wxPython is a blending of the WxWidgets (formerly WxWindows) class library for C++ and Python. wxPython can be found at (surprise!) https://www.wxpython.org/ and it has its own wiki there: https://wiki.wxpython.org/. wxPython Guide is a thorough tutorial on wxPython toolkit. It can be found on zetcode.com
A short series on wxPython can be found on pythonspot.com
IgorTamara: WxPython in a good linux distribution is really easy to install, just : apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-python or
MythDebunking: WxPython is hard to install on Unix. You need the right versions of GTK, WxWidgets and WxPython.
Also check the WxDesigner and BoaConstructor.