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Revision 7 as of 2007-03-23 01:00:55

Clear message

Still to do: vetting the comments.

Overall ratings

Is this your first PyCon?

Yes 56% (84) No 44% (66)

What days did you attend PyCon?

Friday 96.6% (143) Saturday 96.6% (143) Sunday 91.9% (136) Tutorials 31.1% (46) Sprints 20.9% (31)

How did you hear about PyCon?

( 9) Mailing list
( 8) comp.lang.python
( 5)
( 4) blogs
( 3) Website
( 3) Planet Python
( 3) Internet
( 2) list
( 2) friend
( 2) Work
( 2) Web Site
( 2) Web
( 2) Python411 Podcast
( 2) Friends
( 2) Employer
( 2) Colleague
( 1) websites
( 1) web page
( 1) web announcement
( 1) was at the last 3
( 1) various people on planet python; trac mailing list
( 1) users group
( 1) the voices in my head
( 1) ssssssssssssssss
( 1) python-dev
( 1) python-announce mailing list
( 1) python blogs
( 1) other python users, the website
( 1) online search for python conferences
( 1) memory: I've been the last two years
( 1) member of the python community
( 1) mailing list of open-source project
( 1) jhuj
( 1) hakan
( 1) googled it figuring something like this must surely exist
( 1) google
( 1) from a friend
( 1) don't remember. probably
( 1) don't remember
( 1) community
( 1) co-worker
( 1) boss and coworkers
( 1) blogs, website, word of mouth
( 1) Zope mailing list
( 1) Went to PyCon 2003
( 1) Went to 2004
( 1) Web friends
( 1) Various mailing lists and blogs
( 1) Unofficial Planet Python
( 1) Titus Brown
( 1) Through friends
( 1) The list
( 1) The Pycon Weblog
( 1) The Internet
( 1) Steve Alexander
( 1) Python411
( 1) Python community
( 1) Python announcements list
( 1) Previous attendance
( 1) Planet Python RSS 
( 1) Organizer
( 1) N/A
( 1) Mail lists and blog discussion
( 1) Local Python User Group
( 1) Last year's PyCon
( 1) Known from python community
( 1) Known about it forever
( 1) Known about PyCon's for a long time., friends.
( 1) Internship
( 1) I've been involved with Python for years - can't remember exctly.
( 1) I've been involved in Python for a long time.
( 1) I've been attending since 2003 (?). The company I worked for was a sponsor in 2003.
( 1) I'm an organizer. First heard on probably
( 1) I dont' remember
( 1) From the Python community -- it's been long enough I don't remember how.
( 1) From the Django project
( 1) From link
( 1) Everywhere!
( 1) Event aggregator website
( 1) Eurpython and various sources on the web
( 1) Email announcement to local user groups
( 1) Don't recall
( 1) Daily Python URL IIRC
( 1) DFW Python user group
( 1) Co-workers had attended in previous years.
( 1) Co-workers
( 1) Chicago User's Group
( 1) CLPA
( 1) Been there the last 3 years now
( 1) Ages ago... forget.
( 1) A few weeks before PyCon 2006

Please rate ...

        very low        low     high    very high       N/A     Response Average
your overall satisfaction with PyCon 2007 in general    
        1% (1)  0% (0)  36% (53)        63% (94)        1% (1)  3.62
your overall satisfaction with the keynotes     
        2% (3)  6% (9)  53% (78)        37% (55)        2% (3)  3.28
your overall satisfaction with the talks        
        0% (0)  11% (16)        66% (96)        23% (33)        1% (1)  3.12
your overall satisfaction with the network      
        1% (1)  20% (30)        48% (70)        22% (33)        9% (13) 3.01
your overall satisfaction with the food 
        3% (4)  17% (25)        57% (85)        22% (33)        1% (1)  3.00
your likelihood of attending next year  
        1% (2)  8% (12) 40% (59)        51% (76)        0% (0)  3.40

Would you prefer a conference that took place

Only on weekdays 19.4% (27)

Includes one weekend day (starts on Sunday or ends on Saturday) 20.9% (29)

Includes two weekend days 59.7% (83)


What were your favorite talks?

