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The Austin Python User Group (affectionately, APUG) was restarted in early 2006 on This wiki page was used from parts of 2006-2009, but the page below is now the primary source for meeting announcements:

APUG site

While there's still a scipy-hosted mailing list, the mailing list also receives some traffic.

Meetings are generally the second Wednesday of each month and held at the Texas Tribune offices at 7pm. The address is 823 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX, on the second floor. NB: The entrance to the building is on 9th street. If you arrive after 7pm, you will need to ask the security guard to let you up (just tell them you are here for the Python meetup at the Texas Tribune). Usually, presentations last 1 - 1.5 hours and then we either linger, drink, and socialize, or we move the party to Buffalo Billiards and hang out there.

Parking downtown can be tricky. There are a number of parking garages around. Please be aware that downtown metered parking is no longer free on certain days of the week. On some nights you are required to pay for parking up until midnight.

Table of Contents:

Next Meeting

Previous meetings

Topic ideas for future events

Topic suggestions:

Topics you're willing to speak about (with speaker identified):


AustinPythonUserGroup (last edited 2014-04-16 06:30:52 by DaleAthanasias)

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