-02-higurashi
cd-riper - GIL
cd-riper - GIL, part 2
ru_python - forum entry - code.
pyoner - XML sax
prockrammer - network programming
habrahabr - general description
kawaikunee - python-imaging-library-pil
pythons-zoo - narrative, some code
pyplanet - lambda
livejournal - ru_python - profiling - code in last comment.
risboo6909 - string.capitalize()
jenyay - idle
paul-ik - narrative, python gui's
krolser - prime number snippet
habrahar - PyGTK
cd-riper - object oriented trick
phpsuxx - python-debian-5-lenny
devel.ownport - printing comments
anthlam - win32com + Word - line numbering, histogram - mnogopotochnost-ili-spasibo-tebe-python
itblog.hostoi - and/or
h8-self - Перечисления в python
oentend - html-python
2dmc - urllib - pygame intro
skator - range(), xrange()
kabakov - автоматизация-gimp-с-помощью-python
sekira - eclipse-pydev-кодим-на-python
habrahabr - bing + python
cd-riper - добавляем операторы сравнения к типу
aka-rider - forum - string formatting
satels - Рекурсивное получения всех файлов в python
advard2 - Livejournal
borisnote - pythonodbcfirebird
charnad - ython-igraem-s-pygame-nachalo
eking-go - command line one liners (bash + python)
seventeer - pythonpath
extead - Fallout code snippet
avysk - code snippet (unexpected behavior)
spylabs - python-и-статические-значения
boombick - Django
svedm - Загрузка аватара вконтакте через API с помощью Python 3.1
mr-h1z - pyqt4
armanenshaft-linux - 2.7, thousand separator
satels - prime number function
community ru_python - import path
asvetlov - import critique
adw0rd - django
demoriz - Яндекс.XML - pygtk - xmlrpc
Python documentation and PEPs translated into Russian by Ishayahu Lastov
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A Python tutorial in Russian is available, with additional information about built-in functions, CGI programming, and exercises.