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Using a different view with QComboBox

On the PyQt mailing list, Adam W. asked for "A simple way to add another column to QComboBox?". Here is some sample code that does this:

   1 import sys
   2 from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QVariant
   3 from PyQt4.QtGui import *
   6 app = QApplication(sys.argv)
   7 model = QStandardItemModel()
   9 items = [("ABC", True),
  10          ("DEF", False),
  11          ("GHI", False)]
  13 for text, checked in items:
  15     text_item = QStandardItem(text)
  16     checked_item = QStandardItem()
  17     checked_item.setData(QVariant(checked), Qt.CheckStateRole)
  18     model.appendRow([text_item, checked_item])
  20 view = QTreeView()
  21 view.header().hide()
  22 view.setRootIsDecorated(False)
  24 combo = QComboBox()
  25 combo.setView(view)
  26 combo.setModel(model)
  29 sys.exit(app.exec_())

Note that we set the model on the combo box, not the view.

Some improvements could be made to this code. For example, at small sizes the pop-up doesn't always show both columns. Perhaps the combo box's sizeAdjustPolicy property would help with this.

An alternative way to display custom items in the combo box would be to implement a custom item delegate and set that on the combo box.

PyQt/Using a different view with QComboBox (last edited 2014-06-07 14:43:03 by DavidBoddie)

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