(77) Keynote: Ivan Krstic
(66) Keynote: Robert M. Lefkowitz
(43) Lightning Talks
(40) Keynote: Guido van Rossum
(27) (#5)  twill, scotch, and figleaf -- tools for testing
(23) (#47)  SQLAlchemy -- the Front-to-Back database toolkit
(22) (#50)  Interactive Parallel and Distributed Computing with IPython
(22) (#60)  IPython: getting the most out of working interactively in Python
(21) (#36)  Web Frameworks Panel
(18) (#77)  IronPython: Present and futures
(17) (#76)  Using Stackless
(16) (#55)  Towards and Beyond PyPy 1.0
(16) (#66)  WSGI: An Introduction
(14) (#103)  Weaving Together Women and IT
(13) (#52)  Understanding and Using NumPy
(11) Keynote: Dr. Adele Goldberg
(11) (#2)  Python inside Imageworks
(11) (#21)  Testing Tools Panel
(11) (#67)  Good-bye Hello World:  Rethinking Teaching with Python
(11) (#87)  Scaling Python for High-Load Web Sites
(11) (#88)  Dateutil to the Rescue!
(10) (#13)  Developing Desktop Applications with Dabo
(10) (#31)  The Wonderful World of Widgets for the Web
( 9) (#51)  Why and when to use ctypes?
( 8) (#7)  The State of Python Advocacy
( 8) (#20)  Becoming an Open Source Developer: Lessons from the Django Project
( 7) (#49)  Iterators in Action
( 7) (#64)  How I Wrote a Python App and Got $5 Million
( 7) (#102)  Python for Students of the Modern World
( 6) (#25)  The Absolute Minimum an Open Source Developer Must Know About Intellectual Property
( 6) (#39)  Studying Internet Censorship: a Python case study
( 6) (#41)  Securing Python: 'Protecting the interpreter from code wielding fresh fruit'
( 6) (#100)  Visual Python in a Computational Physics Course
( 5) (#96)  PyDX: mathematics is code
( 5) (#3)  Test Automation for a Complex System: Technology and Social Aspects
( 5) (#4)  Pybots: Testing Python Projects in Real Time
( 5) (#42)  Python-Dev Panel: 'We make the things that make Python work.'
( 5) (#56)  Using Python Eggs
( 5) (#69)  Python on Parrot -- under the hood
( 5) (#101)  Embedding Jython applications in a Firefox Extension
( 4) (#19)  Writing Parsers and Compilers with PLY
( 4) (#29)  Introduction to Zope 3 - The Component Architecture
( 4) (#46)  Packaging Python apps for Linux Distributions
( 4) (#6)  Developing with IronPython and Windows Forms
( 4) (#63)  Creating the WhatWhat Project with TurboGears
( 4) (#70)  Accessing and serving scientific datasets with Python
( 4) (#79)  Python and vim: Two great tastes that go great together.
( 4) (#80)  Galaxy: A Python based web framework for comparative genomics
( 4) (#94)  Software Development with Trac
( 3) (#12)  The Star Schema in Python - Analysis and Reporting without Overheads
( 3) (#38)  Python, Unicode, and Internationalization
( 3) (#57)  State of Zope Panel
( 3) (#61)  Easy Creation of Interactive Tutorials
( 3) (#85)  The Essentials of Stackless Python
( 3) (#93)  Jython for Python Developers
( 2) (#32)  pyweek: making games in 7 days
( 2) (#34)  Python and wxPython for Experimental Economics
( 2) (#40)  Embedding Little Languages in Python
( 2) (#72)  SQLSoup
( 2) (#78)  soaplib: an easy-to-use python soap library 
( 2) Tutorial: code like a pythonista
( 1) (#16)  Python In Open Pit Mining Operations
( 1) (#17)  Topographica: Python used for Computational Neuroscience
( 1) (#27)  Distributing your project with Python Eggs
( 1) (#45)  Writing a Python Extension module in C++ using Swig
( 1) (#90)  Developing Python applications in Komodo 4.0
( 1) (#91)  Unit testing with mock objects using PyMock
( 1) (#92)  Write Less Code with XRC for wxPython
( 1) (#97)  Parsing revisited: a grammar transformation approach to parsing
( 1) pvm
( 1) lunch!
( 1) Twisted BoF
( 1) Tutorial: Testing Tools
( 1) Tutorial: Database API
( 1) The program was excellent. I wanted to 'waste' this vote to make that point. I had a hard time limiting my selections as I gained in so many areas! Treating lightning talks as a premium event was a WONDERFUL change. IMO, it is a KEEPER!
( 1) Openspace sessions
( 1) Might want to distinguish between favourite (well-presented), useful. 
( 1) Lefkowitz was really in a league of his own!
( 1) It was extremely difficult to narrow down to 5.
( 1) Ian Bicking's lightning in particular
( 1) Django BoF
( 1) BOFs
( 1) - The two open space presentations given by Enthought  - Japan usergroup lightening talk  - Another lightning talk that same period on human user interface development (or something).  The funny AE web development.

