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Tutorial Instructors

This is a place for tutorial instructors to pool their resources, make AV equipment inquiries, discuss materials, and ask questions. Specifically, I'd like to talk about:

Wesley Chun :: 2005 Dec 31 && 2006 Jan 07

I'm interested in what everyone has to say... pls feel free to edit this page. I may arrange to arrive earlier Wednesday afternoon, so I could help out with materials if need be. -Wesley (wescpy at 12/31/05

Another thought related to audio recordings is that they can be given away for "free", we could charge a small fee for the slide presentations, and have a larger fee for the combination of the audio clips and the notes. The fees could be used to help offset duplicating the materials, the conference, and/or the instructors. Thoughts? -Wesley, 07 Jan 2006

Ken Whitesell

I'm going to be doing the printing / collating and binding here - and shipping it to Dallas. That way I can verify that everything's done right at least a week before the conference. Then, I'll ship it all directly to the hotel - hopefully soon enough that _just in case_ something goes wrong I can get it reprinted & bound in time to bring it with me. (I consider these expenses to all be part of my overhead - I don't expect additional renumeration for doing this.)

I'm not going to need a mike - trust me. I hope to have two laptops and a kvm. (I might consider requesting / renting a second projector - it's not necessary, but if the price isn't too outrageous, I'd be worth it.)

To be honest, I've never thought about 'redistribution rights'. I've never done anything before that someone thought worth re-distributing.

Steve Holden

FedEx Kinko's willl, I hope, be handling my logistics. I just hope they cost less than the fees :-)

I plan to publish the course slides, with a few accompanying notes, as PDF under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license. I'd like the PSF (and any local groups and schools promoting Python) to be able to benefit by this, so the license does permit commercial use.

I'm used to driving a two-screen presentation system, but can manage with one when I'm slumming it :) I will only have my laptop to generate images anyway, so two screens would likely be showing the same thing.

Having a lavalier mic or similar is invaluable if someone loses their voice (it can happen) but like Ken I normally handle up to 30 students without a P.A.

Wesley Chun :: 2006 Feb 08

andrew has given me the OK to coordinate putting together a tutorial presentation compendium for sale at PyCon for attendees who could not attend some or any of the tutorials but would like to purchase all the notes:

On 1/25/06, A.M. Kuchling <> wrote: > > * Is it OK to sell printed volumes of the tutorial notes? Sure!

this is similar to what they do at OSCON only you buy them separately there -- we can flirt with this option as well. it's not a "conference proceedings" but i think it has some value. also, others have independently given me their opinion that they would be interested in purchasing such a tome.

the point of sales is to attempt to cover as much of your duplication expenses as possible for the tutorials you're giving as well as the duplication expenses for the compendium.

hopefully, we can cover *all* of everyone's expenses and still have some leftover for PyCon 2007 or to give to the PSF. comments?

Wesley Chun :: 2006 Feb 21

DEADLINES -- i must have your tutorial PDF(s) in my inbox by:

  1. tutorial notes only: Wed, Feb 22, 4pm
  2. compendium: Thu, Feb 23, 5pm


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