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Size: 6894
Editor: sololess
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MySQL for Python ["MySQL"] for Python


The list is ordered with a preference to number of downloads per month, followed by the number of subscribers to the project mailing list.

The list is under construction. Suggestion on formatting, help finding more projects and keeping data up-to-date is welcome.

In order to keep the list focused, some metrics have to be established so that every Python-related project isn't in the list. For example, a minimum of three thousand (3K) downloads per month, a few hundred subscribers to the project mailing list, or an obviously large established user base (e.g. Mailman). In addition, the list doesn't include modules or packages in the standard libraries such as Tkinter.

The download figures were last updated in March 2004. -- KevinAltis

Additional notes

  • Mac OS X includes Python - Jaguar used Python 2.2.0, Panther uses Python 2.3.0
  • RedHat and Debian Linux distributions include Python and RedHat uses Python extensively and some Python projects are also included with the distributions.

  • Due to bundling and the use of mirror sites we can't collect meaningful download totals for Linux users for many projects. In those cases, maybe it is better to use the size of the mailing list as a popularity gauge?

Most Popular Python Projects

[ BitTorrent]

  • downloads: 1.3-1.5 million/month (most downloads are just end-users)
  • related Python projects: ABC, G3, burst!

[ SpamBayes]

  • downloads: 25K/month (most downloads are just end-users, aka Outlook plugin)

[ Mailman]

  • downloads: 2-3K/month
  • large installed base, including SourceForge mailing lists

[ pywin32] (formerly win32all)

  • downloads: 20K/month


  • downloads: 20K/month
  • mailing list subscribers: 900+
  • related Python projects: Boa-constructor, wxGlade, SPE, PythonCard

[ BitPim]

[ Plone]

  • downloads: 10-14K/month
  • related Python projects: Zope, Archetypes, Collective
  • book coming out this summer


  • related Python projects: Plone
  • 10 books

[ Python Imaging Library (PIL)]

  • downloads 9-15K/month (guesstimate)


  • mailing list subscribers: 550+


  • mailing list subscribers: 500+

[ NumPy]/NumArray

  • downloads: 6K/month


  • downloads: 5K/month
  • 2 books

["MySQL"] for Python

  • downloads 4-5K/month

[ py2exe]

  • downloads: 3-4K/month
  • Combined with Inno Setup users can package and distribute Python applications as standalones on Windows.

[ Twisted]

  • need stats


  • downloads: 3K/month
  • 2 books


Original Message to marketing-python mailing list

Below is the original email. It is just a placeholder while the real formatted content for this page gets created above. I'm design challenged. <wink> I haven't figured out what kind of formatting I want to use yet. If you want to go ahead and start adding or revising content on this page, go ahead, just leave the email below alone and remember that other people might be checking out the page as well, so copy your text before submission in case there is a conflict from someone else making an update. -- KevinAltis


This is my current summary list of the most popular Python projects, ranked roughly by the number of downloads per month, either actual or guesstimate based on mailing list subscribers. I'll probably move this info to a wiki page and update it periodically as new information becomes available. Based on Mike Fletcher's suggestions, if we were to focus our marketing efforts on promoting individual projects or promoting the use of Python for a particular application domain then the cutoff would be projects below PIL or possibly the less popular GUI toolkits (based on mailing list subscribers): PyGTK and PyQT.

Clearly, Python is a much more popular solution for building desktop GUIs and as an add-on scripting language than I suspected before starting this list. At the same time, anytime there is a discussion about building GUIs with Python, someone always mentions that the current crop of Python IDEs and layout tools are disappointing compared to MS Visual Studio and Borland's Delphi, so that's still an opportunity to be filled. Note that Tkinter is not represented below because it is bundled with Python.

On the web side of things Zope/Plone are the only standouts, though Twisted might fit in as well once we have better stats for it, certainly Twisted has a large and active developer base. There are many other web libraries and frameworks as shown by this wiki page

but while there are many choices, most lack critical mass.

Suggestions and corrections welcome,



        downloads: 1.3-1.5 million/month (most downloads are just end-users)
        related Python projects: ABC, G3, burst!

        downloads: 25K/month (most downloads are just end-users, aka Outlook plugin)

        downloads: 2-3K/month
        large installed base, including SourceForge mailing lists

pywin32 (formerly win32all)
        downloads: 20K/month

        downloads: 20K/month
        mailing list subscribers: 900+
        related Python projects: Boa-constructor, wxGlade, SPE, PythonCard

        downloads: 10-14K/month
        related Python projects: Zope, Archetypes, Collective
        book coming out this summer

        related Python projects: Plone
        10 books

Python Imaging Library (PIL
        downloads 9-15K/month (guesstimate)

        mailing list subscribers: 550+

        mailing list subscribers: 500+

        downloads: 6K/month

        downloads: 5K/month
        2 books

MySQL for Python
        downloads 4-5K/month

        need stats

        downloads: 3K/month
        2 books

Additional notes:

  • Mac OS X includes Python - Jaguar used Python 2.2.0, Panther uses Python 2.3.0
  • RedHat and Debian Linux distributions include Python and RedHat uses Python extensively and some Python projects are also included with the distributions.

  • Due to bundling and the use of mirror sites we can't collect meaningful download totals for Linux users for many projects. In those cases, maybe it is better to use the size of the mailing list as a popularity gauge?


MostPopularPythonProjects (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:44 by localhost)

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