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The following is a list of all the open space sessions at PyCon 2008; Peter Kropf wrote down the titles from the index cards used to mark slots as taken. There were 84 sessions, up from 54 at PyCon 2007.

Anyone up for P oker?
Bazaar Overview
Beer BOF
Board Game Social
Buildbot BOF
Building a Visualization with NodeBox on OS X
Carpool to Nokia Store
Chandler Demo
CherryPy BOF
ChiPy Meeting
Comet BOF
Concurrency (the GIL, processing, etc.)
Ctypes anyone?
Deploying Twisted
Dev chix - who, what, why?
Distributed Computing
Django BOF (Beer after)
Django Reusable Apps Informal Sprinting
Django SQLAlchemy
EduPython BOF       
Ella - Django-based CMS
Ergonomic BOF
Eventlet and Mulib - High-concurrency networking libraries that fight crime!
Flex & Python
Flex & Python & AIR
GASP Graphical API for Students of Python
Games with Twisted
Genroo Foundation
Grassy Knoll
How about some Python in Naga / for VFX BOF?
How do we sell Python to management?
I18N'izing your Python Web Apps
Jython Sprint
Multiprocessor Parallelism
Musician's BOF
Natural Language Translation BOF
NetFlix Prize BOF
Nose Mini-sprint 
NumPy / SciPy mini sprint
Online lexing / parsing to make a python-based programming editor
that's better than yours!
Open-Source ENSO linguistic command line / human user interfaces BOF
Overview of Bazaar VCS
PSF Member's Meeting
Politics & Python BOF
PyCon 2010 planning kickoff meeting
PyCon A/V Editing 
PyPy on the firing line
Pycon Unwind
Pyglet BOF
Python & Testing Distributed Network (like live P2P TV!)
Python & Win32
Python + .NET Info Session
Python Lab
Python in Maya and VFX BOF
Science BOF
Secrets of Framework Creators Lab
Setting / running a Usergroup Advocacy
Setup OLPC XO development environment
SnapLogic Data Integration
SnapLogic Restful Data Integration Framework
Sponsor Thank-you Reception
Storage & P2P filesharing
Tape -> Disk Copying
Teach Me Twisted  
Texas Pythoneers
The Freebase "First time is free" BOF
Trac BOF
TurboGears w/ DBSprokets and ToscaWidgets
TurboGears2 Documentation mini sprint
Twisted Sprint Tutorial Now
Twisted mini sprint
web2py Tutorial
What Python Needs Brainstorming session - Better Docs? Certain Modules?
What would you like to see Sun do with Python?
WingIDE User BOF 

PyCon2008/OpenSpaceTalkTitles (last edited 2009-07-31 13:23:49 by AndrewKuchling)

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