What 5 topics should have been covered at PyCon?

(12) Twisted
( 4) Testing
( 4) SciPy
( 4) Optimization
( 3) web frameworks
( 3) system administration
( 3) pygame
( 3) libraries
( 3) Python Internals
( 3) Pylons
( 3) PyPy
( 2) python idioms
( 2) more of same
( 2) games
( 2) Python in embedded systems
( 2) Plone
( 2) OOP/Design Patterns
( 2) Future of the Python language
( 2) Embedding Python in other apps
( 2) Embedded Python
( 2) Databases
( 1) web services
( 1) web developement
( 1) unicorns
( 1) tracks of topics to dig deeper
( 1) text processing
( 1) tapioca
( 1) sub-sonic avionics
( 1) spatulas
( 1) soap programming
( 1) setuptools
( 1) real-world iterator examples
( 1) real-world ctypes examples
( 1) qt3 and qt4
( 1) pvm
( 1) profiling & optimization
( 1) practical data structures
( 1) performance
( 1) panel on setuptools vs distutils
( 1) other language changes (pypy, stackless, py3k, etc.)
( 1) multimedia
( 1) more panels in general on advanced development alternatives
( 1) more advanced web framework panel like last year
( 1) mod_python
( 1) meta programming
( 1) longer tutorials on sqlalchemy
( 1) limits of the python interpreter
( 1)
( 1) how to use distutils
( 1) freevo
( 1) extension development
( 1) extending komodo 4.0 with firefox technology
( 1) everything else was covered
( 1) evangelism primer
( 1) enterprise web
( 1) enterprise topics
( 1) docutils
( 1) distutils
( 1) development in a team environment
( 1) decorators
( 1) continuously variable transmissions
( 1) cheetah
( 1) boot.python
( 1) better code commenting
( 1) ajax
( 1) advocacy
( 1) XML Processing with ElementTree
( 1) Writing a Trac plugin
( 1) Wrapping your brain around PIL
( 1) Worst things a python programmer can do (speed, style, etc.)
( 1) Wing IDE plugins, creating
( 1) What is Pypi?
( 1) What Python could learn from Ruby
( 1) Web architecture, performance, and scaling
( 1) Web applications
( 1) Web application deployment/management
( 1) Using Apache
( 1) Travel arrangements wiki/blog page
( 1) Threaded python
( 1) Text processing (NLP)
( 1) Test Driven Development
( 1) Systems/Network management tools
( 1) Systems Administration
( 1) State of Python Distributions (list - show differences)
( 1) Standardisation efforts
( 1) Speech recognition
( 1) Software engineering
( 1) Smackdown of the top 3 web frameworks
( 1) Smackdown of the top 3 Python implementations
( 1) SimPy
( 1) ShedSkin
( 1) Scientific computing
( 1) Rule dispatch (from PEAK)
( 1) Room sharing wiki/blog page
( 1) Refactoring
( 1) RSS feed for schedule changes
( 1) RDF
( 1) Python/Objective-C bridge
( 1) Python vs and using Python with  Java, C#, Ruby, etc
( 1) Python tips and tricks
( 1) Python predictions (where it has been and where is it going to be as far as in companies and in projects)
( 1) Python on Nokia N800
( 1) Python in integration efforts
( 1) Python in education
( 1) Python best practices
( 1) Python 3.0 Demo (compiled)
( 1) Python 2.5
( 1) Python 2.3 compatibility and how it affects you (most compat modules I've seen don't work right)
( 1) Python - write once - run on many
( 1) Pyrex
( 1) Pyjamas
( 1) PyUSB/PySerial
( 1) PyOpenGL/PyGame
( 1) Project management with Python
( 1) Profiling
( 1) Predictive dispatch
( 1) Plugins
( 1) Parallelism, concurrency
( 1) Parallel computing (multicore etc.)
( 1) OS X and Python
( 1) OLPC Machine Python Internals
( 1) Not much else, really well done!
( 1) Nose
( 1) New projects unknown to me (they were)
( 1) Nevow
( 1) Networking apps
( 1) Network distributed systems in python
( 1) More technical talks on *how* to accomplish things
( 1) More social interactions
( 1) More room in Django tutorial
( 1) More advanced topics!
( 1) Mobile devices
( 1) Mercurial
( 1) Large-scale Python deployments & projects
( 1) Kamalia
( 1) IronPython and ASP
( 1) IronPython
( 1) Intro to Sugar (from OLPC)
( 1) Intro for people new to programming
( 1) Internationalization
( 1) Integrating Zope 3 Components
( 1) Industry case studies
( 1) IP law
( 1) I was there only for the morning tutorial, therefore cannot suggest anything, besides the fact that I am still in the early phases of learning python....
( 1) How to add new numpy types
( 1) How YouTube runs on Python
( 1) HOW to use ctypes
( 1) Graphics
( 1) Generic Agile Testing Methods
( 1) General python programming talks, e.g. python magic (descriptors and metaclasses) python idioms, or 'gettings more out of python', or optimizing python
( 1) GIL
( 1) Fun with generators (and how to make them look like lists)
( 1) Frameworks
( 1) FormEncode
( 1) FUSE & python
( 1) Encryption technologies
( 1) Elixir
( 1) Eggs-yes there were two but they didn't work well
( 1) Django
( 1) Development strategies
( 1) Cryptography
( 1) Creating extensions with pyrex
( 1) Coverage of editors and IDEs
( 1) Conducting code reviews in Python
( 1) Concurrency in Python
( 1) Community Building
( 1) Command-line parsing
( 1) Code coverage
( 1) Building a Zope3 app
( 1) Best practice
( 1) BOF talk wiki page
( 1) Artificial Intelligence
( 1) Applications of Python
( 1) Advanced topics
( 1) Advanced eggs


