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This page lists the session chairs for PyCon 2004. If you volunteered to be a session chair, please add your name to appropriate session you intend to chair.

Here's the PyCon 2004 schedule and the list of talks with abstracts.


Web Programming I -- Sean Reifschneider

Applications I -- MichaelChermside

Implementation -- Brett Cannon

Math and Science -- S. Candelaria de Ram

Twisted and Crypto -- Itamar Shtull-Trauring

Language -- Sean Reifschneider


Pyrex -- Evelyn Mitchell

Zope -- Paul Dubois

Gui and 3D -- UNCLAIMED

OO Tutorials -- UNCLAIMED

Applications II -- Evelyn Mitchell

Testing and Documentation -- David Goodger


Web Programming II -- Sean Reifschneider

Distribution and Apps III -- MichaelChermside

Education -- Michael McLay

Flour, Water, Macintosh -- UNCLAIMED

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