LaunchServices is a pythonic wrapper for just about everything Apple's Launch Services API has to offer. It was developed primarily to make /aeve a hell of a lot easier to use.
LaunchServices is at its first public release, 0.1
1 >> import LaunchServices as LS
2 >> LS.GetDisplayNameForPath('/')
3 u'Crack'
4 >> LS.GetKindStringForPath('/')
5 u'Volume'
6 >> LS.GetApplicationPathForInfo(extension='mp3')
7 u'/Applications/iTunes.app'
8 >> LS.GetApplicationPathForInfo(creator='MACS')
9 u'/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app'
10 >> LS.FindApplicationPath(bundle='com.apple.iChat')
11 u'/Applications/iChat.app'