Where did you stay?

Hotel 81.1% (120)

Hostel 0% (0)

With friends 4.1% (6)

Am local resident 10.8% (16)


1. I actually drove all night to get to the conference. Then I drove back
   after the tutorial (around 5 hours each direction), but I am very
   happy I came there...
2.      Marriott Residence
3.      residence inn
4.      different hotel (keep price down)
5.      hotel other than the host hotel
6.      In-laws

What is your maximum per-person nightly room budget for accommodations?

$75 or less 16% (23)

$100 38.2% (55)

$125 21.5% (31)

$150 12.5% (18)

$200 6.9% (10)

More than $200 4.9% (7)

How are you paying for your PyCon trip?

100% self-funded 35.1% (52)

100% employer-funded? 54.7% (81)

Shared expense 10.1% (15)

If shared, how?

1.        Employer paid registration, I paid travel
2.      $500 from employer, rest from me
3.      50-50
4.      Employer paid for flight, hotel, and registration. I paid the rest.
5.      some discretionary research money
6.      paid travel/hotel expenses for some
7.      Press admission.  I don't have money for accomodations, so I commuted.
8.      Employer covers hotel and travel; I cover food and entertainment.
9.      I pay expenses and for the conference, company pays for airfare and hotel
10.     I am my employer


If PyCon were not to be in Dallas,TX or Chicago, IL, what 3 cities/regions would you prefer?

