Welcome to Pydotorg Central
Please note: This page explains the setup for legacy.python.org, not the new www.python.org site.
This is your source of information for contributing to the python.org website.
To get started working on a local copy of the python.org website, you need to check it out from Subversion. To check it out for anonymous access (start here if you're new):
svn co https://svn.python.org/www/trunk/beta.python.org
To check it out with commit privileges:
svn co svn+ssh://pydotorg@svn.python.org/trunk/beta.python.org
To build and run the site, see build/README in the checked-out beta.python.org tree.
You can monitor the build status on the status page.
For extra information, see PythonWebsiteDetails
How Can I Help?
To join the project, get started by getting a local copy of the site running. You can submit new tickets for bugs or improvements (see PythonWebsiteCreatingNewTickets) or work on content at wiki.python.org without having commit privileges.
If you want to become a committer, email pydotorg at python dot org for details. Please do this only after you're sure you will definitely be contributing changes.
Chat/help on IRC at #pydotorg on freenode.net
See PythonWebsiteHomePage for discussion on what should be on the home page (some of which has been completed, but not all).