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About Us

Front Range Pythoneers are an active Python users group meeting in Boulder and Denver, Colorado, USA.


We meet every third Wednesday of the month to learn from talks about Python topics, to swap stories and coding tips, and to enjoy food and drink. But we don't just talk about Python, we live it: on the first Saturday of most months, we get together for a code sprint. Front Range Pythoneers are proud to have contributed as a group to TurboGears2, Jython, Django, and IPython.

Join us! Whether you're just learning Python or have already memorized the output of "import this", you'll find something worthwhile.

The Mailing List and Wiki

Please join our mailing list and check this page at the Python Wiki for more information about Front Range Pythoneers.

Meetings and Sprints

We just happen to have the friendliest bunch of Python people coming to our meetings. So why not come too?

Future Events

Previous Events

Unconference: November 13, 2010

Details are here.

An unconference is a conference that is organized and run by the participants. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. For more information about unconferences, click here

Meeting: Sept 29, 2010, 6 PM - 8 PM

Message Passing Concurrency with Python and ZeroMQ

Meeting: August 25, 2010, 6 PM - 8 PM

Applications in Parallel Computing with iPython

Meeting: July 25, 2010, 6 PM - 8 PM


Unconference: October 10, 2009

We're going to try something new: an unconference. Conference Saturday October 10th, followed by code sprints Sunday October 11. Details are here.

An unconference is a conference that is organized and run by the participants. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. For more information about unconferences, click here

Meeting: April 8, 2009, 6 PM - 8 PM

We'll meet in Boulder, one week earlier than usual. Maciej Fijalkowski will discuss his PyPy work, and we'll hear a recap of PyCon 2009.

Meeting: March 18, 2009, 6 PM - 8 PM

We had free-range conversation, food, and drink. Folks from were there looking to hire Django people, and we talked a lot about the state of iPhone and Android development.

Meeting: February 18, 2009, 6 PM - 8 PM

We met at Wynkoop's in Denver and had "Python Q&A Night."

Meeting: January 21, 2009, 6 PM - 8 PM

Neal McBurnett described auditing Boulder County election results using Python and Django.


See our archive page for details of older events.

Guide to Front Range Pythoneering


Please help expand this local guide! (Also feel free to remove yourself from this list, if that makes sense personally.)


There are some other great groups in the area that we interact with on a periodic basis. Shared membership helps here!

Please add your favorite group here if it seems relevant to local Pythoneering.


We (collectively) are the maintainers of Django's Oracle support. Ian Kelly is the driving force of this support.


Thanks to, ltd. and their principals, SeanReifschneider and Evelyn Mitchell, for generously hosting our web site and mailing list.


FrontRangePythoneers (last edited 2014-05-07 21:25:38 by shawnjohnson)

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