(27) Boston MA
(26) Washington DC
(24) San Francisco CA
(16) New York NY
(14) Denver CO
(13) Bay area
(12) Seattle WA
(10) Atlanta GA
( 9) Portland OR
( 8) san diego CA
( 8) Austin TX
( 6) Montreal QC
( 6) Los Angeles CA
( 6) Las Vegas NV
( 6) Chicago IL
( 5) Miami FL
( 5) East Coast
( 5) Cleveland OH
( 5) California
( 4) Silicon Valley
( 4) Orlando FL
( 4) New Orleans LA
( 4) Baltimore MD
( 3) hawaii
( 3) Vancouver BC
( 3) St. Louis MO
( 3) SouthEast
( 3) San Jose CA
( 3) Philadelphia PA
( 3) Northeast
( 3) Nashville TN
( 3) Midwest
( 3) Florida
( 3) Dallas TX
( 2) West Coast
( 2) Washington
( 2) Toronto ON
( 2) Tampa FL
( 2) Southern CA
( 2) Santa Fe NM
( 2) Phoenix AZ
( 2) Mountain View CA
( 2) Memphis TN
( 2) London
( 2) Kansas City MO
( 2) Houston TX
( 2) Honolulu HI
( 2) Denver/Boulder CO
( 2) Colorado
( 2) Boulder CO
( 1) southern california
( 1) somewhere mountainous
( 1) milwaukee wi
( 1) huntsville AL
( 1) el paso tx
( 1) don't care - just good airline connections, and central location
( 1) detroit MI
( 1) colorado springs CO
( 1) central oklahoma
( 1) buffalo ny
( 1) anyplace with good public transportation
( 1) anyplace warm in winter
( 1) any place not extremely challenging, expensive to visit
( 1) Washington/Oregon
( 1) Warm
( 1) Southwest
( 1) South Central US
( 1) Somewhere with good transportation
( 1) Somewhere in Colorado
( 1) Somewhere I'd like to visit anyway
( 1) Savannah GA
( 1) Sao Paulo
( 1) Sandusky OH
( 1) San Antonio TX
( 1) Salt Lake City UT
( 1) SF
( 1) Rio de Janeiro
( 1) Raleigh NC
( 1) Portland/Seattle WA
( 1) Pacific Northwest
( 1) Pacific North East
( 1) Other Midwest city
( 1) Oregon
( 1) Omaha NE
( 1) Northwest
( 1) North Midwest
( 1) North East
( 1) North Carolina
( 1) Newport Beach CA
( 1) NE
( 1) Montreal (Canada)
( 1) Mobile AL
( 1) Mid West
( 1) Los Angeles (CA in general, San Fran too)
( 1) Long Beach CA
( 1) Lawrence KS
( 1) Las Vegas
( 1) Indianapolis IN
( 1) Hartford CT
( 1) Ft. Worth TX
( 1) Elsewhere on West Coast (Seattle, Vancouver, etc)
( 1) Doesn't really matter, if I can go, I will go where ever!!!
( 1) Columbus OH
( 1) Cleburne TX
( 1) Charlotte NC
( 1) Central US
( 1) Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina
( 1) Canada
( 1) CA or WA would be good sometime
( 1) Burlington MA
( 1) Bay Area/LA  or other warm cali region with a beach and a major city
( 1) Arlington TX
( 1) Arizona
( 1) Anywhere with int'l airport


Would you be interested in attending half-day (3-hour) tutorials next year?

Yes 56.4% (79)

No 43.6% (61)

If yes, please list 3 tutorial subjects you would like to attend.

