Complete Taxonomy
Please visit the PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy for a much more complete list of test tools of all kinds.
UnitTest in the standard library (
StatementCoverage This module runs your code, then produces a report on how many statements were executed, and which ones were not. Use it to ensure your unit tests test everything.
DataTest at
McCabe-like Python Cyclomatic Complexity analysis tools are available at They're written in Perl, but read and analyze only Python code. Complexity is bad, this will help you simplify code - especially code you didn't write.
zope.testing provides a powerful test runner that supports test discovery and a wide range of options to control how tests are run and results reported.
nose is "a discovery-based unittest extension" that generally also supports PyTest functionality.
Best Practices
Sprouted out by
What I need is a layered test system like
- test suit
- with fast/normal/detailed mode
- with known failing tests excluded
- test package to group related tests with preset parameters
- individual test
- with options like log details
- with ability to flex parameters, extend options etc.
- test utilities
- fuzzy difference
- different logging/reporting/visualization helpers
- with output capture capability
-- MikeRovner 2004-02-27 19:25:32