{{{( 8) twisted ( 6) Django ( 4) wxPython ( 4) SQLAlchemy ( 4) PyGame ( 3) testing ( 3) ctypes ( 3) Optimization ( 3) Advanced Python ( 2) pylons ( 2) Zope 3 ( 2) Testing Tools ( 2) Parallel Programming ( 2) Database ( 2) Dabo ( 2) Advanced SQLAlchemy ( 1) zope programming ( 1) zope ( 1) writing maintainable code ( 1) web frameworks ( 1) web application development ( 1) using matplotlib ( 1) unicode ( 1) turbogears and NVU or like ( 1) test automation ( 1) secure programming ( 1) qt4 ( 1) princesses ( 1) paste ( 1) numpy ( 1) nokia python ( 1) network utilities ( 1) my coworkers what beginner's python ( 1) metaclasses ( 1) jython ( 1) intro to turbogears ( 1) intermediate data structures ( 1) formencode ( 1) firetrucks ( 1) eric3 and svn ( 1) eggs ( 1) don't know yet ( 1) dinosaurs ( 1) debugging ( 1) classes ( 1) advice for people new to programming/python ( 1) advanced anything -- all tutorials seem mostly beginner/intro level ( 1) advanced advanced ( 1) Zope3 Site Deployment and scaling ( 1) WxPython / Graphing ( 1) Writing unit tests ( 1) Writing c extensions ( 1) Writing a Twisted Server ( 1) Web Framework (TurboGears/Django/etc) ( 1) Web Application Programming ( 1) WSGI ( 1) Using the Natural Language Tool Kit ( 1) Using setuptools ( 1) Using SSL in Python ( 1) Using Python modules ( 1) Using Pyrex to write C extensions ( 1) Understanding generic functions ( 1) Twisted client-server development ( 1) TurboGears hands on programming ( 1) TurboGears ( 1) Trac Plugin development ( 1) Testing frameworks ( 1) Talking to hardware with Python ( 1) TCP/IP network programming ( 1) Stackless Python ( 1) Stackless ( 1) Scientific Computing with Python ( 1) Scientifc Python, Numpy etc. ( 1) Scaling Python ( 1) SQLAlchemy (or similar) ( 1) SQL Alchemy ( 1) RAD wxpython ( 1) PythonCard/wxPython/GUIs ( 1) Python optimization ( 1) Python metaprogramming: metaclasses and related stuff ( 1) Python internals (e.g. bridging the Python -> C API gap) ( 1) Python idioms ( 1) Python code transformations using parsing modules ( 1) Python and SOA ( 1) Python Programming ( 1) Python Institute (a new 'continuing' past PyCon idea - face2face) ( 1) Python 101 ( 1) PyPy transformations (build your own language) ( 1) Porting to Python 3000 ( 1) Patterns in Python ( 1) Parsing dtat from the Web (screen scraping) ( 1) Optimizing Python for Smarties ( 1) Optimisation ( 1) Object Oriented Python ( 1) Object Oriented Programming and overall program structure ( 1) ORMs ( 1) OOP ( 1) OLPC ( 1) Module writing in C (CPython) or C# (IronPython) ( 1) Meta-programming ( 1) Managing large projects (testing/tricks/...) ( 1) Making Best Use of ZODB/Durus ( 1) Libraries ( 1) Leveraging Python 3.0 ( 1) Komodo hands on training ( 1) Jython/WxPython/IPython ( 1) Iterators, Decorators ( 1) Intro to agile programming; testing frameworks ( 1) Intro to Web Frameworks & Python ( 1) Intro to SQL & Python ( 1) Intermediate to Advanced Python ( 1) Interfaces in application integration ( 1) Int./adv. programming techniques ( 1) IPython ( 1) IP law ( 1) How to not mess up using setuptools (+cheeseshop, etc) ( 1) Hard-CS topics (i.e. formal languages) ( 1) Giving Talks about Python ( 1) Game Programming ( 1) Framework (Django/TG/etc) ( 1) FFT audio analysis and filtering using Numeric (or something) ( 1) Extensions, optimization ( 1) Extension writing (ctypes, SWIG, etc.) ( 1) ElementTree (or XML Processing) ( 1) Eggs, distutils, etc. ( 1) Documentation and Testing ( 1) Django or TurboGears tutorial ( 1) Django for beginners (101 level, hands on examples) ( 1) Deploying a Python web app ( 1) Depends on what I'm doing next year ( 1) Decorators ( 1) Debugging Python Programs ( 1) Debian Python policy ( 1) Creating a SWIG .i file ( 1) Cool Things You Didn't Know about Python ( 1) Compiler Writing ( 1) Building a web gallery using Python ( 1) Basics of network programming ( 1) Anything about numpy or scipy ( 1) Anything David Goodger does ( 1) Advanced Web UI design/Development with Zope3 ( 1) Advanced Python Programming ( 1) Advanced Python Networking ( 1) Actor Gaming Using Stackless and PyGame }}}

Other comments

How can we improve PyCon next year?

Do you have any other comments about PyCon 2007?


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